Wednesday 22 May 2019

Micropoetry - April 2019

All the Micropoetry I posted in April!

Yes, I realise it's almost the end of May. Time, life, and all that stuff kept getting in the way.

(I did not intend that to rhyme! Lol.)

So without fussing any further, here's April's Micropoetry:

(As always, the text of the poems is in the alt-text, with / marks showing line breaks, for those using screen readers.)

10th April// What do you want? / To dance through the threads / of forever? / Feel the fabric of / physics / on your flesh? Who / could ask / for more / than everything? You / already had / Eternity.

dividing line

28th April // Fingers straining for tomorrow / Grappling with the edge / Yesterday keeps hold of my ankles / Pulls back / As I strain forward / Suspended over today / With my feet not touching the ground

dividing line

30th April // It's hard to be brave / When the world keeps tearing at your heart. / Just wanna go back to the start: / Do-over! / Re-take! / Let's-try-this-again! / What you got is what you got / The world keeps tearing you apart / Then wondering why / There's a shake to your smile / & a break in your heart

So, there you have it.
What do you think of this month's Micropoetry/graphics?
Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Micropoetry posts:

Sharing and commenting really means so much to me, dearest nerdlets! Thanks sooo much in advance! 💖

Last updated: 6th June 2019


  1. Love these!! The first one is my favorite, but they're all fantastic!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thank you so much! It really means so much to hear that <3

      I love hearing which ones people like! :)

  2. Ooh I was gonna say I really like the imagery of the first one, then I read the second one and was like, ooh I really like the imagery of that one too! And basically what I'm saying is, I really liked all of these lol.


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!