Thursday 31 August 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Taking Back the Crown

comics wrap-up title image

TV Trailers

Another Inhumans trailer!

And Medusa has had a hair-cut 😲 (In case you were wondering, her hair is her power, so that's kind of a big deal!)

Warning: Flashing Images

Other Stuff

The lovely Neha aka Biblio-Nyan made two cool BookTube (bookish YouTube) vids about comics which I watched this week.

The first is a little over 10 mins, and has three mini-reviews of comics/graphic novels:

(Warning: discussion of gory stuff and corpses)

[Update 7th May 2018: Neha's videos are no longer available]

The second is around 8 mins, and is a review of the manga Orange by Ichigo Takano:

(Warning: discussions of mental health problems and suicide/suicidal thoughts.)

[Update 7th May 2018: Neha's videos are no longer available]

Neha is an awesome and lovely human bean, and if you like diverse books, comics (especially manga,) and/or are into anime at all, then I seriously recommend following their YouTube channel and blog. You won't regret it.

POW! divider

And for those of you who are newbies to the comics world, Jessica Plummer @ Book Riot has a guide to terminology.

And that's it for this week! :) Comment and share please! :)

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous comics posts:

Last updated: 7th May 2018


  1. I don't know how I managed to miss the Inhuman trailer EVERY single time is on our TV!! [and I can't watch your trailer right now either from this device! UGH!] but MY husband and kids have not and they are every excited and it's so contagious.

  2. i dont really read comics , i am a newbie so few terminology didnt make sense to me. but thanks for putting the link for the guide. i will keep it handy.

    1. Thanks for the comment, but I'd recommend people NOT click your link because I think essay-writing services are highly dishonest. Please don't leave links on my site again. Thank you.


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