Thursday 21 November 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - But My Hand It Will Be Open, And I'll Try To Fix It

*This post contains (US) affiliate links, which earn commission when purchases are made*

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower


And Thursday means comics and superheroes, dearest nerdlets! 😁

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Micropoetry - October 2019

Micropoetry time again dearest nerdlets!

(Yes, I realise that it's the 20th of November. I have time issues. 😅)

This month's offerings are maybe a li'l weird

...but it was October dammit! You can totally be weird in October! (*pretends I'm not weird all year round*) 😅

As always, for those using a screen-reader, the poetry is in the alt-text, with line breaks marked with a / symbol.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Nerd Church - Think Before You Speak

Social media. 

Love it, loathe it, or (like most of us) find yourself somewhere in between.

Whatever you feel about the ol' socials, sh** escalates fast online!

I... kind of think that a lot of the escalation is related to people not having some sort of filter between their reaction and their mouths/fingers

- (talking and typing - I mean talking and typing. Minds out of the gutter nerdlets!)

illustration with White girl with brown hair looking at mobile phone
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Friday 15 November 2019

Friday Fics Fix - 'Round the Houses

'Loki was left-handed and took a broom that was on the very end. He had plenty of flying practice at home, but he was still nervous. His first day had been going so badly, one more embarrassing moment would just be the cherry on top.'

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

It's a pet theory of mine that at some point, everything in fandom has been crossed with Harry Potter.

Sometimes this is a full-on cross-over, with the characters from the Harry Potter books/films running around with characters from Marvel or DC or Torchwood or whatever.

Sometimes, though, this crossover takes the form of a Hogwarts/Harry Potter AU.

A Hogwarts and/or Harry Potter AU is an Alternate Universe where the characters from a fandom are placed in the setting of the Wizarding World, attend Hogwarts, work as Aurors, etc.

This may or may not involve actual appearances from Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - There's A Moment In Time, And It's Stuck In My Mind

**This post includes (US) affiliate links - I earn a small commission from purchases made using these links**

(Please don't use my links to make purchases in the UK.)

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower

It's Thursday, I love superheroes and comics, and I hope you do too! (Cos I've got an awesome comics wrap-up for ya!) 😆

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Month in Review(s) - October 2019

October... what can I say about October?

October - Hydref graphic with smiling pumpkins and a leafy background

October was a month, that happened, I guess! 😅

...complete with colds and a lot of work-stuff. But meh *shrugs* it was fine. Just an average month, really! 😅

Sunday 10 November 2019

Nerd Church - Why I Love WW1 Poetry

Morbid li'l goth-emo child that I am, I LOVE World War One poetry.

I read it all year round: Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenburg, Ivor Gurney, Edmund Blunden, Rupert Brooke...

*sighs happily*

'Why I Love WW1 Poetry' with poppies

So, seeing as how it's Rememberance Sunday, and it's the 11th of November tomorrow, I figured I'd let you in on the beautiful jewel of life that is WW1 poetry.

(Note: when I use the phrase 'WW1 poetry' I mean English-language WW1 poetry, mainly from British soldiers, with the odd Commonwealth soldier chucked in for good luck.

I'm sure that other nationalities also wrote poetry in a variety of languages and styles, but the WW1 poetry I and most people in the UK are familiar with is that I've just described.)