Showing posts with label film trailer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film trailer. Show all posts

Thursday 26 January 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Destroyed in an Hour

(This post contains a gif with flashing images which may be a problem to those with photosensitive health conditions such as epilepsy or migraines.)

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

There's an awesome new trailer for Logan!

In case you're not aware, Logan is about Wolverine as an old man, in an X-men universe slightly adjacent to the one we've been somewhat dealing with (damn you multiple timelines!)

As with all things in comics, sometimes it's best to just go with it.

And, in this new trailer, we get more of the awesome X-23, the cute kid/little violent trained killer that Wolverine has to look after.

Take a look:

Graphic Novels

Three graphic novels made my list of 'My 7 Top Picks of 2016's Books.'

Well done to Luna the Vampire: Grumpy Space (UK - US,) Blood Stain Volume 1 (UK - US,) and Monstress: The Awakening (UK - US.)

Luna the Vampire book cover Blood Stain book cover Monstress book cover

Other Stuff

The star of the Supergirl TV show, Melissa Benoist, marched with the Washington D.C. Women's March, and had an amazing sign.

I love her, and I love the Supergirl TV show - which is v. feminist, and you should all check out.


The graphic novel memoir of American Civil Rights activist John Lewis has won 4 American Library Association Awards.

I have a digital copy of Volume 1 just waiting for me!

March Book One March Book Two March Book Three
Volume 1: UK - US              Volume 2: UK - US              Volume 3: UK - US


And a couple of interesting links for you:

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Thursday 5 January 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Bumper Catch-Up Edition!

Since Comics Wrap-Up took a break over Christmas, this week's edition is a catch-up of my comics reading and all related stuff in the last couple of weeks :)

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

Here's an extended Batman TV spot for you all :)

(This film looks hilarious!)

Single Issues

I read a butt-load of short and preview comics to help prop up my Goodreads challenge total, so I'll just give you my three top picks.

(Trust me, these three are the ones worth mentioning!)

Heart of a Corpse: An Undead Engagement #1 (UK - US) and Bloody Dreadful #1 (UK - US) are two comics by creator Justin Sane.

Heart of a Corpse cover Bloody Dreadful cover

Both are fairly interesting, creepily executed, tales of Victorian Gothic horror. Heart of a Corpse actually plays out like a silent movie in silhouette - and was really moody and cool. :)

I enjoyed both, and they def. came as a pleasant surprise.

flourish divider

Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 (UK - US) is the start of the whole Loki-as-a-teen series.

Loki, Agent of Asgard cover

(Fangirling note:

Loki is one of the most difficult Marvel characters to define because s/he spends periods of time as a child, a teenager, a woman, a man, and two people. In honesty, I've probably missed something out.

Just trust me. In this period of time, Loki = reincarnated teenager. Thor = adult. That's as basic as it's gonna get, so let's leave it there.

You can't sweat the small stuff in comics. Your brain will explode. #TrueStory.)

This is the first part of Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol 1 (UK - US) and is pretty awesome. I really want to read the full volume soon for more sassy Loki awesomeness!


Over Christmas, I also read webcomic Princess Princess by Kay O'Neill

This is about two princesses who are faffing around a magical kingdom, challenging gender norms, and falling in love with each other.

One of the princesses is black - so there's a strong person of colour (PoC) lead too 😄

Princess Princess: Ever After (to give it it's fancy in-print title) is also available in printed format (UK - US.)

Princess Princess: Ever After cover

Other Stuff

Over on Women Write About Comics, Sergio Alexis wrote an awesome recommendation list of webcomics.

And just for the awesomeness of it all, all the comics they recommend are diverse!

flourish divider

For anyone who doesn't know, 'Women in Refrigerators' or 'fridging' is a phrase that was invented by comics artist Gail Simone for unnecessary acts of violence against women in comic books - often used as a plot device to motivate the male hero.

The origin of the phrase was an infamous storyline where the Green Lantern finds his girlfriend murdered and stuffed in his fridge by a super-villain - apparently just to make him angry.

Valente's book plans to give a voice to fridged women - and it looks incredibly poignant, and undoubtedly awesome.

flourish divider

Along with America Chavez, Marisol Rios De La Luz aka La Borinqueña, is an awesome step forward for Latinx superheroes.

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Thursday 15 December 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Said the Spider to the Fly

Film Trailers

I loved the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer! Looks like soooo much fun!

He's such a dork (and the dorkiness is awesome!)

I'm totally looking into getting one of those unlimited card-thingies for my local cinema, because even though they seem like a large amount of money as outlay, the price of cinema tickets just keeps going up - and I can't afford an average of £10.00 per trip.

Other Stuff

Over on Book Riot's Comics section, M Lynx Qualey talked about Ms Shabash - a Bangladeshi super-heroine.

Sounds pretty cool - a Bangladeshi hero who fights the CEO of a whitening cream company!


And because this is the last Comics Wrap-Up before Christmas, here's a random gif of Tom Hiddleston to wish you all the best:

Comics Wrap-Up will be back on 5th January 2017!

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Thursday 1 December 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - LEGO Time!

Film Trailers

I know the Lego Batman trailers have been around for a while, but I've only just gotten around to watching them, and dude, they're funny:

Other Stuff

In other Lego-related news (yes, weirdly, all of my comics-related news this week is Lego-related *shrugs* life is full of surprises) -

So that's it for comics until next week dearest nerdlets! See you then :)

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Thursday 10 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Something Strange

Film Trailers

A bunch more Doctor Strange trailers/clips for you guys:

I actually saw Doctor Strange on Monday - it was awesome BUT there are two things which CAN'T be ignored:

Tilda Swinton's character is whitewashed. (I love her, but it's true.)

And this film fails Bechdel.

Get your act together Marvel.


And there's a new Wonder Woman trailer:

Looks pretty cool, and clears up that this is supposed to be WW1 not WW2.

(The uniforms still look more WW2 in places guys, I know, but *sighs* anachronisms)


And the trailer for Logan came out last week!

This is the wonderful Hugh Jackman's last film as Wolverine :'O

It looks really awesome, and I always love me an Old Man Logan storyline.

(Oh, and the reason he looks older than Prof X? That's because he is older than Prof X - see X-Men Origins: Wolverine for details ;P )

Single Issues

This week I read Suicide Squad #1 of the 2011-2014 run. (US link)

One thing in particular I liked about this issue? Diablo doesn't speak much English in stressful situations (because why the hell would he?!)

Graphic Novels

This week I reviewed Who Killed Kurt Cobain?: The Story of Boddah by Nicolas Otero (UK - US.)

It's an interesting read, but I did have some issues with it. Check out my review here.

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Thursday 3 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Give me that crown, b**ch, I wanna be Sheezus

Film Trailers

Another Doctor Strange teaser trailer for you:

And a quick public service announcement from yours truly that: although this does, indeed, look awesome, it would likely be just as awesome - and probably more so - without the ethnicity-erasure of the Asian characters.

Other Stuff

Soooo... Frank Cho and Milo Manara acted like immature douches. Again.

(Frank Cho is a relatively prominent comic-book artist; he acts like a douche a lot.)

Basically, superheroines should not be subjected to pornographic sketches as a 'special gift' for 'fighting censorship' in front of a room full of people.

You have stripped Jessica Drew (Spider-woman) of her dignity, her power, and her capabilities. You have literally laid her most intimate area bare to the world; and you don't seem to understand why this is a problem.

For the full story (and the offending illustration) see this article on The Mary-Sue

But Frank Cho, overall, can display all the nuances of a schoolboy writing 'boobies' on a calculator; see examples (NSFW):

(and yes, his official Twitter is 'apesandbabes')

...because, of course, the most edible part of the woman (and therefore the one the crocodile will grab while eyeing her a*s) is in fact the underwear. There are so many... vitamins... I guess?

Yes, this man draws for Marvel & DC. Yes, this is pretty exemplary of his style. No, he does not draw only for 18+, erotic, and/or Mature comics.

Frank Cho is employed on mainstream comics - the ones teenagers, and even some kids, read. He thinks this is an acceptable way to depict women.


On the plus side, you can see the highlights from Marvel's 'Women of Marvel' New York Comic Con panel here:

These women rock. Watch the vid.


I'd be super-happy if you checked it out :)

That's it for this week. Go out and be incredible, and know there are people in this world fighting for what's right.

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Thursday 27 October 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Here We Are Now

Film Trailers

Uber-short Doctor Strange trailer for you my dear nerdlets:

Graphic Novels

This week I read Who Killed Kurt Cobain? - The Story of Boddah (UK - US) by Nicolas Otero.

This is pretty dark, very graphic, mightily weird, and could probably do with being sealed in a child-proof 'Trigger Warning' box to ensure readers are suitably prepared... but for all that, I really liked it!

I'll be reviewing soon :)

I also binged on webcomics and read the first volume of Honeydew Syndrome.

I quite enjoyed this dose of m/m-yaoi manga, but I did have some issues with it - little things like relationships which start with a punch to the face not being a great example.

The references to self-harm and suicide being a part of emo culture seemed a little too flippant/treated too lightly/over-simplifying for my liking.

That said - I totally binged on it, so it must be doing something right!

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Thursday 13 October 2016

Comics Wrap Up - Things Are Shaping Up To Be Pretty Odd

Film Trailers

Marvel made a Doctor Strange trailer that makes 2 different trailers! One when it's played forwards, and one when it's reversed.

It's called 'Strange's Time' (yes, the trailer has it's own title, but to be fair, whoever made it is probably pretty chuffed with themselves right now.)

Here it is played forwards:

Annnnd here it is in reverse:

And just because I like your robot, dear nerdlets, here's the new TV spot for Doctor Strange too:

TV Trailers

Dudes, the next series of DC's Legends of Tomorrow looks EPIC!!!!

As a reminder: this is the series which totally shouldn't work but does - a ragtag spinoff with minor characters from CW's DC pantheon, along with him-off-Dr-Who (otherwise known as Arthur Darvill, here playing Rip Hunter,) and a flying time machine.

We also have one of the only LGBTQ+ superheroes to ever make it on screen (and still be LGBTQ+ - Harley Quinn, Mystique, Loki, et al. had that part of their identity erased when transferred to screen) - the amazing and beautiful Sara Lance, aka the White (formerly the Black) Canary.

Yes, my dearest nerdlets, this looks pretty damned cool:

Graphic Novels

This week I read and reviewed Ghoul Scouts: Night of the Unliving Undead (UK - US.)

This is a fun and zombie-filled kids/all-ages graphic novel, which I enjoyed a helluva lot more than I thought I would!

So that's it for my week in comics, dearest nerdlets: on to the next week!

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Comics Wrap Up - Just Gotta Get Right Out Of Here

Even for us unlucky folks who may very well never make it to the holiest of nerd-pilgrimage sites which is San Diego Comic Con (SDCC,) (dude, it's expensive!) this uber-celebration of geekery is important for all of us who love the nerdy-stuffs!

And, due to the magic of the interwebs (particularly YouTube) we can share in the goodies that are the interviews, announcements, and reveals of the event.

(And there's loads of them! Yay!)

This week's wrap-up is a look at some of the awesome things coming out SDCC - not all of it though, because, dude, I'm human!

So here are my picks of the fresh vids and news of SDCC, as well as the usuals from my week faffing around the medium of comics.

Film Trailers

Second Doctor Strange trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

(Still can't get over Benedict Cumberbatch & that accent though.

Like when Martin Freeman was putting on a Yank accent in Captain America: Civil War.

Reckon they'll end up in a movie together? With their awkward American accents and everything... lol!)


This teaser-type-trailer for Suicide Squad was actually released last week - but I only saw it this week, so it counts under this week's wrap-up. Because I said so. ;)


The trailer many people were waiting for was for Wonder Woman:

I have to ask though... is that supposed to be WW1 or WW2? Because there are parts that kind of look like both to me...

Anyway, this looks like it could be pretty cool... or not. Let's hope for cool ;)


There was also footage released of the upcoming Justice League movie.

I'm really not sure about this one... for several reasons that it would take too long to go into here but which start with Ben Affleck and the Batman costume, and move through various niggling points from there.

But what you gonna do? DC man, DC.


And last but not least, we have the character-focussed Suicide Squad trailers which've been released over the past week, featuring Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and The Joker:




TV Trailers

I love this trailer for Legion. Legion is an X-men character who really hasn't been explored all that much - but has so much potential.

I'm glad FX have decided to pick this up. (Though of course, I still mourn the loss of the 'Marvel's Agent Carter' series.)


There are SPOILERS for the most recent  series of Gotham in this next vid - a show-reel of the craziness we went through last series, and a glimpse of the next series to come.

If you don't watch Gotham then why the hell not?! Seriously. Go think about your life choices ;) (and then watch it.)


There are also SPOILERS for the previous series of Arrow in this next vid:

Much as it pains me to say this - and it does pain me, of all the DC series this is one of my faves, and I'd even put it ahead of some Marvel properties (Gasp!) - I think this series has more than run its course.

I may be wrong - and lord knows I'd be happy to be - but it feels like we've actually come to not one but two natural endings over the course of the last 4 series, and now we're trying to reinvigorate something which maybe should've just been let be. #JustSaying


Annnnnddd this vid has SPOILERS for the previous season of The Flash:

Fans: Barry, don't do the thing.
Characters: Barry, why did you even TRY to do the thing?
The forces of good storytelling: Barry, please don't do the thing, please!

Barry: ...Guys? ...I did the thing...

Hopefully they can fix this, and not make it too irritating while they're doing it *buries fangirling head in hands* - we live in hope.


Some SPOILERS in this vid too, for the previous series of DC's Legends of Tomorrow:

Oh my gosh, this looks like it's going to be so GOOD! :)

One of my favourite things about Legends is that it's essentially the dregs of a bunch of DC shows cobbled together. It really shouldn't work. BUT GOD IT DOES.

*Brief interlude for me to hop about like the insane fangirl that I am*

Seriously, whoever decided to take a chance on this wacky beauty of a show - well done!

Other Stuff

I found this interview with G Willow Wilson (Ms. Marvel writer) uber-interesting - check it out:


Stephanie Tran @ Women Write About Comics discussed her reservations over Mark Millar's decision to make the new Kick-Ass lead a young black woman (as I mentioned a few weeks back.)

This includes a discussion of Millar's repertoire with regards to people of colour (PoC) and female characters, as well as his track-record when it comes to inclusions of rape in storylines.

There are some very interesting points made. I don't agree with all of them, but, then, when do I ever?

I certainly understand the trepidation over Millar's potential plans with this latest character, but also think that Millar has a reputation as a boundary-pusher. No, I don't always agree with his decisions (no way, no how!) but do I think we need boundary-pushers in comics? Hell yes!

Likewise, though, we need people like Stephanie Tran to question the decisions those boundary-pushers make, and explore the repercussions of the representations they decide to portray.

So yes, I understand the trepidation and worry about what Millar may or may not do with a black female Kick-Ass, but personally I reserve judgement until we've had a chance to see what Millar actually comes up with.


Danika Ellis @ Panels wrote a list of '5 Lesbian Mermaid Comics You Need To Read.'

Never say I don't provide you guys with variety. :)


UK people can see a documentary - we Brits do love a good docky-wocky ;) - on 'Britain's Favourite Superhero' on Channel 4 @ 7.30pm on Saturday, 30th July.

It features Stan Lee. You have to love Stan Lee. It's the rules.

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