Wednesday 11 May 2022

Month in Review(s) - April 2022


April was rough, mental health-wise.

I'm OK - just having to adapt and take care.

...It's kind of worse when there's no real reason or trigger because there's nothing you can blame, y'know?

'April - Ebrill' with a fancy woman with an umbrella, it's all very artsy. Also sorry for the mess your screen-reader's probably made of the Welsh

...and it really doesn't help that the pollen this year is exceptionally, brutally, high, so my hayfever is extra-present this year.

Kind of hard to focus on your mental health when the pollen is making you feel like a zombie, lol.

(Oh, and hayfever is linked to climate change. #TrueStory.)

Sunday 8 May 2022

Nerd Church - Rich Vamps: Dracula and The Blood of the Poor

 Warning: this is probably obvious, but we're gonna talk blood, death, and murder

'Rich Vamps: Dracula and The Blood of the Poor' with a background of a fancy hand - with a ring and everything - reaching for a wine glass

You ever notice that vampires are filthy stinking rich?

I was talking about this topic with Em @ The Paperback Princess a while back (...I can't find the conversation, but it exists, I'm sure! 😅):

You rarely see fiction or media with vampires who struggle to pay the bills

 - which does mean that they're in line to combine with a dozen or so other tropes to make romance novels titled 'The Alpha Bad-Boy Motorbike CEO Billionaire Daddy Vampire's Baby Surprise.' 

Apologies if that's the title of your novel - because I feel like this thing exists somewhere.

And if it didn't before, it does now 😅

But moving away from romance novels and things that would even make fanfiction writers wonder if you may have overdone the tropes...

Friday 6 May 2022

Friday Fics Fix - 100% A Thing That John Constantine Would Do

'B-Eazy: do we tell her

is it like an invasion of privacy

Ava Sharpe: This entire team is an invasion of privacy.'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background white lighning bolt shape

I had a lot of Legends of Tomorrow (LoT) feelings this week...

...because it was CANCELLED! Argh!

I love this show. I'ma miss it so much - it's one of my faves dammit!!!! 😭

Sunday 1 May 2022

Nerd Church - The Need To Read


'I feel the need... the need to read!'

- Anonymous bookish meme, based on a Top Gun reference

'The Need To Read' written across the pages of an open book which is spurting letters like confetti, because why not?

I'm a mood-reader.

I read every single day.

...I need to.

Friday 29 April 2022

Friday Fics Fix - FrostIron Schmoop (Don't Judge Me!)

'“You mortals are truly horrendous at naming constellations.”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

This week's fanfiction is short and sweet.

I fully admit it - this be schmoopy af.

No angst as far as the eye can see. (...Which is highly unusual with me involved, obviously 😅)