Thursday 18 January 2024

Comics Wrap-Up - We're Out Here Pretending

Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style with speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, I am writing most of this post one-handed because my cat won't let me stop holding him - apologies in advance for any typos; let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

What If... I Watched Another Episode?

Captain Carter from What If...?
Via Giphy

OK, so, I watched episode 5 of series 2 of Marvel's What If...?, titled What If... Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper? and...

Look, I haven't seen the Black Widow film yet (because I have but two eyeballs and one self, and the mountain of content available is never-ending,) so I don't know what's unique to this episode, and what's borrowed from the movie, but that town is creepy, OK? *shudders* I mean...WTF?!

...And we are still entirely ignoring the Queer subtext of this part of the Marvel franchise.

Not just with Steve and Bucky, either: Nat and Peggy, here, are about ready to rent a room and hire a U-Haul, but we're out here pretending they're 'gal pals.' *sigh*

Oh, and Bucky as a senator has a real George Clooney/silver fox thing going #JustSaying.

Shameless Self-Promo Time!

Is the creepy town in the Black Widow film, too, or am I safe if I watch it?

Are Marvel cowards when it comes to LGBTQ+ content? (Clue: yes)

Have you ever tried to write a blogpost while holding a cat?

Talk to me! 😅💬

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Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

Sharing and commenting makes my cat happy - and why wouldn't you want that? 😺

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