Thursday 20 February 2020

Comics Wrap-Up - Every Little Piece Pulls In Its Own Direction

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'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and heart symbols inside speech bubbles

It's Thursday. And Thursday means comics-y goodness here at Dora Reads!

This week's wrap-up is all stuff in the 'Other Stuff' category - for which we will, as always, blame Loki.

Other Stuff

DC have introduced more diversity to their Green Lantern properties!

Green Lantern is an odd one in terms of superheroes - because it's a job description rather than a nickname.

The Green Lantern Corps is made up of Green Lanterns from different planets and territories who protect the area under their jurisdiction.

Given that there's so many of them, it's fruitful ground for intro-ing Characters of Colour while leveraging the support of existing fans, and I'm glad that DC are taking this step!

divding line
I love this look at some of the weirdest moments from the 1980s Spider-Man cartoon.

(It's supposed to be 'funniest' but... it's the weirdest!)

I'm personally more of a fan of the 1960s series because... it was entirely bonkers and totally '60s. I remember hippies in one episode, just casually there, y'know, chilling 😅

But clearly the '80s version also had its moments!

(Warning: mild flashing images)

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And to end this week, here's some awesome reviews of comics & graphic novels!

What's your fave superhero cartoon?
What do you think of the increase in diverse Green Lanterns?
Talk to me! 😁💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Up posts:

Sharing and commenting means so much to me! 💖

'Every little piece pulls in its own direction' is from Spiders by The Editors


  1. I think it’s awesome that DC is taking larger strides towards diversity! It will only inspire more people to view their content if they see themselves represented in the media.

    1. I think Green Lantern is a great place for them to start - hopefully there'll be more PoC superheroes in future!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!