Thursday, 12 September 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - I'm Not What You Think You See

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower. Nice work if you can get it! ;)

Girl power, Queer power, and a butt-tonne of comics-y goodness! It's Thursday, and it's time for superheroes!

TV Trailers

Batwoman trailerrrrrssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! (So excited!)

And yes, the man-children are still dislike-bombing, so press 'like' to support CW's BW!

(Warning: flashing imges in all. Some really freaky looking dolls in the 1st trailer *shudders*.)

[videos no longer available]

dividing line
As if that weren't enough awesomeness, I also have a Supergirl teaser trailer for ya!

(Sh** is going down this series!)

(Warning: flashing images)

[video no longer available]

Other Stuff

In Rio de Janeiro, the sight of two male Avengers members kissing on-page is enough to get the mayor to send the police in.

I f**k you not. It's goddamn ridiculous.

The book also sold out, and the image of the beautiful Wiccan and Hulkling kissing made it to the front page of one of the country's major newspapers, and therefore to every news-stand in the country.

I think the whole thing may have backfired for the mayor. 😏 

dividing line

To end this week, check out my Fics Fix post from last Friday, which rec'd a horror genre Umbrella Academy fic which, yes, includes m'boy Klaus!

(You can also catch up on all my posts - whether superhero-related or not - with my August wrap-up post.)

Are you a Batwoman fan?
Had you heard about the censorship issues in Brazil?
Talk to me! 😎💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Up posts:

'I'm not what you think you see' is from Brazil* by Declan McKenna

Sharing & commenting is always super-appreciated! 😊

*affiliate marketing

Last updated: 10th Nov 2019


  1. I have seen your tweets about the censorship in Brazil, but am not really familiar with them myself. I'm glad that the Supreme Court decided to rule against book banning. Censorship only creates more ignorance!

    1. The picture was innocent af. Two guys, dressed in hoodies, hugging and kissing. Like, why is that such an issue?! Oh, wait, cos it's two guys. Kissing. And being in a loving, committed relationship. *sighs*


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