Wednesday 31 January 2018

Review Time! - Goodnight, Boy by Nikki Sheehan

Goodnight boy title image with book stack and purple border

heart flourish

Title: Goodnight, Boy

Author: Nikki Sheehan

Genre: Kids (Middle Grade/MG,) Young Adult*, Contemporary**

*YA crossover appeal


Amazon: UK - USA

Sunday 28 January 2018

Nerd Church - The Problem With the NHS

The problem with the NHS is not a problem with the NHS.

And with that bombshell, I should probably explain to my international nerdlets (and I will never get over the fact that I even have international nerdlets,) just what it is that I'm talking about.

The NHS is the National Health Service - set up so that everyone in the UK has access to state-run, FREE, healthcare. (Set up by a Welshman. #JustSaying.)

toy dog with bandages

Friday 26 January 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Why So Sirius?

(Apologies for the title-pun. Couldn't resist 😅)

If there's one fandom that always goes above and beyond, it's the Potterheads.

friday fics fix title image

Yes, those fans of Harry Potter can always be counted on to take even the smallest of details from the books and run with them - to the extent that there are now fully-established fandoms within the fandom.

(Is that like fandom-ception or something?! So much meta.)

Quick warning: this post may contain some very mild Harry Potter spoilers.

Thursday 25 January 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - Vying For Attention From a Girl

comics wrap-up title image with woman handing flower to shadow girl in manga style

Welcome to this week's comics wrap-up! This is another one of those times where all the stuff I have to give you falls under the 'other stuff' category.

Dammit Loki, I know this is your fault! ;)

Loki 'You're sworn to obey me, now...' gif
O.O  *fans self*
(Via Giphy)

Sunday 21 January 2018

Nerd Church - Cut Yourself Some Slack

I'm an impatient person. I want it done 600% right, and I want it done yesterday.

chick chillaxing on some sorta bridge

But I've had to learn that I can't work like that. I can only do what I can do, and it's much better to work slow and steady.

We have a tendency to go way easier on other people than we do on ourselves (me? talk about myself? Ha ha ha... look a distraction!!)

So I think it's time we reminded ourselves that it's ok to not do EVERYTHING - as long as you're doing something.

Friday 19 January 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Use Your Head

This week's fic made me metaphorically punch the air. Because dudes - yes!

fics fix title image

This fic is one of those which you don't need to be all that familiar with the fandom itself to enjoy - which is good because it's from the re-booted MacGyver fandom, which is kind of smaller than most fandoms.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - And When Your Stitch Comes Loose

comics wrap-up title image

Here we are again, time for the nerdiness! 😀

Film Trailers

Another li'l Black Panther trailer for you my nerdlets! This is such a cool looking film!

Warning: flashing images