Thursday 4 November 2021

Comics Wrap-Up - Taking A Ride To My Old Haunts


'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, it's November, let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness, right here on Dora Reads!

Film Trailers

The marketing machine for Marvel's The Eternals is up and sprinting.

So I figured I'd just show you my fave of the recent trailers - a clip where The Eternals go to retrieve one of their number from his job as a leading Bollywood actor.


Warning: very mild flashing images

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OK *deep breaths* - the new Morbius trailer. Whew.

Michael Morbius has been one of my favourite Spider-Man villains (the other being Venom, ofc,) since I was a kid watching Spidey cartoons.

Morbius is the quintessential tortured, sympathetic, villain - in an attempt to save his own life, he accidentally turns himself into a living vampire (not to be confused with the various types of other vampire faffing around Marvel comics.)

He doesn't want to hurt people - that was never the intention. But now there's something in him that wants nothing more than to kill, to drink blood in order to sustain himself. And that conflict is tearing him apart.

I loved the first trailer for this film.

This trailer? It was OK. 

But it wasn't everything I'd hoped for (maybe because they were so busy cramming references in - which, I love a good Spidey reference, but they don't have to be in the trailer, Sony.)

I think Jared Leto, problematic though he is, is a good actor, and can potentially get to the heart of Morbius - but I am concerned, not least because of the potential for Ableism in some of the framing here.

Some of it came across like, 'yeah, but he looked gross before and now he has abs!' and... I'm hoping this is just a trailer thing, Sony, because it's not a good look (socially/representaionally speaking - aesthetically it's still Jared Leto with abs.)

Still, I'm cautiously optimistic for the final film.

Warning: flashing images, blood, injury, extreme illness and hospital settings, self-harm, violence

TV Trailers


We got Clint being the closest to comics!Clint we've seen in the MCU so far. We got Christmas. We got Kate Bishop being awesome. We got Lucky the pizza dog!!!

*Sighs happily* So. Awesome.

Warning: major flashing images, general violence, injury

Other Stuff

If you wanna catch up on my explanations of Ruby Rose vs Batwoman-production-team, you can check that out on Medium here, or in last week's Comics Wrap-Up post here

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You can read my thoughts on reading Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet, Vol 1 on Medium here, my thoughts on reading The Trial of Captain America on Medium here, or the text from both posts in the Dora Reads post they were first published in here.
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And to end on even more shameless self-promo (sorry!) you can catch up on all of my Dora Reads blogposts from October, including the superhero-related ones, with my monthly wrap-up post here

What did you think of the Morbius trailer?

Are you looking forward to Hawkeye?

Talk to me! 😀💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Previous Comics Wrap-Up Posts:

Sharing and commenting is awesomely awesome! 💖

'Taking a ride to my old haunts' is from Nightlife* by Green Day

* = commission link

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