Thursday 26 July 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - The Stars Are Blazing Like Rebel Diamonds

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style lady handing her shadow a flower

It's that time of year where loads of superhero-type trailers etc. are released due to the nerd convention that is San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC).

So, since I've never stepped foot in the USA, I, like plenty of other nerds around the world, have been using the interwebs to keep up with the latest comics-related happenings.

This week's comics wrap-up is my highlights - in no way could I possibly cover all of the stuff being revealed, released, and generally yammered about, in the world of panels and capes right now!

So, this is the stuff that caught my eye. Enjoy!

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Mini-Review! - The Girls by Emma Cline

(Warning: this post discusses and refers to serious topics such as rape and child abuse. Please be careful my nerdlets.)

The Girls title image with girl standing in a field with flowers overlaid

Title: The Girls

'The Girls' book cover

Author: Emma Cline


Adult Fiction*, Historical Fiction*, Crime*, LGBTQ+ (M/F, F/F)*✢ 

*(ish - it's a really difficult book to define tbh!)

✢ The LGBTQ+ and F/F rep isn't great (neither is a lot of the M/F tbh,) see main review.

Amazon: USA

Sunday 22 July 2018

Nerd Church - Self-Care Is Vitally Important In Hot Weather

...of course, Self-Care is vitally important generally, but you get what I mean.

If you're in the middle of a heatwave like we are in the UK, then your Self-Care game needs to be sharp.

'Summer Self-Care' graphic with melting ice-cream against a blue sky, sprinkled with pink stars

Friday 20 July 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Westeros-by-Sea

'“I, er, can I try some?” Theon finally asks some twenty minutes after they come in, interrupting their chatter.

“Sure. There’s the changing room, knock yourself out.”

Theon disappears inside it with a stack of things.

“Well,” Mance says, his tone of voice suddenly dropping lower, “whatever happened to him sure as hell wasn’t a walk in the park.”'

I loooove it when fanfics experiment dammit! XD

And when I randomly find fanfiction that puts Game of Thrones characters in the modern-day, AND in my beloved Wales?!

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

Thursday 19 July 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - Got a Rock and Roll Life

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga style woman handing her shadow a flower

It's comics time again! Woop! XD

Let's look at all the nice comics-y goodness!

(I struggle with intros - can you tell? 😅)

Wednesday 18 July 2018

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Update #2

This is a challenge set by Caro @ Cat on the Bookshelf, and you can find out more about the rules etc. in my sign-up post.

Cat notepaper on desk reading '2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Hosted by Cat on the Bookshelf'

This quarter I read 96 fic-chapters.

Combined with last quarter's 63, that's 159 fic-chapters. (I hope. That's what the calculator said anyway.)

Sunday 15 July 2018

Nerd Church - What the London Mayor and the Goblin King Both Know About Trump’s Power

Thank you, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, for being an example of the good and the strong in this country.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London

Image Courtesy of Katy Blackwood via Wikimedia Commons

Thank you for dismissing Trump as the little boy that he is.

Thank you for showing such dignity in such difficult circumstances.

Thank you for standing strong in the face of bigotry.