Monday 30 November 2015

The Writer Diaries (Or What I Learned From NaBloPoMo November 2015)

Ahhh... NaBloPoMo November 2015, what have you taught me? A few things, to be sure.

I Can Rise To Whatever Challenge I Set Myself

Honestly, I wasn't sure, when I decided to do this, if I could do this. But I did. 30 posts in 30 days. What does this prove? I can do whatever I want (goddammit!)

That doesn't mean that I can go over-doing it. Nope, no overwhelming pressure here! It just means that I'm capable: capable of doing a lot more than perhaps I give myself credit for.

Blogging Is Awesome Sauce, and Challenges Should Be Fun

This challenge has truly been fun. And I have really enjoyed blogging as a result. Which is good news if you like to read my bookish ramblings, because it means that I'm going to keep blogging for a good while yet.

Scheduling Posts is Helpful

Turns out, organisation can be useful when blogging like a maniac - I know, who knew, right? Scheduling has been pretty invaluable when it comes to keeping the posts rolling out.

I hope, that with my new blogging organisation skills, I can keep posting at a fairly substantial pace even beyond this month. (Although I hope you don't blame me for not posting 7 days a week every week - a girl's gotta have a break every now and then.) So, there's more to come from your humble Reading Addict.

I Have Things Worth Saying

I have some stuff to say - stuff that I hope you'll agree is worth hearing. Above all, I have a passion for books, for reading, for spreading the word of the joys of all that sort of stuff. I hope that my enthusiasm shines through my posting (I know my coffee drinking definitely does.)

Sunday 29 November 2015

Nerd Church - Where Do We Go From Here?

Are we too old, too bitter, too disenchanted, for happily ever after? Do we believe that the princess lived a happy life, after she and the prince rode into the sunset together? Are we able to believe that everything, from the moment the book ends, is sunshine and rainbows?
True, a lot of books do not end happily - and/or don't end with the characters actually living - but is this our fault? Do we, as fans and readers, not want the ra-ra happy ending, but instead the dark, the ambiguous, the uncertain?
Obviously, it's difficult to talk about endings without wandering into spoilerific territory - and that is not something I really want to do - but if you think of a lot of popular books and series, do they end in happiness?
Those that do go for the fairy-tale style ending are often ridiculed and lambasted for being too unbelievable. That, in a way, is kind of sad; happiness and good fortune is no longer something that we believe we can have - so we don't want the characters in the books we read to have it either.
But then, despite the happy endings (though not for the villains,) fairy tales were originally quite violent. There was torture. There was death. There were beheadings and all sorts of random magical crap. (If you're interested in some good quality retellings of original fairy tales then I'd go for Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales: For Young and Old - I utterly love that book.)
My dear lovely nerds, I honestly wish you to find some hope in your lives - it's ok to be realistic, and often it's quite frankly beautiful to err on the gothic side of life (I certainly do!) - but sometimes you have to look to the brighter things. Even if that means a splash of the unreal.

Saturday 28 November 2015

The Writer Diaries (Or NaBloPoMo, Week 4, Re-Cap)

Almost there now - woo! Just two days and the dying embers of November NaBloPoMo 2015 will be all but extinguished (check me out, being all poetical and sh**!) I'm happy to say, with the finish line in site, that I rose to the challenge.

But we have some unfinished business to attend to, so here it is, my re-cap of Week 4:

(A reminder that I use the British/European date format of dd/mm/yy.)

Sunday, 22/11/15
Nerd Church - Four Tales of Incredible Courage

Monday, 23/11/15
NaBloPoMo November 2015 Reviewing the Evidence Time! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - The Hockey Saint by Shapiro, Inoue, and Mossa

Tuesday, 24/11/15
Survival Kit For A Winter's Day

Wednesday, 25/11/15
Why Do Books Make Great Gifts?

Thursday, 26/11/15
Comics Wrap Up + MCU Fangirling - Hockey and Family Problems PLUS CIVIL WAR TRAILER!!!!

Friday, 27/11/15
Friday Fics Fix! - In Which Olicity is Fluffy

Friday 27 November 2015

Friday Fics Fix - In Which Olicity is Fluffy

friday fics fixLast week, I promised you all that I'd try to come up with some fic recs (which, if you haven't gotten the point by now, are fanfiction recommendations,) that weren't related to Marvel, the Avengers, or Loki in any way.

I did find one! Just the one because... well, usually the fanfiction I read involves Loki. Lots of Loki. And then some more Loki - often kissing and/or romancing Tony Stark, amongst doing other things which are a lot less wholesome.

But, this week there is fanfiction from the DC side of life for you - more specifically, from the TV series Arrow, and the Olicity ship (Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak - I know, a straight couple, in fanfiction. I was confused for a moment too.)

Girls Night In: 101 by angel-death-dealer

This fic is sweet and fluffy and romantic-y. Felicity needs a girls' night, but the others all cancel on her. Oliver to the rescue! Ok, so it's a bit random. But no more so really than any other fanfiction, or rom-com for that matter. And it's cleaner than most of what's out there (there's some stuff out there that I can never un-read. Ever.)

Oh, there might be some spoilers for The Notebook in this fic - so maybe skip past that bit, or just plain ignore it.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Comics Wrap-Up + MCU fangirling - Hockey and Family Problems PLUS CIVIL WAR TRAILER!!!!


Sorry, I just had to make that perfectly clear. This is like - me have an EXTREME fangirl moment. I might actually cry. And I don't even know why. AND IF MARVEL HURT BUCKY I AM TRACKING THEM THE F**K DOWN!


Honestly, I will be an emotional wreck. Bucky is a victim, not a villain - and nothing will cover the level of feels should something happen to him.

I could do a trailer review of this but... I get the feeling it will degenerate into hdfgjkrhiglowehrofjhtiwrhgofikghporenhlk fangirl-ian pretty quickly. You're probably best watching it and making up your own minds.

So, moving on to the rest of this week's comics wrap-up...

Graphic Novels
The Hockey Saint graphic novel cover
The Hockey Saint (US link) is a graphic novel about a hockey star and a growing friendship - honestly, it's a lot better than I just made it sound, and raises a lot of good points about celebrity, sport, and the media. I actually really enjoyed it, and you can see my full review here.

Single Issues

Uncanny X-men #444 (US link) is an X-men title (which you'd probably already figured out,) which shows the X-men trying to police the growing and sprawling community of global mutants. Basically, to keep the peace.

What I really enjoyed about this was the baseball game at the beginning - which showed off some awesome mutant powers, and kept the tension within the group visible. This is X-men; there's always going to be tension about something. I did think that, seeing as how the cover was Nightcrawler's tail, he could've featured a bit more (I adore Nightcrawler.)

X-men 26 Bloodties coverX-men Vol 2, #26 - Bloodties Pt 2 (USA link) is a 90s title - part of a cross-series event (Bloodties.) Genosha (one of Marvel's fictional countries,) is at civil war between human and mutate (their country's mutants.) Genosha has a history of genocide and bloodshed, and the current mutate faction are followers, or 'disciples,' of Magneto.

Magneto, though, is out of commission - and so the rebel leader, Cortez, has kidnapped Magneto's granddaughter, Luna. Luna is the child of Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) - who, back in the 90s, was still allowed to be the son of Magneto and an adopted son of a Roma family (recent re-writes have essentially got rid of Pietro and his sister Wanda's entire history, and very quickly replaced it with one that fits into Avengers film rights - which is in no way suspicious.)

Kidnapping the child of an Avenger with firm links to the X-men is probably not the brightest of ideas. So a bunch of superheroes descend on Genosha, attempting to find baby Luna, and not add too much to the bloodshed.

The Mighty Thor Vol 1 #1 (2011) (USA link) is likewise concerned with family issues - though of an Asgardian nature. This is early on in Loki's regression to little boy-god - and he's so sweet! Sorry, couldn't resist pointing that out. This definitely has the air of the start of a series rather than a full story.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Why Do Books Make Great Gifts?

Stuck for Christmas pressies for auntie so-and-so, or what's-his-face and whatshername from work? You could give them a book - no, I'm totally serious. I am the Reading Addict around here after all.

Books are personal
christmas wreath

No-one ever reads the same book as anybody else: no, really. Don't look at me all squinty - I have a point here.

No-one ever experiences a book in the same way as the very next person who reads it - the reader is part of the book. What you get out of a book makes it what it is - and no-one ever quite has the same experience as anybody else.

Therefore you can get your family and friends one of the most personal of gifts - without having to shop in the undies section.

There's a book in every price range

Don't have the budget for a super-duper bestselling new hardback? Fine - get another of the author's books instead, they're likely to be cheaper now that there's a new one out.

Get a box-set of a trilogy (you can find plenty on offer - especially this time of year,) and give them a good value gift that also looks the part.

You can go seasonal

This works exceptionally well with children's picture books, which can be read at Christmas to keep the little ones happy while dinner's cooking or the washing-up is being done.

Plus, who doesn't like something with a Christmas theme? Makes everything brighter somehow.

christmas wrapping paperThere's a book for every age and taste

Books come in so many types, and so many different genres, and authors, and... well, you see what I mean.

There is a book to suit pretty much everyone. Especially kids - you can attract them with shiny things and get them hooked on reading for life (ok, slight evil plan, there, but it's all good.)

They're easy to wrap!

Never underestimate your levels of thankfulness for easy-wrap gifts. Sure, books can sometimes be heavy - but it's so much easier to wrap than that oddly-shaped box of chocolates, the pair of socks, the hair accessories, and the mug set with the sticky-out handle.

I'm just saying, after all that, you're going to be happy to have a nice rectangular object to wrap for once!

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Survival Kit For a Winter's Day

winter and a hot cup of coffeeWinter can be uber-cold, and uber-crappy. Particularly if you're of a depressive nature and/or living in Britain (so much rain! so much dark!) So, sit tight and take my advice on warming (and actually enjoying) a cold winter's day.

A Kitty!
Kitties are all fluffy and cute and sweet and special ;) And luckily, on cold days, they're not adverse to a warm lap to snuggle up on. I love kitties, they're like a reader's best friend - amongst other people of course. And I have two, which is really cuddly and really cute (Yay!) :)

Tea/Coffee/Pick Your Poison
Never underestimate the power of a hot drink in your favourite mug (or something stronger in a posh glass, I'm not here to judge!) Plus, you know, you have an excuse to drink, and warm your hands on, a nice hot cuppa. (and any excuse to drink coffee, and I'm there!)

A Blanket
Blankets are snuggly! Never forget this fact! Never! Also, they are handy as bait to attract kitties (look *insert kitty's name* - cwtchy blanky! (cwtchy is a Welsh/Wenglish word for extra snuggly things, and/or the best of hugs.)) I have lots of nice and snuggly blankets - and they certainly come in handy as the nights (and days - it's chilly here!) get colder.

Chocolate and/or Cake
Never underestimate the power of cake. Cake (as far as I'm concerned,) is one of the major food groups - it's just that, occasionally, it gets left off the chart. Ditto for chocolate. And chocolate cake is sacred. There are some things in life which you just shouldn't deny yourself - chocolate cake is most definitely one of them. :)

And last but certainly not least...

A Good Book!
(And I like to think I give you plenty of advice on that front.) ;-)