Thursday 5 July 2018

Sunday 1 July 2018

Nerd Church - Spread a Little Love

You wanna change the world my nerdlets?

It seems like it needs some changing at the moment.

Between Trump's Muslim ban (yes, it is a Muslim ban, quit fooling yourselves) and all the other sh** going on right now, it can seem like there's no hope.

But that's not true - there's always hope.

jam jars with heart lids
Spread love... get it? 😄

So how can you change the world, right now?

Welp, you can spread the love.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well it is. And it isn't.

When everything's dragging you down, when the world is full of ill-feeling, spreading love and positivity can be the hardest thing of all.

Friday 29 June 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Your Pal. Your Bucky.

'Bucky went town to town, dance hall to dance hall, picking up women despite his dull dancing shoes. His smile made up for it. He took Steve to the local ones, but he always danced away into the crowd. Bucky loved to dance.

Back then Bucky loved a lot of things.'

fics fix title image with purple backgorund and white lightning bolt shape

What, did you really think that we'd reach the end of Pride Month (aka June,) without me rec'ing you some Stucky?! No way!

(Fangirling notes:

Rec'ing is recommending.

Stucky is a romantic and/or sexual relationship between Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers (Captain America) - aka the relationship that Marvel needs to give us immediately.)

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Review Time! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - BLACK, Vol 1

BLACK Volume 1 title image with black and white striped background

Title: BLACK, Vol 1

Author: Kwanza Osajyefo


Jamal Igle, Khary Randolph, Tim Smith III, Steven Walker, Robin Riggs, Sarah Stern, Dave Sharpe, Sarah Litt, Patricia Daguisan, Derwen Roberson

Genre: Graphic Novel, Sci-Fi (Superhero)

Series: BLACK #1-6

Amazon: UK - USA

Sunday 24 June 2018

Nerd Church - A Short Intro to Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism

Parkinson's Disease is horrible.

This degenerative neurological condition has no cure, and its affects are often devastating.

That's not to say that people with Parkinson's can't manage it - especially in the early stages. But it's not something to take lightly.

People associate Parkinson's with tremors - and yes, that's a key symptom, but it's so much more.

picture of a brain in front of a jazzy retro-comics background