Saturday 19 March 2016

Review! - The True and Splendid History of the Harristown Sisters by Michelle Lovric

The True and Splendid History of the Harristown Sisters LovricTitle: The True and Splendid History of the Harristown Sisters

Author: Michelle Lovric

Genre: Historical Fiction

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I've read two Michelle Lovric books before - The Book of Human Skin (UK - US) and Carnevale (UK - US.) (To read my review of Carnevale, click here.)

Lovric's books are usually pretty damned entrancing and thought-provoking. So I decided to try this one too.

Also, the blurb said that it was about girls with uber-long hair. I have some uber-long hair myself (though not as long as theirs!) and wanted to see where this was going.

This is a relatively long review - because I clearly had a lot to say about this book. :)


Manticory Swiney (I know, that's a fab name!) is one of seven sisters - herself, Darcy, Oona, Enda, Berenice, Pertilly, and Idolatry (known as Ida,) - living in poverty in the rural Irish village of Harristown.
Their way out seems clear to the ambitious Darcy - they have only one thing going for them: their exceptionally long and thick hair.
And so the Swiney sisters become a stage-show. And learn the terrible price of fame and fortune.

Best bits:

As ever, the high point to any Michelle Lovric book is the louche and sinuous prose - it's rich, it's beautiful, it carries you along with the sensuousness and the decadence of it all.

This book has a real gothic vibe to it - and I love me some gothickyness! (Yes, I invented a word - shush.)

Between nineteenth century Ireland, and Lovric's beloved Venice (I have yet to find a Lovric book without Venice in some capacity,) my gothic-thirst was well and truly sated.

I also loved the way that 'modern' topics - celebrity, journalism, commercialism - are handled in a nineteenth century setting. It's fascinating.

And, of course, the hair.

I can vouch for the fact that sometimes people think of you as somehow being public property when you have long hair.

This can be sweet (like the little old lady behind me at the bank who just had to touch my rain-speckled hair because it was 'like diamonds,') or down-right creepy (for example, the middle-aged guy who stood behind me at a concert, and every so often gave the strands of my hair a sharp little tug, then acted innocent whenever I turned around to glare at him.)

And of course, there are plenty of people in between who think it's ok to twirl it around their fingers and paw at it in random places. Sometimes it is ok. Like, if I've ever actually met you before. Or if you ask, not just grab.

Lovric definitely captures the creepy - though not so much of the sweet.

Instead, the girls' hair seems a burden, weighing them down both literally and metaphorically throughout the book - which fits in with all the gothic stuff anyway I suppose.

Manticory is a really sympathetic and relatable narrator/character - and she's a bit bookish, which I always like to see.

A quick word about Darcy - she's just brilliantly psychopathic, and I love the way she provides such a manipulative influence on all the girls' lives, which they find themselves unable to break because of the ties of blood and family.

Not so great bits:

This book might be distressing to some people (I say this a lot - is it just me? Is my taste in reading particularly warped or something?)

There's some gore, violence, and a bit of general warped disturbing-ness.

There is some sex, as well as some sexual assault on a child early on (which luckily isn't written overly-disturbingly, but obviously is still pretty unpleasant to read.)

It's also not a quick read - it's not that it drags, it doesn't - but, somehow, I just didn't get through it that quickly. Maybe it's the style or the fact that there's so much going on.


This was a great book with a gothic-atmosphere and a lot going on. I really enjoyed it, but it's not the quickest read - more of a marathon than a sprint. But worth it.

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Friday 18 March 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Stuck in the AU

Friday fanfictionAlright, alright - you caught me red-handed. This is Omegaverse.

(Fangirl Note: I explained what the heck Omegaverse is in this post. Check it out, because I'm not explaining it again.)

Unlike my usual murky swim in the hormones, pheromones, and general bodily nuttiness of the Omegaverse, this is not FrostIron (which is like my fanfiction Kryptonite,) it is, in fact, Stucky.

(Fangirling Note: Stucky is the romantic/sexual combination of Steve Rogers (Captain America) and his oldest friend (who has similarly stunted aging,) Bucky Barnes.

This isn't really my otp (that's FrostIron, naturally,) but I do ship it. Shipping is when you want two characters to be together romantically, regardless of canon (i.e. official) standing.)

My fanfiction recommendation for you lovely people this week is:

it's hard to look behind you (when your back's up against the wall) by AustinB

It's 18+ again guys on account of male-on-male sexy-times. (Right, I've warned you. Your parents can't yell at me if you choose to ignore me.)

This is set all the way back in WW2 - in Cap 'n' Bucky's heyday with The Howling Commandos.

Although the fic author tags this as basically PWP, I actually found it to be more romance and love-based than you would generally expect from a PWP fic.

(Fangirl note: PWP is variously expanded as Porn With Plot, Porn Without Plot, Porn Without Point, Plot What Plot?, Point What Point? and probably a lot of other versions too. It means that it's essentially an erotica fic, with very little going on in terms of  plot.)

This fic features Bucky as an Omega, and Steve as Alpha, under enemy fire with Bucky about to go into heat (if you didn't understand that, check out that explanation I mentioned earlier.)

Like I said, there's a lot more heart, emotion, and plot here than I would normally expect from a PWP, but there are sexy times - you've been warned!

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Thursday 17 March 2016

Comics Wrap Up - Put on Your War Paint

Film Trailers

There was Civil War!!!!!!! CIVIL WAR!!!!!!

Basically, there's a new Captain America: Civil War trailer, and all the nerds on the planet are currently having fandom-based meltdowns.

Also, there's a big push to split into Team Captain America or Team Iron Man. I don't want to.

I have decided that I can't choose between my Steve and my Tony, so I choose Bucky. I'm officially on Team Bucky.

And if anything happens to my Bucky Bear, I will track down the people who made the decision. NOTHING better happen to Bucky Bear! My feels can't take it.

You know when you want something so bad that you don't want it to happen? That's me with this film.

Graphic Novels

The Beauty graphic novel

I reviewed the newly-released The Beauty Volume 1 (UK - USA) - a graphic novel about an STI which makes people beautiful (no, really.)

From indie-publisher Image Comics, this is by Jeremy Haun and Jason A Hurley.

It's a really original graphic novel, with an awesome cover (seriously, I can't stop talking about that cover - look at it!) It was pretty compelling and uber-interesting.

To read my full review, click here.

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Wednesday 16 March 2016

10 Random Non-Bookish Facts About Me

I was tagged by the lovely Olivia-Savannah @ Olivia's Catastrophe.

What happens next is completely Olivia's fault ;) Just kidding, you know I love you.

Here are the rules my dears:

1. Nominate 5 bloggers
2. Let the bloggers know that you've nominated them.
3. Share 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
Before I scar you all for life, let's get the nominations out of the way.
Check out the blogs of these nominees - they are all awesome and lovely ladies, with hearts of gold, a wicked sense of humour, and blogs that are worth checking out. :)
Dear Nominees: Feel free to completely ignore this - it's just for fun, and I honestly don't care if you decide not to do it.
I hate it when people feel pressured into doing tags etc. - do it if you want to, don't do it if you don't want to.
And obviously, if you've already done this or something similar then don't feel like you have to do it again.
My 5 nominated bloggers:
  1. Emily @ The Paperback Princess
  2. Emma-Jane @ The Book Crunch
  3. Geraldine @ Corralling Books
  4. Sierra @ The Nerdgirl Review
  5. Tina @ Tina the Bookworm

Righty-o - now for the fun. The 10 things about me. You ready for this? ;)

1. I'm a vegetarian.

I don't eat meat, fish, or chicken (which is meat - but you'd be surprised how many people don't think so.)
I was raised vegetarian by my lovely parents, who aren't weirdos, and are only slightly hippy-ish. We live in a normal house, not a tent. We don't partake of illegal substances.

My parents have never forced their beliefs on me - this is no more indoctrination than raising someone as a non-vegetarian is.

It's not that I 'just don't like the taste,' I'm not just 'being awkward,' I don't just 'really hate vegetables,' and I don't know what I'd do if I was starving on a desert island: I'd appreciate it if people could stop hypothetically stranding me on islands - it's a bit weird.

(And that is just some of the cr*p I have to put up with when people hear the word 'vegetarian.')

2. I once threw up at a rock concert.

OK, so it was because of dehydration... but it counts!

It was a Fall Out Boy concert - I've seen them 3 times.

The medical people were uber-surprised that I hadn't drunk any alcohol, and hadn't taken any drugs. I think they were weirdly proud of me!

3. I have two cats.

I love cats. Cats are like furry awesomeness :)

I currently have two rescue cats - a male and a female, Jango and Xena.

I love them both so much - Jango's my baby boy (despite being the older one,) and Xena's my tiny little warrior princess (the name came with her, but it totally fits.)

My lovely Xena

They're also completely in love with each other - which is ridiculously adorable.

4. I love reality TV.

I know it's junk - but I don't care. Sometimes you need some junk in your life :)

And I love Judge Judy - I never start the day without her!

5. I look about 12.

Yep, that picture is me (sigh.) I wish I looked a little more my age.

OK, maybe more 14 than 12. Either way, I don't look 20-something (which is what I am.)

I get ID'd for lottery tickets (age 16+ in the UK,) and alcohol (age 18+,) as well as being asked regularly why I'm not in school (um... because I finished school years ago maybe?)

I don't think it helps that I'm short.

So, that's part of the reason I use the bird as my avatar - I hate people assuming I'm younger than I am. Also, the bird is awesome.

6. I have central heterochromia.

This means that the centre of my iris (around the pupil) is a different colour to the outside of my iris.

It's a genetic mutation which is inherited from my mother's family, and has no affects apart from the colour of my eyes. :)

7. I once kicked a nurse.

In my defence, I was about 6. And she was a b**ch.

8. I see cake as one of the major food groups.

Y'know, you got your carbohydrates, your proteins, all that other jazz... and cake! (Particularly chocolate cake. It's chocolate, it's cake. What more could you want?)

9. I can do a pretty good impression of a sheep.

This is what happens when you grow up living next to a field. It just does.

Also, no horrible racist/xenophobic comments about the Welsh and sheep please! :/

10. I love you for reading this!

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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Review! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - The Beauty, Vol 1 by Jeremy Haun and Jason A Hurley

The Beauty graphic novelTitle: The Beauty, Volume 1

Author: Jeremy Haun, Jason A Hurley
Contributors: John Rauch, Fonografiks

Genre: Graphic Novels, Dystopian, Horror, Sci-Fi

Series: The Beauty (#1-6)

Release Date: 16 March 2016

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I received a free digital review copy of this book via NetGalley. NetGalley provides review copies from publishers in exchange for fair and honest reviews.
The cover attracted me to this - as I've said before, the cover is a showcase for a graphic novel: if the cover is poor, the general artwork standard will be poor.
And the cover of The Beauty, Volume 1... wow. So striking. So beautifully terrible, and terribly beautiful. I had to read it.


There is a new STI sweeping through the population.
But this disease is one that people are purposely catching.

Why? Because this STI, quickly named 'The Beauty,' makes you slim, toned, and beautiful. Your hair is shiny, your features and skin are flawless.

But it's a disease. And there are always downsides.

Two detectives find themselves investigating the terrible truth of The Beauty - and being caught up in a web of anti-beauty terrorists, shady corporations, and corruption within government agencies.

Things are going to get dangerous.

Best bits:

The plot and the premise are uber-interesting and uber-compelling - I read this in one sitting, because I had to know what happened next.

I also love the kind of critique it casts on our current society - this world is essentially our own. The only difference is The Beauty - and those who are infected, and are known as Beauties.

And, let's face it, if we woke up tomorrow and found out there was a sexually transmitted virus which could make us 'perfect' - could make us look like some airbrushed model? Well, there would be more than a few people lining up to get infected.

People place a huge amount of importance on looks - and if the side-effects weren't yet known? Well, just think about it. Think about how people would act.
The characters here are also well-thought-through, and you actually do care what happens to them - a sign of a good story if ever there was one.

Not so great bits:

This is a graphic novel - it gets very graphic: in terms of sexual content, gore, and violence.

One or two panels actually freaked me out gore-wise - and I'm pretty unfreakable by this point.

I was also slightly disappointed in the artwork - don't get me wrong, it was serviceable, it did its job, it was effective. There was nothing wrong with the artwork... 

It didn't wow me. I rarely thought it truly beautiful.

As my main reason for reading this book was the striking beauty of the cover, the fact that it didn't achieve that... wow... again, was a little bit of a let-down.

This was slightly alleviated by the cover gallery at the back - but these were thumbnails, not full-page prints - which would've been more awesome.


A really interesting and gripping book. I had some issues with it (ha, issues - comics... ok, I'll be quiet,) but those problems don't change the fact that I wanted to know what happened - and would like to read future instalments too.

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Monday 14 March 2016

Review Time! - Midnight by Jacqueline Wilson

Title: Midnight
Midnight book cover
Author: Jacqueline Wilson

Genre: Kids, Contemporary, Chick Lit

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

I decided to give this a shot because I usually enjoy Jacqueline Wilson books, and it seemed pretty interesting.

It was fairly short, so a nice book to slot in in between others.


Violet is a slightly awkward and lonely 13-year-old. She loves books and the gothic fairies drawn by her favourite author, Casper Dream.
She also loves her brother, Will, but things have been weird ever since they found out Will is adopted. And sometimes Will likes to play games that are... a bit horrible.

Now there's a new girl at school, Jasmine. Could this finally be a true friend for Violet?

Best bits:

This is a fab book. I really loved it (I know its a kids book, and I don't care!)
I think Violet was a great character - to be honest, I saw a lot of myself in her (I was a really weird child.)
And Wilson makes you really feel for her (my God guys, the feels in this book!) It feels so realistic - the simple hurts that mean so much are so beautifully weaved in, complete with layers of complexity.
Will, likewise, has a complexity that I love finding in any book - and is all too rare sometimes in kids' books. Will is also a bit like a mini-Loki, if Loki were a teenager, and human, and his father was a policeman, instead of a God.
I loved the gothic elements and the fairies - just fab.
I also liked the slightly sinister edge there was in this book in places - to Will's games, to their father's treatment of both his children and his wife, and to the idea of changelings and all that came with it.
It came off really well, and didn't overwhelm, just giving that small edge of unease that makes you want to read more.
Not so great bits:

Honestly (and I'm always honest on this blog dammit!) I'm finding it really difficult to come up with any minus points for this book -
Maybe it was a little short, and some parts could've been expanded. And perhaps one or two plot-instances were just slightly convenient.
Some parts may be a little distressing, particularly to young readers.
Other than that... I can't really think of anything. It was that good.


This was just an amazing book. Truly great - I really loved it.
Perhaps a little much for very young readers, but most kids aged 11 and up will be fine.

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Sunday 13 March 2016

Nerd Church - Mental is Physical

Today guys, I'm going to be talking about the physical aspects of depression and anxiety. (Man, I sound like a teacher or something *shudders.*)

So, why am I talking about this? Well, I've had another sh*ty week depression-wise, and a lot of people just don't seem to realise there are physical effects of depression and anxiety - so I kind of wanted to explain and educate a little.

Hopefully this will give you some insight into the type of thing people with depression and/or anxiety are having to deal with.

I'm going to be candid here - so it may get a little distressing guys.

Obviously, this is my experience of mental health problems: everyone is different, and will be affected differently.
robot heart

Lack of energy

You know when you are so goddamned bone-tired that even getting up to pee seems like something that's debatable? You know when your limbs ache with just how tired you are?

That's how I feel sometimes - with no reason but the depression.

Thank God for my cat, he meows outside my door every morning. I don't think I'd get up without him.

This really isn't helped by the fact that I have trouble sleeping a lot.

Sleeping Problems

A lot of depressed people have sleep issues.

I've spent many nights just not being able to sleep, despite how tired I am.

Then I blame myself for not being able to sleep ('stupid girl, can't even sleep right,') which makes zero sense, and is the depression itself, twisting my perception of the situation.

Some nights, when things were bad, I'd wake up about 4am, anxious as all hell about everything and nothing; thoughts twist in the middle of the night, and just get worse the longer you lie alone in the dark.

Please, if this ever happens to you - get the hell up and wake up someone to talk to. I don't care if they moan and throw a pillow at you. I don't care if you have to phone them 60 times or more. Do it.

If you can't think of anyone to phone then find your country on this list and find a helpline. Please.

Loss of appetite

At my worst, I spent a few days living on the occasional bag of  slowly-eaten crisps.

Please don't confuse this with an eating disorder - which is a separate condition. This is, in fact, a highly-telling symptom of depression.

It was horrible. I didn't feel sick, just... blocked off. Like someone had sewn up my mouth, or placed a tube down my throat.
blackened apple

My brain was sending me the signal that I couldn't eat. It wouldn't work - because of whatever this blockage was. It was one of the strangest and most physical feelings of my life.

I wanted to eat - oh God, I wanted to eat - but... Imagine being a needle-phobic diabetic.  You know you need insulin. You want to inject it. But actually bringing yourself to do it is immensely difficult.

Muscle Twitching

This can occur when you're uber-anxious, but, for me, it's worse when I'm tired.

I went through a short period when this was particularly bad - I was exhausted (I wasn't sleeping very well,) and, lying on the sofa, or in bed, your body does these little jumps by itself - a muscle in your arm, your back, whatever. Sometimes a finger moves, or your leg jerks.

It's unnerving as all hell - particularly early on, when I didn't know what was happening to me. It's pretty scary - especially when you're already in a pretty dark and anxious place.

Thank God it doesn't happen so often now. I hate it.


You want proof of the physicality of mental illnesses? There were periods of time where I couldn't warm my hands up.

They were literally cold to the touch - it's actually a pretty common symptom of depression.

crayon heart

So, hopefully I haven't bummed you all out too much. I just figured it was something that needed to be discussed - and that's what I do in 'Nerd Church' after all.

I'm feeling better than the darkest times guys, honestly. But some days, or some parts of the day, are still very difficult.

If you ever go through something similar - just know that there are people who care.

Nerd Church is a weekly post where I talk about various issues. Feel free to continue the discussion - but please link back here. :)

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