Thursday 6 July 2023

Comics Wrap-Up - The World Needs Samuel L Jackson Trying To Figure Out If Something's Cake


Title: Comics Wrap-Up. Background: lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, we're apparently in July already, let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Just For Funsies

Have a video of the cast of Marvel's Secret Invasion playing 'Prop or Pastry' (aka, is it cake?)

...Just because the world needs Samuel L. Jackson trying to figure out if something's cake, y'know?

Run-time: 2.06

Warning: very mild flashing images

In Less Fun Marvel News...

[Warning: this section discusses alleged domestic abuse and institutional racism; any links may have more detailed distressing content and content related to topics not listed here]

Jonathan Majors - Marvel's Kang the Conquerer - was arrested back in March for alleged assault against his then-girlfriend.

Here's the latest - as far as I know, I'm not a legal expert or a journalist - on the story:

The court case is still ongoing, with Majors appearing for a hearing with his now-girlfriend in late June.

He has also filed his own domestic violence complaint against his then-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, alleging it was her who attacked him. There are reports that the NYPD found grounds to arrest her, but were stopped from doing so by the prosecutor's office in Manhattan.

Majors' lawyer alleges that racism is playing a significant part in how the case is being treated by legal authorities.

Meanwhile there are reports of previous girlfriends also alleging abuse, and abusive behaviour on a film set which his lawyer put down to 'method acting' - which is not a good reason, imho, for the record.

As of April, Majors had reportedly been dropped by both his manager and PR team.

Meanwhile, as part of a major update on the Marvel release schedule, Marvel confirmed that Avengers: The Kang Dynasty has had its date pushed back.

...That might not have been a decision made because of Majors, because there are lots of moving pieces on Marvel's chess board, but it was probably at least a consideration.

I hope that, whatever comes of this, justice and truth is what ends up winning.

Sadly, I know that's not always the case in this world. But a girl can dream.

Other than that, I'm taking the Anthony Mackie view of this: innocent until proven guilty. 

...But with the caveat that it's possible to both believe victims and maintain the innocence of alleged perpetrators - which in this case is both of them as each is alleging abuse from the other.

Shameless Self-Promo

Over on Medium...

And if you want to read a time-loop fic where Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier fall in love (who wouldn't?) check out last week's Friday Fics Fix here.

Were you aware of the Jonathan Majors situation?

Did you know you needed Samuel L Jackson guessing if something's cake in your life?

Talk to me! 😅💬

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  1. My sister and I love the "is it cake?" meme. We play it all the time lol!

    1. Lol, I'm usually not that into it, but something about the combination of 'is it cake' and Samuel L Jackson is just perfect!


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