Monday 12 December 2016

5 Diverse Poets For You to Check Out on YouTube

You know that poetry is for everyone, right? Well slam and performance poetry is a great example of that.

And there are hundreds and thousands of poetry slam and performance videos on YouTube - they are so addictive, I'm surprised I ever get anything else done!

So I figured I'd share just a handful of my favourite diverse slam, spoken-word, and performance poets from YouTube (because my faves happen to diverse in this instance! Woo!)

Oh, and pretty much all of these have swear-words. Poets swear worse than sailors.

Winona Linn

Meskwaki poet Winona Linn is witty, clever, and passionate; her performances are amazing.

Check out: Knock-Off Native (below,) Currency, and Grey Owl.

Crystal Valentine

Stylish, bold, and unapologetically political, Crystal Valentine's poetry explores being a Black woman in today's America.

Dia Davina

A queer and genderqueer feminist, Dia Davina is awesome. They are funny and honest and just amazing.

Check out: Emergency Room (below,) Boy In My Closet and U-Haul

Elizabeth Acevedo

Afro-Dominicana poet Elizabeth Acevedo writes on race, feminism, and their intersection. She rocks.

[video no longer available]

Benjamin Zephaniah

One of the best modern British poets there is, I will never miss the chance to recommend the wonderful Jamaican-British Benjamin Zephaniah.

Never afraid to speak on politics and race, or to combine poetry with music, Zephaniah is a definite favourite of mine.

Check out: Having a Word (below,) Responsible, and Us an Dem

So check some of these wonderful poets out, and enjoy!

Like this post? Try these:

Last updated: 9th October 2019


  1. Thanks for this list! I definitely want to get more into poetry, so this will help me a lot!

  2. This is such a cool list! I never even considered looking up poets on Youtube. Thanks so much. :D

    1. Ha, once you start watching poetry vids on YouTube, you'll never stop! ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Cee,
    This post is great! I love poetry, I write it, but I have been discouraged as an ace woc, because I was worrying over representation and being alone in this field. So, this post gives me a lot of hope. I am subscribing to all of them, obviously. I also have to check out the list of LGBTQ folks you recommended to me on Twitter. You're the best.

    1. Poetry is for absolutely everyone and there are poets from all backgrounds and walks of life. Never feel you are alone Dina - there are people willing to support you, I promise :) I'd love to read some of your poetry some time :)

      I'm sooooo glad that you found this post & my recs helpful! XD

  5. I LOVE poetry. This is something you probably know because I really enjoy reading your micropoetry. But the thing is that I never really listen to slam poetry. My favourite slam poet is Rives, who I discovered because of Tedx. I also love Zephaniah's works. I discovered him in primary school and have read anthologies of his since.

    1. Poetry rocks! And I'll have to check out Rives :)


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