Tuesday 20 January 2015

A note on the Goodreads challenge

OK, I'm sure you're all aware of goodreads - and possibly aware of their yearly reading challenge also. This can be a fab way of keeping track of how much you're reading - this year, I've set myself 50 books, and have completed three already (woo! :P ). Please do avoid setting yourself an unrealistically high challenge - you can always go back and put the number up later.

I openly admit to a touch of cheating - well, if Goodreads counts a one page poem as a book who am I to argue? I read it after all. But remember, the point isn't really the number - the point is to read more, enjoy the hell out of it and (hopefully) read a nice wide range of books. Good luck everyone!

Oh crud!

I'm sorry guys, had to deal with a lot lately and got totally distracted and forgot how freaking long its been since I posted - will hopefully change this asap! :)

Sunday 28 December 2014

Oops - I think I did it again

I may have forgotten to post again. (Bad Reading Addict!) To be fair, there was Christmas, much Christmas - and you all know how hectic that gets. On the plus side I got some muy awesomeful books for Xmas - City of Fallen Angels (Cassandra Clare,) some Darren Shan, and Clariel (Garth Nix.) You wouldn't think I was in my 20s, sigh.

I have finished The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (which is a bit more grown up) - and what a very random book that is. I do recommend it though, but be prepared for 19th century battiness.

Merry Xmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Reading!!!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Apologies from a reading addict

I didn't realise just how long it had been since I posted. My sincerest apologies, you find me a pitiful penitent for my unreasonable and wilful neglect of such an austere and momentous responsibility. I assure the fair and patient reader that I will do my utmost to ensure the avoidance of this woeful digression in the foreseeable future.

And that dear children is what you end up sounding like sometimes in internal monologue when you read as much 19th century literature as I do. In 21st century-ish speaky - Sorry, I'll try to post more often. I forgot.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

True Confessions of a Reading Addict

Woke this morning to find my room smelling of old books - the result of a closed door and window in the night, combined with the heating being on now that the nights are colder. Not too much of a problem, but a little odd!

Places I am currently storing/stacking books include: two bookcases, a desk drawer, a few slotted on a desk shelf, two large storage boxes, under my bed, the bottom of my bed, and a very large pile that's looking more and more like a teetering Jenga tower/city to the side of my bed (next to a gigantic stack of magazines) - oops! Oh, and a few in the spare bedroom.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Bookish problems

Ok, I have found the Booktube area of Youtube. I think I may be doomed. Watching other people talk about books, and their own overly-long tbr lists is just awesome! Makes me feel like I'm not alone for once, lol. Problem is, I do wish there was a larger variety of book lovers making videos. Most are teenage girls - which is fine, but occasionally I would like a dude's point of view, or the point of view of someone a little older (I'm 22 with the attitude of a 40 year old!) Still, I will definitely be watching.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

The 5 Best Xmas Gifts for Readers

So, if that reading addict you have to buy for has pretty much every book you've ever heard of - what do you buy them? Here's a little list (in no particular order) of 5 of the best ideas.

  1. Vouchers - these can be book tokens, or vouchers to wherever sells books (for example, Amazon vouchers,) it may seem like a bit of a cop out but they'll thank you for it.
  2. Little reading light - if they don't already have one, this is a fab gift. It means they can read in the night, in a tunnel on the train - wherever, without the light being too harsh. Plus, they come in a variety of colours, and are typically between £4 and £7, depending on where you buy them from.
  3. A magazine subscription - keep them in reading material even when they can't afford books, but keep it to a subject they like. They're not going to like it if you get a fishing magazine for a vegetarian, for example.
  4. Book-ends/shelves - books take up space and you may find this is just what they need, plus you can get some really interesting/cute designs for small shelves and/or book-ends.
  5. Book-themed goodies - reading addicts are a funny bunch (I should know) and will love book-themed presents. A mug with their favourite book cover/quote printed on it? Perfect for snuggling up with, book in hand, on a cold winter's day. A bag, large enough for library books, with 'I <3 books' on the front? Perfect. If all else fails, try something with Penguin classics vintage spines/covers printed on it - usually makes a pretty good gift. There are plenty of these things out there - try typing into Amazon 'book gifts,' 'book mugs,' or the name of their favourite book followed by 'gifts' 'merchandise' 'merch' or 'themed,' for example, and see what comes up.

Little warning - if you're tempted to buy an eReader, firstly make sure they haven't already got one/their old one needs replacing. Then make sure they like them - if anyone ever buys me a Kindle (shudder) I'm likely to grimace and attempt to feign gratitude while wondering how to safely dispose of it in a ecologically friendly way which still means it will never be used.