Friday 15 June 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Coming Out Aro

'This was the perfect opportunity to come out. These were the people who deserved to know, if anyone did... But what if? Part of him whispered. What if they don’t accept you? What if everything goes wrong?' 

fics fix title image w/ purple background and white lightning bolt

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Micropoetry - May 2018

It seems we still have some May stuff to finish off my darling nerdlets!

So, I have some more Micropoetry for you! Like last month, I've made up some graphic-y image-y things for two of them.

No promises for the future - this is totally a 'when I feel like it/when I have time' thing, but I hope you like the graphics anyway!

If you're using a screen reader, the poems with graphics have the poetry itself as the alt text, with / marks showing the line breaks.

Sunday 10 June 2018

Nerd Church - What's the Purpose of Purpose?

Apologies in advance for the existential crises that I may very well spark with this post.

I think I'm on like my fifth or sixth quarter-life crisis, so... yeah.

If you're someone who gets freaked out by existential 'what am I doing with my life?' stuff, consider this your warning!

person holding a ? sign in front of their face

I've never really wondered about what my life's purpose is - my life's purpose is books.

I've never doubted that I'm on this planet to read and write.

I don't doubt it any more than we doubt as a species that we're on this planet to breathe, eat, and sleep.

Friday 8 June 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Lady Love

'Ava stops and stares. There is Sara Lance, trained assassin and former vigilante, face down on her desk drooling. When Sara snorts and a little drool bubble forms at the corner of her mouth, Ava has to slap her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.'

fics fix title images with purple background and white lightning bolt

Sara Lance, former Black Canary, current White Canary, general bad-a**, assassin, and time-ship captain; an amazing hero.

She's awesome. She's also a Bisexual lady with an open preference for the ladies over the dudes. 

She leads the way for Queer rep. in the Arrowverse (that's all the CW's DC superhero shows.)

I would also very much like to marry her, or maybe the actress Caity Lotz who plays her. Either is fine by me.

Thursday 7 June 2018