Thursday 22 June 2023

Comics Wrap-Up - It Needed Some Serious Art Done To It


Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, it's too damn hot here, let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

That's So Kraven

...I'm sorry, I had to 😅

Sony released a trailer for Kraven the Hunter - their movie around the Spider-Man villain of the same name.

Kraven isn't one of my favourite Spidey villains - he's off-puttingly cartoonish, and compared to the complex villains that Spidey excels at, he's kind of pathetic.

...Basically, I think Sony were facing an uphill battle to begin with. They needed to go in a quirky, creative, direction if they were gonna overcome the limitations of this character. 

It needed some serious Art done to it, you know? 

Someone needed to Art the sh** out of this character.

And while I'm not one to judge a movie by the trailer... this ain't it.

This suggests a somewhat-watchable brainless action flick, at best.

Kraven's apparently given super-powers by a lion-bite (which, since he's a Spidey villain, one can only assume was a radioactive lion 😜.)

They were probably looking for a reason that Kraven's such a weird a**-hole. An admirable goal, but again: this ain't it. 

Traditionally, Kraven is given temporary super-abilities by juicing on drugs... ah... I mean herbal potions. (See, if you Art this thing, there's a story there somewhere. 😅)

Still, if this looks like your kind of film, don't let anyone put you off, dearest nerdlets. You do you.

See what you think about the trailer.

Warning: flashing images, GRAPHIC general violence including gun violence, GRAPHIC gore, child abuse, mental health stigma, implied suicide, trophy hunting/sport hunting: violence against and killing of animals

Shameless Self-Promo Time!

Have you seen the Kraven the Hunter trailer?

Are you familiar with the character?

Talk to me! 😇💬

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Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

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  1. No idea who Kraven is, but I guess good for him that he's getting his own movie!

    1. Lol, he's an a**hole - and not really in a fun way!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!