Thursday 16 May 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - She's A Runaway of the Establishment Incorporated

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living shadow a flower

Join me, dearest nerdlets, as I continue to stick my head in the sand and avoid spoilers!


(Please and thank you!)

Film Trailers

Another X-Men: Dark Phoenix trailerrrr! 😊

I was a bit surprised they decided to talk about the previous films... like, dudes, you do know how f**ked the timeline is at this point, yeah...?

(Almost as f**ked as the comics timeline. Oh yeah, I went there 😎)

But it still looks like it might actually be a decent film! (Goddammit trailer, don't mislead me like so many others!!!)

And, 'what makes us different makes us heroes'? HELL YEAH!

(Warning: flashing images)

TV Show Trailers

Batwoman teaser *squeals in fangirl*

They've got the look DOWN - let's just hope they manage everything else! 😉

(Warning: flashing images)

Other Stuff

And to end this week is a fantastic review of episode 4.19 of Supergirl ('American Dreamer') by Cori McCreery @ Women Write About Comics which looks at fighting fascism and the awesomeness that is Dreamer 😊

There are SPOILERS in the link, k? K


Do you understand the current X-Men timeline?
What do you think of the Batwoman teaser?
Have you seen Supergirl this series?!
Talk to me! 💖💬

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Previous comics posts:

Please share and comment! 💋

'She's a runaway of the establishment incorporated' is from Last of the American Girls* by Green Day

*affiliat link

Last updated: 29th May 2019


  1. Also continuing to avoid the endgame spoilers. I have no idea when I will get to seeing it but I know by the time I do everyone else will have probably moved on lol!

    1. Ha, I'm hoping to see it Monday - The Bestie is back from her holiday!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!