Sunday 24 October 2021

Nerd Church - Embracing the Minimum And Learning To NOT Go The Extra Mile

I don’t half-a** things.

It’s not in my make-up. When I do something – work, writing, whatever – I put my everything into everything.

And that’s good. I like to think it shows in what I do.

Embracing the Minimum And Learning To NOT Go The Extra Mile

But as part of my on-going attempts to learn that over-working is an unhealthy coping mechanism...

...and that I need to, y’know, not work myself to exhaustion, I’ve been trying to figure out what it means to put my all into things without all the negatives.

And I’ve realised something – I can do the minimum (or, at least, not the maximum,) without half-a**ing it.

Friday 22 October 2021

Friday Fics Fix - What If Zemo Was In the Zombie Apocalypse (With Bucky)?


'...he smiled, apparently amused. “The apocalypse seems to make for strange bedfellows. A Sokovian Baron and a Winter Soldier walk into a bar.”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Due to the current vastness of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU - the Marvel movies) sometimes it can be difficult to explain where, within the sprawling fandom and its sub-fandoms, fan-created content fits in.

This week's fic is mostly based on the Marvel's What If..? zombies episode, but also reaches into the main continuity, and hoiks out Zemo, dropping him into the zombie-ness so that he can play too.

While Zemo was present in Captain America: Civil War, he really came into his own in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS.) Civil War has happened in this universe (or at least, the fic author presumes,) but TFATWS hasn't.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Nerd Church - There's So Much Noise

The world is full of noise, right now.

We manage to make a lot of noise which is only partly literally audible.

But the world is full of noise, all the same.

'There's So Much Noise' with a silhouette sitting in front of a static-filled screen

I guess it always was.

It's just that we gave each other (metaphorical) megaphones and made it a shouting contest.

And then we beamed those megaphones into your homes, your businesses, the palms of your hands, 24 hours a day.

Friday 15 October 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Loving Losers


'..."Uh, yup." Richie shrugged. "Just all reconnected this weekend for some good old fashioned sewer clown fighting and murder."'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I love the IT movies.

- That's the modern, 2010s, IT parts 1 & 2. 

(Technically the films are IT, and IT: Chapter 2, but you all know what I mean, so expect me just to call them parts 1 & 2 throughout this post.)

I haven't seen the Tim Curry adaptation - though I might get around to it one of these days, purely because Tim Curry. 

I also haven't actually read the Stephen King novel because it's one of those 1000+ page behemoths that you have to kind of psych yourself up to tackle, and I'm yet to summon the sufficient energy and desire to do so.

Again, I might get around to it at some point, since I'm a general Stephen King fan.