Thursday 20 January 2022

Comics Wrap-Up - Do You Have A Dollar? Would You Like To Fund A War?


'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, this is Dora Reads, let's get some comics-y, superhero-y goodness!

TV Trailers

OMG there is a Disney +'s Moon Knight trailer!!!! A MOON KNIGHT TRAILER!!!!! ARGH!!!!

*ahem* I've always kinda loved Moon Knight, OK?

I love it when Moon Knight is a) dark and b) freaking weird - and this looks like just that!

Hopefully it can keep the vibes going.

(Warning: flashing images, horror elements, general violence, guns, symptoms which span both mental health/neurological problems and potential mystical sh**, sleeping disorders)

Other Stuff

And to end this week's brief Comics Wrap-Up with some shameless self-promo: last week's Friday Fics Fix talked Bucky Barnes and angst.

Have you seen the Moon Knight trailer? What do you think?

Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

Sharing and commenting is awesomely awesome! 💖

'Do you have a dollar? Would you like to fund a war?' is from The Kids Are All Dying* by Finneas (check me out, down with the kids 😉)

*affiliate link

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  1. I didn't even know that Oscar Isaac was gonna be in a Marvel show but I love him so I definitely will watch!

    1. I've only vaguely heard of Oscar Isaac before so I'm glad you think he's cool! <3


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!