Sunday 16 June 2019

Nerd Church - 5 Super-Dads (And 5 Who Aren't So Super)

(This post may have some mild spoilers for various superhero-y dealies.)

Let's have some fun this Father's Day, shall we?

Title image: 5 Super Dads (And 5 Who Aren't So Super)

Superhero media is a hazardous place to be a father...

...Either you or your kid keeps getting kidnapped and you have to save each other...

...someone changes the timeline and suddenly you've accidentally poofed your child out of existence...

...your kids get ret-conned for film license purposes so that they're no longer your kids...

...they turn out to be super-villains even though you thought they were dead...

It ain't easy!

Friday 14 June 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Blasting Off Again!

'"Only I've been looking back towards where the front door is and it's not there," Brock said.

"What?!" Ash and Misty yelped.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Misty cried.'

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I was a 90s kid (and I do mean 'kid,' I was v. smol!) so inevitably I watched the hell out of the original Pokémon TV series.

It was weird, random, probably a little bit cliché... and pretty much every kid watched it!

Thursday 13 June 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - We Are The Jack-O-Lanterns In July, Setting Fire to the Sky

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower

Firstly: this is the 1000TH PUBLISHED POST ON THIS BLOG! Woooo!!!! 💪💖

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled dose of comics-y-ness:

Lots of Marvel stuff, most of it marvellously hilarious, for ya this week my nerdlets!

So let's get this metaphorical show on the road!

Sunday 9 June 2019

Nerd Church - 9 Things I Learnt From the Chernobyl TV Series

The last episode of the Sky/HBO dramatisation of the Chernobyl disaster aired last Tuesday.

When I was a kid, Chernobyl was the reason people couldn't sell their livestock.

I live over 1000 miles away from the site of the Chernobyl disaster. I was born years after the explosion.

But when I was a kid, Chernobyl was the reason people couldn't sell their livestock.

The restrictions on sheep farmers were only lifted in 2012.

'9 Things I Learnt From the Chernobyl TV Series' graphic with radiation warning sign in front of trees

Friday 7 June 2019

Friday Fics Fix - How They Swing

'"Ryan and I are the best couple," he said.

Tommy held up a fist to bump. "Sell it, man. It would be hilarious if you won." Chad left him hanging with his hand in the air'

Fics Fix title image w/ purple background and white lightning bolt shape

High School Musical 2.

You all familiar? It's the one with the golf club and swimming pool and all that.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Month in Review(s) - May 2019

May was another month of ups-and-downs.

Such is life - we just keep moving after all!

Things are starting to kind of improve depression-wise, if you squint and turn your head a bit, so... that's good!

'May' graphic with yellow flower