Sunday 25 February 2024

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Writing vs *Writing*


In my head, there's a difference between writing and *Writing.*

Like, I'm one of those people who thinks that all writing is writing, and I will take that to whatever bank and/or government authority you want me to.

I mean it - I will back you up 100%. All writing is writing.

Title: Writing vs *Writing*. Background: paper and fancy dried flowers

All writing is writing.

Writing this blogpost is writing. Writing a tweet is writing. Writing a to-do list is writing.

It's all physically (or digitally in some cases, I guess,) writing. 

And all of it works on your skills with words - don't ever let anyone tell you different, m'k? Gatekeepers can get all the way in the bin. *nods sagely*

And I write every day. 

I write for work. I write for Dora Reads. I write stuff on Medium. I write comments and tweets and notes-to-self.

And it keeps me going - because writing = breathing, as far as I'm concerned. (Not that it's easy - just that it's vital.)

But while all writing is writing, and all *Writing* is writing, not all writing is *Writing.*

*Writing*  is the stuff that spills out of you from the universe - with or without your conscious input.

*Writing* is the soul-fulfilling, purpose-on-this-earth, kind of stuff. 

*Writing* is the let-me-exorcise-this-and-get-it-out-of-my-head stuff.

It's the stuff I have to do, because I have to do it. Rather than the stuff I have to do for practical or more day-to-day reasons.

And while writing keeps me going, I need to make sure I get enough *Writing* in too.

(...When I was a smol child I used to throw full-on temper-tantrums when I didn't get enough *Writing* time - only I struggled to explain that that's what I wanted/needed because I was like, 6 years old. Which would just make me even more frustrated... 😅)

Did any of this make sense?

Do you think of different types of writing differently in your head?

Talk to me! 😀💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovinFor more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous 'The Writer Diaries' Posts:

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  1. Right now I am writing too many essays and withering away.

  2. "(...When I was a smol child I used to throw full-on temper-tantrums when I didn't get enough *Writing* time - only I struggled to explain that that's what I wanted/needed because I was like, 6 years old. Which would just make me even more frustrated... 😅)"
    LOL, really? Poor smol you.

    You write for work? May I ask you in what capacity?

    1. I know, smol me was at the disadvantage of being a f**king bad-a** in a world that doesn't appreciate Beethoven or Renoir enough *sniffle* ...Also, I can remember at least one teacher figuring out what I wanted and letting me hide in the 'book corner' and finish writing my story.

      Lol, as a self-employed magical princess unicorn, all of the client reports, projects, marketing, and e-mails, are 600% my responsibility.


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!