Tuesday 30 August 2022

Poetry: Who Is She?


This poem was first published in the Medium publication The Brain Is A Noodle (TBIAN), for the prompt 'is writing a source of income for you? or more a hobby? or both? How do you balance these roles?' set by Lucy Dan (editor of TBIAN)

Who Is She?

A woman in the middle of a woods surrounded by will o' the wisps - it's all very fantasy art
Image by Artie_Navarre from Pixabay 

Who is she?

Another poet
in a country full of poets
who don’t read poetry.
Another bard
in a nation full of bards
who feel the call,
but don’t know
how — what — a bard is meant to be,
in this world which has taught them,
that no art can come for free.

Everyone’s a cricket,
Chirping like a critic,
— They don’t know how to let
logic fight with magic,
To give an ancient art
a modern income.

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