Sunday 2 August 2015

Welcome to Nerd Church

Ladies and Gents - I give you Nerd Church!

Original church image (before edits) courtesy of debspoons at
I figured that after all the stuff I've been talking about recently, what with the stories being passed down through mythology and generations, and the comments about worshipping with the DC congregation with the Suicide Squad trailer, it would be best to provide a small weekly space of deep thinking for the nerd community. I say weekly, I will aim to make it weekly but it might be fortnightly, or just whenever I remember. But the intention is that I'll release a dedicated Nerd Church post weekly.

Also, I may on more than one occasion go off on one completely. Usually this will be because of either too much or too little coffee, but if you read this blog a lot then that won't exactly be much of a surprise to you. I probably come off as really caffeine-crazed in most posts. I assure you that I'm calmer in real-life (well, ish.)

So, as an intro for you lovely people...

Just a thought for the week ahead. Think of the stories that we still cling to from childhood - The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, pretty much anything in the Marvel back-catalogue, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Artemis Fowl, etc... What are the similarities here? Is there a common thread calling to us? Of magic maybe, and possibility; of extraordinary things happening to seemingly ordinary people, who were never quite as ordinary as they thought themselves to be.

There's also a common thread of dead or absent parents - Harry Potter and the Baudelaire children (A Series of Unfortunate Events) are orphans; the Pevensie children from the Narnia books are sent away from home; Artemis Fowl's parents are usually out-of-action for at least part of the books. And let's face it, superheroes are notorious for dead, abusive, or neglectful parents.

Now, that doesn't mean that we all secretly hanker to be neglected or orphaned - it simply means that the heroes have to make do on their own. They have no fall back of 'I'll call dad to pick me up,' and they have to learn to rely on their own wits and skills. So, we look up to self-sufficiency, to bravery and survival in the face of vulnerability and challenges. We yearn to make heroes of those who've managed to make their own way in an often hostile world, the way we all feel like the world can be hostile to us as we do our best to make our way through it.

And, as one final thought - what the hell were the parents in Enid Blyton books doing?!?! It's like, hey group of small children, of course you can go faffing around the country alone in a caravan. You don't need supervision, it's not like your average age is like eleven or anything! And the first time my kids caught a load of smugglers and/or were kidnapped and/or injured, would be the very last time I let them do anything on their own. But next holidays, the parents are back to being like - 'you want to go on a tour of haunted houses? Yeh, go ahead.' Dude, really?!?!

Friday 31 July 2015

Friday Fics Fix!

Friday Fics Fix!

Yes, my beautiful bookish people, it is time once again for me to go off the rails and trail through the ever-expanding masses of fan-fiction on the interwebs to bring you five of the best, the worst, and the down-right weird. I apologise in advance, but honestly, there's a lot worse out there - you're lucky I go through it so you don't have too.

I've actually found some relatively non-disturbing fics for you this week - as in, can be read by people under the age of 18. They're also all one-shots - which are one part stand-alone short stories. I hope you enjoy and as always, feel free to make (non-emotionally-scarring) suggestions.

What if Deadpool taught at Hogwarts? by Absent Emotions.

This is 'crack fic' - as in, 'you must've been on crack to come up with it.' Like most crack fic, it leaves you slightly bemused and needing a lie-down and a glass of water while your brain tries to process it. However, it's Deadpool teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts - so it has to be included in my picks just for the sheer randomness of that idea. This is actually relatively acceptable to most age groups - but it is very, very weird.

Wanderer by Empatheia

This is a full-blown crossover (where one fictional world/franchise is smooshed into another one,) between Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland, where Miss Luna Lovegood and Alice are old friends, and Luna is constantly on the search to get back to her. To be honest, it's most then just friendship, but it never gets explicit so no worries - it's actually kind of sweet and beautiful.

The Starbucks Hobo by Loki's Brat

This is Stucky fluff. I know that sounds like another language (it is, it's fangirl/boy,) but it basically means that it's a Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Bucky Barnes relationship (yes, romantic, this is fan-fiction, almost everyone is gay,) that doesn't go into physical or sexual detail and stays in the fluffy rom-com gee-isn't-that-sweet territory. This is set in Starbucks, which is a well-known AU (Alternate Universe) for the Avengers. I don't know why. People just want the Avengers characters to work in a coffee shop; plus fangirls love the thought of Captain America being the 'Star' and Bucky being the 'bucks.' Supernatural references in this fic; also, I love where Clint works, it's so very fitting.

Fever by 1kiwiabroad

This is a Sherlock sickfic (story where the main character is ill, and one of the others has to take care of them.) Sherlock has flu, and, delusional, is running around Baker Street starkers - it's actually quite cute and fun.

Knock Knock by PrettyKitty Luvs U

OK, this is a really short fic, so my explanation of the background will probably be longer than the actual thing. Sorry, can't be helped. This is a Jackunzel Big Four fic. The Big Four are Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians, Rapunzel from Tangled, Merida from Brave, and Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. They all know each other and are friends because someone somewhere decided it should be so, and legions of fangirls just got sucked in. This fandom is also sometimes referred to as Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons. There are various ships (favourite relationships) within the fandom, and occasionally it expands to include characters from the movie Frozen (though technically this is then the Big Six.) Unusually for a fandom, the ships tend to favour heterosexuality rather than homosexual relationships. Jackunzel is the pairing name for Jack Frost and Rapunzel, which kind of feeds into the seasons metaphor that Big Four fans have a thing about (Jack as Winter and Rapunzel as Spring in this case.) This is cute fluff, and like I said - shorter than the explanation.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Reviewing the Evidence - Shiver

Title: Shiver (US Link)
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Genre: paranormal, romance, ditzy, werewolves, ya
Series: The Wolves of Mercy Falls (#1)

A few starting notes:

I didn't really have many preconceptions about this book - I knew it was YA, and a paranormal romance, so probably also ditzy (I was right.) For those of you who aren't familiar with my own special brand of genre designation, ditzy is best described via personification - she's like a teen girl who keeps laughing in that way that sounds like dolphin noises. You know, the dolphin noises? Yeah, her.


When she was 11, Grace was attacked by wolves. Unlike most normal people, who would probably stay away from wolves after that, she becomes obsessed with them. Lucky for her (and for the plot) these wolves are not quite what they appear to be. Cue a teenaged Grace, another kid getting attacked by wolves, and a heap load of s**t hitting the fan. (Sometimes I think I write far better blurbs than the ones on the backs of books...and then I remember that's because no-one's paying me.)

Best bits:

The character of Isabel is awesome sauce! At first, I didn't like her - because she's painted as the kind of girl that we're not supposed to like: popular, gossipy, b***hy, rich, and privileged. But after a while, she comes into her own. She rocks. Honestly, she makes up for all the craziness.

I also like Sam - it's nice to have a book where the boy is more in touch with his feelings than the lead girl. Plus, a slightly traumatised bookish boy who's head over heels in love, and plays guitar, is pretty much what any girl would fall over themselves for, lets be honest. His song lyrics are terrible, but I'm willing to overlook it.

Ms Stiefvater also has some interesting twists on werewolf lore - can't say anything for fear of spoilers, but I was pleasantly surprised by the attempt to bring some originality to the genre.

Not so great bits:

There's some stuff in here that'll upset some people - negligent and sometimes abusive parents feature, references are made to self-harm and suicide attempts, and there's much blood 'n' gore and an unfortunate syringe scene (*shudders*) but it probably won't bother people who don't have the paralysing fear of needles that I do.

There's also some virginal sexy times involving older teens (I think they're 18, or close to it,) which may offend the sensibilities of some, but it doesn't get that explicit.

I found that the urge to slap Grace was pretty high - though she was better in a crisis than I thought she would be. Generally speaking though, she's not a character I really liked all that much - maybe because she's so bland and yet so very incredibly stupid. Who obsesses over the wolves that attacked you in such a creepy way? Argh! It just felt like she was a bit too cookie-cutter paranormal romance heroine (I'm talking Bella Swan levels of cardboard and lack of chemistry) and that was slightly disappointing. But, like I said, she perks up in a crisis, so there is hope yet.


This is readable and enjoyable - and will certainly appeal to tweens and teens who like to dive into paranormal romances. Isabel and Sam are the saving graces - unlike Grace, who needs a suffusion of personality before the next book.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Trailer Review! - Suicide Squad First Look

Hello my lovely people! I decided to do a review/reaction thingummy of the first official Suicide Squad trailer. So, join me as I shuffle meekly into the church of DC while resisting the urge to clutch my Captain America shield necklace to my throat for fear of being outed as a life-long Marvel girl. Guys, we're all geeks here, and sometimes we need to sit in for a service at another congregation - toleration of the Marvel girl please! And in return I will try my best to be sensitive to the DC-ers amongst you and not say anything about Aq... ugh! Nearly fell at the first hurdle! But I will soldier on (til the end of the line..) No. DC. DC.

What's that my lovely book worms? What has this to do with reading? Well, as difficult as you may find this to believe, Marvel and DC cinema and TV stuff is an adaptation of the comic books and graphic novels that deserve to be read again and again and clog the tbr piles of booklovers everywhere! (Speaking of which, note to self: get hands on a copy of Suicide Squad Vol 1.)

Oh, quick warning - this very much sticks to the dark, gothic, and mentally scarring (and that's just Jared Leto,) so don't watch if you're easily scared or upset (or a kid, seriously, no coming complaining to me, you have been warned.)

So, to the trailer (duddle-uddle-uddle-uddle-uh!) (I'm sorry - blame the coffee...)

Wait, is that Cara Delevigne?
Why yes, eagle-eyed viewer, that is indeed model/actress and generally impossibly beautiful Cara Delevigne. First seen underground with a lamp on her head. That's when you know this is going to be gritty, when the first glimpse of one of the world's most beautiful women is in a damp cave. Later on we see her taking an ill-advised bath under a pentagram.
Will Smith is also here - see? Yep, Will Smith.
Did the talky-talky official people say the Squad are the bad guys?
Again, yes, yes they did. This is villains turned anti-heroes, used and then discarded by the callous government. I'm thinking  (and hoping!) ethical issues people!
What's with the creepy music/girl in a cage?
Isn't it awesome!?! Creepy girl extraordinaire is Harley Quinn - she's...something else. The music (which fits Harley's entrance something awesome,) is actually a cover of a Bee Gees song (those guys with the teeth and the flares and the 'Staying Alive'..? yeah them,) called - and I'm loving the irony here - 'I Started a Joke.' I love the choir-like eeriness of it; I think it sets a gothic tone rather nicely.
Wait, what's with the panda, and the goat?
Welcome to Suicide Squad my friends. This ain't your truth, hope, justice, and mother's drapes (sorry :P) affair. This is twisted.
The Joker?!?!?!
Yes. Yes. And more yes. Ladies and gentleman, I give you the man who's going to replace the spiders in my nightmares...Jared Leto! We see him for what? 10-20 seconds of screen-time? And he is easily the most disturbing thing I've seen in a long time.
So, overall impressions?
Dudes, this film looks awesome. Gothic. Gritty. No more happy-go-lucky. I know that a lot of DC fans will've been hoping for more on the humour side of life - or at least less of the grit and the pain - but, believe it or not, this is where DC comes into its own. When it gets scary, it gets scary.
And does it not reflect on the way we are right now globally? We don't know what's right and what's wrong, and we don't know where to stand in the middle of all the pain and the muddled ethics. This is our generation calling out and, yes, entering the church of DC, heads held high (though perhaps with our Cap shields tucked into our shirts) and saying - this! THIS IS WHAT WE ARE!  We are complex and broken, and dark, and gritty, and yes, just a little unhinged...and we need The Suicide Squad. Because it appeals to that part of us that says the dirty work needs to be done, the government is corrupt, and bad people can do good things in the same way that good people can do bad things. We need heroes, but we need the anti-heroes even more.

Monday 27 July 2015

Graphic Novel Score!

Scored a graphic novel this morning in the post! Woo! Been wanting to read 'The Invincible Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle' for a long time now because I've heard good things and dudes, it's classic Iron Man for the love of Stark!

Plus, I got one of these awesome Book Depository bookmarks free with it (no, I don't benefit from the plug, I just really like the bookmarks I get from them!)

Isn't it freaking adorable?!?!?! Sorry, I love bookmarks - one of these days I'll have to upload a pic of my Gorjuss by Santoro bookmark which my father bought for me because he's amazing and I can never afford Santoro products and I love them. So. Bad.
Happy reading! (Sorry for the close-ups of my pudgy fingers ;) )

Friday 24 July 2015

Friday Fics Fix

Friday Fics Fix!

Hello again! Welcome to the second instalment of 'Friday Fics Fix!' This is where I highlight 5 fan fics a week that are worthy of mention - either for good or not-so-good reasons!

Basically, I trawl my way through reams upon reams of fanfiction and share my infinite wisdom (by which I mean cackle like a lunatic due to the amount of craziness I have been exposed to.) Seriously, these posts are warping my perceptions already. There are very few strands of life where a billionaire who faffs around in a technologically advanced suit of armour has fairly graphic sexy times with a Norse god, or a Word War Two veteran; even fewer parts of life then allow said billionaire to give birth to the lovechild of one of these fine gentlemen. Yet in fanfiction we don't blink an eye. (Don't worry there is no Mpreg (male pregnancy) in this week's pics.)

Again, a reminder that most couples in fan fiction are gay, there is much porn, and if I give you a warning I mean it. 'M' means mature (18+) audiences only.

Feel free to comment and leave suggestions (not too disturbing please.)

So, here's this weeks Fics Fix -

To Have a Heart by ibelieveinguardianangels.

This is a Sherlock fic - short and sweet, but a bit distressing, the author has rated this K (which is suitable for everyone) but I'd say it's more for teens. There's references to violence to children which may upset/distress some readers.

Avengers Text Messages by K A Carlyle.

This does what it says on the tin - and is amazing! And Deadpool slams in every now and then for absolutely no reason! What more could you want out of life?!?! (OK, I may have been spending too much time on the Internet, I'm starting to sound like a bats**t crazy fangirl (again)) Anyway, there's some swearing in this, but generally it's just light-hearted and honest-to-goodness laugh-out-loud funny. Enjoy!

Cell phones are a wonderous thing by coconut-and-metal.

This is FrostIron (which, as I taught you last week is where Loki and Tony Stark get together romantically and usually do very naughty things which require an M rating - this fic is also M only.) Basically, this is Loki sexting Tony - it's worth reading just for Clint's line near the end, but it is very adult, with very adult humour. It starts out fun, and then descends into porn.

Shades of Darkness by opalish.

This is a short Dark! Harry fic. This is where Harry Potter, the symbol of Light in the wizarding world, turns instead to the Dark and all that that represents. This is quite good, actually, and has that right level of tipping into the darkness. It's very angst-y though. I would say (and apparently the author agreed,) that this is for a teen audience. This was written all the way back in 2005 - a decade ago people! Proof that the Potterheads know have a veritable library full of fanfiction. I wasn't even a teenager when the author wrote this.

Honestly Merlin by Wordinrain.

This is a Merlin fluff fic. For those of you who don't know, fluff is where things are romantic and kissy-kissy but without the explicit sex. Y'know - it's kind of 'fluffy!' This is based on a Merlin/Arthur romantic relationship and is fairly entertaining. There is much gayness.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Reviewing the Evidence (Classics Edition!) - 12 Years a Slave

Title: 12 Years a Slave (US Link)
Author: Solomon Northup
Genre: classics, non-fiction, memoirs, autobiography

A few starting notes:

I approached this book with a mix of trepidation and interest - I'd heard of the film, but not seen it, and knew a little about the story, but didn't know what the writing would be like or how the tone would be. I needn't have worried.


Solomon Northup was a black man born free in the time of slavery in the USA. He is tricked, kidnapped, and enslaved, enduring the life of a Southern slave for a period of 12 years. This is his own account of his time spent in slavery.

Best bits:

The very best bit is our narrator - Solomon Northup himself. He never lacks perspective, considers the opinions and feelings of others, and speaks with a strong voice that reverberates through the pages. His account keeps a level of admirable dignity up throughout its entirety, and he weaves the prose together better than many bestsellers today.

Mr Northup never shies away from the realities of slavery - we are told of the whippings and beatings, and the pain of separated families, whilst maintaining that same dignity. He never includes gratuitous levels of violence or suffering simply for their own sakes, and is honest about everything - the good times and the bad.

He also always gives credit where credit is due in a gracious and understanding way. He refrains from judging slave-owners simply for being slave-owners. His first master, William Ford, he has genuine affection for and Ford joins the ranks of white men who put themselves out for Mr Northup's sakes (the others including but not limited to an English sailor, and the Canadian carpenter, Bass.) Northup insists that, in his estimation, Ford was only a slave-owner because he had been born and raised in the South - something which he could not help any more than Solomon could help being black.

Not so great bits:

Slavery is understandably an uncomfortable subject - and though Solomon Northup is an excellent narrator, he uses the language and the attitudes of his time. He thinks nothing of classifying people according to their skin colour - something which actually becomes very interesting in the case of the slave Celeste who is paler than her owner - and this can jar with modern sensibilities.

He also uses the 'n' word a lot - simply because this is how black people were referred to by those he is in contact with. This is historically accurate but mightily uncomfortable.

The subject matter, as can be expected, is not always pleasant, though is not gratuitous.


This book is excellent. It is written sublimely with a voice that is not often heard in accounts of slavery - that of an actual slave. More than just an outstanding piece of literature, this is also a work of historical importance - and should be just as much as a necessity on reading lists as the likes of Anne Frank's Diary.