Thursday 10 September 2020

Comics Wrap-Up - Make the Sounds We Try To Hide When People Are Around

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'Comics Wrap-Up' with a lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, let's get some superhero-y and/or comics-y goodness!

Everything this week is in the 'Other Stuff' category (dammit Loki!)

Other Stuff

This video from The Warp Zone about Deadpool trying to join the MCU (main cinematic universe of the Marvel superheroes, dontcha know,) is both hilarious, and a slightly terrifying warning against the evils of captalism, all at the same time!

Warning: mild flashing images in sponsored content, adult humour (it's Deadpool, after all,) drugs references, references to violence, some ableist so-called 'jokes'

dividing line

One of the utter delights of a new season of The Umbrella Academy (I'm only 1/2 way through - NO SPOILERS os gwelwch yn dda 🙏,) is the batsh** bizarre promo videos

This one features Tom Hopper, who plays Luther Hargreeves, and Robert Sheehan, who plays Klaus Hargreeves, answering weird questions from fans.

(And TUA fans are, as the boys state, 'creative.')

Warning: a lot of adult humour, and a surprisingly long conversation about cannibalism

dividing line

Speaking of The Umbrella Academy, you can catch up with my latest TUA fanfiction rec with last week's Friday Fics Fix

Would you like to see Deadpool in the MCU? Or would that dilute the radical side of the character too much?

Talk to me! 😈💬

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Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

Sharing and commenting is awesomely awesomeful! 💖

'Make the sounds we try to hide when people are around' is from Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray

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