Thursday 30 June 2016

Comics Wrap Up - It's Much Better To Face These Kinds Of Things...

Due to a quirk of the Comics Gods, all of my comics-y goings-on this week have been in the 'Other Stuff' category.

(Dammit Loki! Stop messing with my sh**! I said I was sorry already!)

My 'Other Stuff' category is what most people would call Miscellaneous - the category where all the stuff I'm too confused or lazy busy to put into other categories goes.

There's still some very interesting cr*p going on in this week's wrap-up - so take a look! XD

Other Stuff

This week, I read a Thor tie-in novel: Thor: Dueling with Giants (UK - US) by Keith R A De Candido.

This is the first book in a trilogy of 3 kids' novels - Marvel's Tales of Asgard - and I'll be reviewing it soon. :)


There's good news for fans of diversity in comics this week:

Marvel announced plans for a new Inhumans character and series: Mosaic. A new black superhero, Mosaic's alter-ego is a basketball player named Morris Sackett.

Elsewhere, Mark Millar has announced new runs of both the Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl series, with the title role of Kick-Ass being taken up this time around by an African-American woman.

It's uber-good that comics creators are finally waking up and smelling the under-representation in the industry, but there's still undoubtedly a ways to go.

Progress, though my dearest nerdlets! Progress!


In #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend news:

Sebastian Stan spoke briefly about his views on Stucky; his comments were positive, and probably about as enthusiastic as you can get while towing the studio-line.

A gay porn parody of Civil War seems to have decided to use the hashtag for marketing.

I have no issues with porn in itself (as long as it's safe, sane, consensual, and non-exploitative,) but am majorly p**sed off that they're using the tag.

People have been working to get this seen as a serious campaign, and throw light of the lack of LGBTQ+ representation and relationships in mainstream media; adding porn to the mix runs the risk of cheapening the issue in the eyes of many.


Nadia Bauman at Women Write About Comics wrote a piece about the treatment of Russian culture and history in graphic novel Codename Baboushka Vol 1: The Conclave of Death (UK - USA.)


Johanna at Comics Worth Reading spread the news that awesome Welsh actor Michael Sheen will be directing a film adaptation of Dark Horse Comics' title Green River Killer (UK - US.)

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Wednesday 29 June 2016

1/2 Year Resolutions Update

It's the end of June!

So I guess, given that half the year is gone already, it's time to look at where I am with those pesky bookish New Year's resolutions I made.

(Damn you attempts to improve myself!)

Reading Resolutions

  • To read 200 books (Goodreads Challenge)

Well on-target for this - I've read 110 books so far, 13 books ahead of schedule, and 55% through!

Yeah... don't think this one's gonna happen. Seeing as how I've read a grand total of... 1 book for this challenge.

I think it's because all the e-books and library books and new books keep distracting me.

So I'm revising my target down to 10 books. I can always put it back up again if I've got the chance.

  • To read widely

Welp. This one seems to be going quite well if the range of genres I've read this year is anything to go by (and that's a lot of different genres - I think I have a problem.)

I also wrote a post entitled '6 Ways To Read More Widely' in order to help others - because I'm nice like that.

  • To read at least 5 books in Welsh

Yeah... I haven't started this one.

I only mean to read like, really easy kids books, but I still haven't got around to it. Welsh is hard! ...So I kind of keep putting it off.

Even though I really want to learn more because hell, it's yr iaith (the language) of y gwlad (the land,) and it does mean a lot to me - but dude, it's a tough language to learn!

  • To never, ever, stop reading in print

Still reading a lot in print, as well as reading on the e-reader. Love print!

Blogging Resolutions

  • To blog regularly.

I blog almost every day - so this one is going well. Just have to keep it up!

  • To always be open, honest, and genuine in my blogging and my reviewing.

I hope you all agree that I definitely keep this in mind when blogging. To the extent where sometimes I probably tell you a little more than you wanted to know!

  • To never lose sight of why I started this blog - which was to have fun, feel a bit more like a person again, enjoy reading, and encourage others to do the same.

Hopefully still doing that!

  • Try to find ways to promote reading

As a Book Nerd On A Mission, I've been trying to read out in public (the big wide world!) at least once a week, even if it's only waiting for The Bestie to reach our table at the coffee shop.

People definitely seem to find this weird - particularly in Pizza Hut. I think they were about two minutes away from calling the men with the white coats.

I've also been adding non-bookish blogging hashtags, and tagging non-bookish blogging accounts for retweets, on Twitter. That way it's not just the bookish who are exposed to my all-out zaniness.


I want to spread reading to the world! But for that, my dear nerdlets, I will need your help.

Any ideas of how to spread reading like a plague will be most welcome! AND GET OUT THERE AND READ IN PUBLIC!

  • To not get stressed! - If I don't finish a post by a certain time, it doesn't matter! This is my blog, and I shouldn't be stressing about it.

Ha, yeah... working on this one. It's hard sometimes when you're trying to run your own business (most ninja assassin princesses are self-employed,) and sort out the normal life sh** and blog.

But blogging is definitely good for me mental-health-wise - hence the amount of posts I write on a weekly basis, and the amount of faffing about and bugging all of you that I do in general :)

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Tuesday 28 June 2016

Month in Review(s) - June 2016

We're half-way through the year folks! Which is kind of rocking, really, because it means we're that much closer to Christmas.

(I love Christmas!)

Anyway, back to the summer-ish-ness of June, and I can honestly say I read a little bit of everything this month.

Plus it was a pretty fab month blog-wise: I reached over 750 Twitter followers, over 15k blog page-views (ARGH!!!!!) and over 30 Bloglovin followers.


(I'm a massive Juno Dawson fan - so this was kind of a fantabulously big deal to me.)

So catch up on all my reviews this month with this handy link-list (and I've added cover images, because I spoil you.)


Young Adult

Say Her Name by Juno Dawson - Horror, Ghost Story
These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly - Historical Fiction, Crime


Life Blood by V M Black - Romance, Paranormal, Vampires, Novella
Landline by Rainbow Rowell - Contemporary, Chick Lit, Magic Realism, Romance* (*ish)

Graphic Novels

Codename Baboushka, Vol: The Conclave of Death - Spy, Gangster, Thriller, Crime
Klaw, The First Cycle - Young Adult, Fantasy, Superhero*, Paranormal* (*ish - there are shifters of various types and somewhat of a superhero origin story.)

Monday 27 June 2016

The Writer Diaries - Micropoetry, June 2016

Here we are my dearest nerdlets! The little scraps of micropoetry that I've written this month, all wrapped up neat 'n' tidy in a blogpost!

(They're kind of sad poems... sorry about that! In my defence, more than one was written in reaction to various things going around me, and in the country in general, when I wrote them.)

8th June

Goodbye little bird,
I promise I loved you
I promise I cared.

Goodbye little bird -
If I could've made it so,
You would've been spared

11th June

Empty shop, empty shop, empty shop.
Reduced bank hours,
Downgraded post office,
One train an hour.
Empty shop, empty shop, empty shop.

15th June

The sky is crying -
It throws down its tears,
So we can know,
That it cries too.

16th June

A bright light burned out today
As it left it lit the way -
Said love not hate is what I say,
Hatred will not win the day

23rd June

You think you know me.
How I wish that were true.
You claim to know me.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Nerd Church - The Reaction

Stupidity won over sense. And in the last couple of days we've already begun to see the effects of the UK's decision to leave the EU.

Scotland now wants to leave the UK (I don't blame them, honestly.)

Gibraltar (one of the UK's dependencies) may end up as part of Spain.

The Northern Irish are applying for Republic of Ireland passports in droves.

The economy took a massive hit on Friday - as soon as the referendum result was known; the stock market crashed, the pound (Sterling - our currency) plummeted in value.

Many companies are already looking at downscaling their UK operations, or planning on pulling out entirely.

Our future has been sold out from under us, and the over 65s vote was the clincher.

People who won't be here to see the effects in the decades that follow were the ones who pushed us into this.

What I can't understand is why everyone didn't use their vote.

I've gone on and on before about the importance of using your vote, but here, in a referendum - where every vote counts - it could have made a huge difference.

I know, I know - the voter turnout was the highest in years; certainly it was the highest turnout in my own memory, but a measly 72% just doesn't cut it with a decision this big.

Think of the difference that could have been made.

But life goes on.

Lord knows, it'll be much harder than before. But we have to try.

Somehow, we're going to have to grit our teeth and look firmly towards hope.

Hope that we can somehow make this work without it hurting everyone too badly. Hope that we can still foster tolerance and love within our communities. Hope that we learn our lesson quickly, and manage, somehow, to bring a brighter tomorrow.

I'm rooting for you all - but this is going to be tough guys, let's not beat around the bush. Let's work together, and find our way through this... somehow.

Nerd Church is a weekly post where I have a massive rant about discuss various social, political, ethical, moral, etc. issues. And shove in random gifs.

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Saturday 25 June 2016

Mini-Review! - Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Title: Inkheart

Author: Cornelia Funke

Translator: Anthea Bell

Genre: Kids, Fantasy

Series: Inkworld #1

Amazon: UK - USA


You know all the books you loved as a kid? All the magic and wonder that seemed unique to places like Narnia, Hogwarts, and Neverland?

This book is that feeling. This book has that magic.

Inkheart is a book about magic, and a book about books.

It has a woven enchantment to the language that manages to shine through even in translation (props to Anthea Bell, the translator.)

Meggie, the 12-year-old daughter of a book-binder, is about to find out that her father has secrets, and that some people have such a talent for story-telling that they can actually bring the story to life.

I've wanted to read this one for a while, having seen the film (UK - US) starring Brendan Fraser more than once. (Because... Brendan Fraser! Man, I love him.)

I wonder now why I put off reading this book for so long - probably just slipped to the back of my mind. I'm glad I've read it now though: it's awesome! :)

If you have ever loved fantasy, or books in general, then read this.

Yes, it's a kids book (the author's website recommends ages 9+,) but who cares? You'll love it.

And if you don't absolutely adore Dustfinger, I'm not sure we can be friends any more (just kidding - but I'll totally pout and stamp my foot.)

I've already added the next book in the trilogy - Inkspell (UK - US) - to my TBR - seriously, this book rocks.

Friday 24 June 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Can It Be The Way It Was?

Sometimes you read a piece of fanfiction that, for whatever reason, just feels right.

That feeling is one of the best in the world. It feels a little like this:

(Ha, Gee's so sassy XD - fellow Killjoys will understand!)

Anyhow, this week's fic (which doesn't have anything to do with MCR - I just wanted an excuse to use that gif, because LOOK AT THE SEXY!) made me feel like that.

Let me explain something: as I've said before, fanfiction is free - it has nobody telling fic authors what they can and can't do.

OK, this sometimes backfires. And/or traumatises the reader (- the reader in this case being me.)

...But it also means that issues that the media takes and either romanticises or downplays can be exposed, raw, to the world, with the genuine passion of someone who is writing for the love of it.

There was something about this fic - the way it captures the pent-up feeling Steve feels in this situation where he's trying to care for Bucky (Yes, this is a Stucky fic,) that just rang true.

(Fangirling note:

As frequent visitors to this post-series will know, Stucky is a romantic and/or sexual relationship between Captain America and his friend Bucky Barnes.

This (relation)ship should immediately be canon (i.e. official) but Marvel is scared to do the right thing and #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend.

Sorry, had to throw my political stance in there.)

The way Bucky's PTSD was not glamorised, and definitely not ignored, just hard and sad... it felt right.

It felt like mental health issues were being addressed; in a real way. In a way that allowed Bucky to smile one minute, and withdraw into himself the next.

And there's humour - I love the running theme of the bad puns, and Bucky's description of a drunk Steve Rogers back in the 1940s. And it will still make you feel the feels.

(Fangirling note: The feels are deeply emotional and indescribable (except by using the word 'feels') feelings.)

This week's fic then, is:

The New Way It Was by SpacePunkStevie

There's some swearing, and a bunch of angst, but no sexy-times (clean fanfiction exists! It wasn't just an urban legend! It's out there people! ...OK, less coffee. Gotcha.)

Next week: I'm planning some batty cross-over shenanigans (seriously, fic writers can cross any fandoms together, and sometimes it scares me,) but if that turns out too traumatic then I'll have to come up with something else.

See you then! :)

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