Thursday 19 November 2020

Comics Wrap-Up - Be A Burning Star If It Takes All Night

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'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, I'm tired, let's get some superhero-y comics-y goodness!

Once again everything is in the 'other stuff' category - blame Loki. Always blame Loki.

Other Stuff

Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds, has bought Wrexham FC - a relatively small football club (US: soccer,) in North Wales - along with fellow actor Rob McElhenney.

I know this isn't strictly comics news, but I've decided to include it since it's so difficult to tell where Ryan Reynolds ends and Deadpool begins, and because this is my blog and I said so 😎😉😅

Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds): Yup. That was a good one.
Via Giphy

dividing line

CW's Superman & Lois (a spin-off of Supergirl, and if you don't refer to it as such... #JustSaying) has struck controversy, after writer/producer Nadria Tucker was let go - she alleges that this is because she raised issues around sexism and racism within the script itself.

These are serious allegations, and I hope CW investigate thoroughly, and put things right where necessary.

A lot of the CW's Arrowverse -

(I can't get used to calling it CWverse - it's the Arrowverse to me, Arrow means more to me than any of their other series,) 

- shows have made leaps and bounds in terms of diversity and inclusion. 

But diversity always needs to be a matter of respecting people, not using them as tokens in order to look good.

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Jameson Hampton @ WWAC reviewed a new spin-off comic of Gerard Way's Killjoys series, The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem.

Both are, of course, based around My Chemical Romance's album Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - which in a weird coincidence I wrote about extensively (along with Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown) in Sunday's Nerd Church post.

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If you're more of a fan of Gerard Way's Umbrella Academy ('s CWU hangs together weirdly consistently 😅) then check out last week's Friday Fics Fix, following Diego Hargreeves as he inadvertantly becomes the saviour of all things feline!

Are you a Gerard Way fan?

Or a Ryan Reynolds fan?

Or both?

Talk to me! 😁💬

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'Be a burning star if it takes all night' is from Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back by My Chemical Romance

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  1. I don't know much about Gerard Way, but I am definitely a Ryan Reynolds fan! Love that sweet Canadian boy <3

    1. *Gasps in emo child* that's our Lord and saviour Geesus, Queen of Sass, I'll have you know ;) Lol, no problem - I get that not everyone was claimed by the Black Parade as a teen ;)

      And Ryan Reynolds is amazing - and now is the joint owner of a football team in North Wales! ;)


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