Wednesday 30 October 2019

Micropoetry - August + September 2019

Yes! She still writes Micropoetry! And she's super-late with posting it! 😅

Why am I posting August and September's Micropoetry at the butt-end of October?

Well, because I'm a poorly-organised, hare-brained, book blogger. 😅

Multi-tasking Queen I may be -

(I'm currently juggling writing/putting together this post while doing work (like, adulting-style work,) and listening to a BookTube video on 2x speed)

- but I don't have all the time in the world, and I tend to forget sh**.

Plus, I have to sleep and eat and stuff, and self-care ftw! 😉

So, anywho, here's the Micropoetry:

As always, the poetry is in the alt-text for anyone using a screen-reader, with / marks showing line-breaks.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Nerd Church - 39

(Warning: this post discusses human trafficking, modern slavery, racism, anti-immigrant sentiment, and the tragic deaths of 39 immigrants)

A single candle in the darkness

For those of you outside the UK, who may not know, 39 immigrants were found dead this week in a lorry in Essex.

They were probably Vietnamese, but the details are still a bit fuzzy..

Friday 25 October 2019

Friday Fics Fix - HP Halloween: The Ones Who Won't Grow Old

Warning: this post talks about war and related trauma

'Even in the summer, it was cold here. Once, Ginny had been used to it, spending most of the year here, but now it was more of a distant memory.'

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

This is the last week of HP Halloween!

Yes, November is fast-approaching, which means our month-long Harry Potter fanfiction fest is over.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Nerd Church - Have A Little Consideration! (...And Treat Your Neighbours Right)

I think that some people - not everyone, but some people - need to re-evaluate their common decency, and the consideration that they may or may not have for the people around them.

Because sometimes, people do sh** that ain't a lot to them, but is, in fact, a big deal to other people.

drawing of houses in bright colours to imitate a child's drawing
Image by Prawny from Pixabay

My neighbours have dogs.

They're lovely dogs. Adorable af.

But they like to chase cats. And I have cats.

Friday 18 October 2019

Friday Fics Fix - HP Halloween: Star-Crossed Rumors

'...But it wasn’t a dream and he was fully clothed. When he looked back over at the group of girls, they giggled even harder, whispering to each other'

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Yes! It's time for another week of HP Halloween!

Because October = Harry Potter fanfiction.

I don't make the rules I just... wait, no, I do make the rules! Yay me! 😆

(...I'ma blame the caffeine. #JustSaying. 😅)