Friday 15 March 2024

Friday Fics Fix - Bittersweet Loki


'It was impossible.


Don’t let that stop you, O. B. had said.'

Title: F3. Background: kaleidoscopic patterns

I kind of love this fic.

I mean... obviously, because I'm rec'ing, and, also obviously, I tend to say that a lot. But... yeah. 

It's... it did not go in the direction I was expecting. 

It was thoughtful, and compassionate, and insightful. And well-written.

So... you all know I had no choice at all - when a fic is well-written, I gotta rec., it's the rules.

Sad boi Loki
Via Giphy

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself - this is a Loki fic.

As in, the Disney+/Marvel series of the same name.

It picks up directly after the dramatic ending of the second series - so yes, the fic is SPOILER-filled.

It's a bittersweet look at the situation at the end of the series, and how things might play out from there.

I can't really say much more without giving it away, but it's heavy on the character study side of things, which I'm a complete sucker for. And, like I said, it goes some places that I was not expecting.

It's also about choices, and determination, in a way that left me uber-impressed.

...It's kind of beautiful, tbh.

Def. worth a read if you're a Loki fan.

A couple of Content Warnings:

- loneliness and isolation

- genocidal intent

- implied mental health problems

- references to torture

...I think that's everything; as always, I might have missed something, so be aware of that.

This week's fic, then, is:

Personification by qwanderer

Are you a Loki fan?

Do you like fics that pick up after that ending, or do you prefer to let it lie?

Talk to me! 😊💬

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  1. I love when media (fics, art, whatever) picks up after an ending. It gives some closure if the ending was particularly gut wrenching.


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!