Friday 17 September 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Sh** Goes Down At The Mall


'...he’s able to slink into a shadowed Pottery Barn. He makes it past the faint light cast from the skylights in the atrium, then the pain crashes over him.'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I love a good mission fic.

Especially when it's a The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS) mission fic.

Especially when it's a TFATWS mission fic with much Bucky whump and lots of hurt/comfort.

And it was my birthday on Wednesday, so I get exactly what I want 😜😘

Sunday 12 September 2021

Nerd Church - Bad Luck vs Catastrophizing

Warning: this post discusses: Anxiety, intrusive thoughts, cognitive distortions, catastrophizing, knives, spiders, video game deaths, and brief references to mouse killing and car crashes

Disclaimer time:
I am not any type of mental health, psychological, scientific, or medical professional. 

I am someone with a blog and personal experience of mental health problems.

'Bad Luck vs Catastrophizing' against a sparkly background

Friday 10 September 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Not That Strange


'The great fairy incident of 1822 was depicted in many paintings, the most famous of them being The Seelie Siege of London by an unknown painter with a penchant for alliteration.'


'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke is a behemoth of a book.

It's over 1000 pages of alternate history, set in a world where the titular characters are bringing magic back to England, against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Month in Review(s) - August 2021


August was a month where I had multiple migraines, so that sucks.

But it also was NOT meltingly hot (unlike the first days of September...) so I'll take that! 😅

I know some people were complaining that the skies were dull and not as sunshiney as August normally is, but honestly, if the temperature stays down then I don't care!

(Me + Heat = Angry Bear! Lol.)

August - Awst

Sunday 5 September 2021

Nerd Church - The Long Reach of History, 20 Years After 9/11

Warning: this post contains discussions of terrorism, war, murder, and related themes.

The Long Reach of History,  20 Years After 9/11

dividing line


I have done my best with this post to be respectful to all lives lost and affected. Please do the same in any replies/comments you may leave, either here or on social media.

I've also spoken about historical events and truths that we in the West would rather not hear about - but it's important that we do. History does not stop being true simply because we refuse to look at it.

(Related Post: Nerd Church - I Watched Jojo Rabbit: Part 2, Facing History)

I've tried not to speak out of turn, and instead have stuck to the information I feel I have correctly understood. 

Much of these events are points of historical debate, and these are my interpretations based on the evidence available to me at time of writing.

If any information is incorrect, I welcome corrections from unbiased sources.

dividing line

Next Saturday is September the 11th, 2021.

20 years ago, on September the 11th, 2001, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. Another crashed into the Pentagon. A fourth plane came down in a field in Pennsylvania.

I was a kid, and I watched the pictures coming from the US on TV - both understanding and not understanding what I was watching.