Thursday 30 April 2020

Comics Wrap-Up - Stealing Kisses From Your Missus, Does It Make You Freak Out?

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'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, we're all still in need of some superheroes, so let's get some comics-y goodness!

And once again this week, everything I have for you is in the 'Other Stuff' category, for which we will blame Loki.

Other Stuff

Now that Batwoman has finally started to air in the UK (I love it, it rocks!) I decided to watch Alex Meyers' review/pi**-take of the first episode.

Alex Meyers takes the pi** out of everything, so it's v. much done in a good-spirited kind of way (although the sexist a**holes are in the comments section, but, y'know, the comments section...)

Warning: mild flashing images, violence, abduction

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The awesome Olivia @ Olivia's Catastrophe reviewed Monstress, Vols 1-3 a little while ago.

(I reviewed Vol 1 way back in 2016, if you're interested!)
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And to end once again with some shameless self-promo, last week's Friday Fics Fix celebrated Lesbian Visibility Week with some sapphic ladies from the Supergirl TV show!

Have you seen Batwoman?
Do you think Alex Meyers is too harsh, or that it's all good-natured?
Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

Please remember to share and comment 💖

'Stealing kisses from your missus, does it make you freak out?' is from Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko


  1. I saw a commercial for Batwoman the other day! Tbh, with all the other stuff going on in the world, I forgot it was a thing. Glad you like it, Cee!


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