Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts

Thursday 8 December 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Setting Fire To The Sky

Graphic Novels

This week, I reviewed Rendez-Vous in Phoenix by Tony Sandoval (UK - USA ) a generally great graphic novel about a young man crossing the border into America.

There are some issues with the representation of black people, which I went into further in my review, but overall it's a great book.

Other Stuff

I read a fairly damn cool ghost-based webcomic called 'The Auntie' by Alyssa Wong and Wendy Xu.


Over on Women Write About Comics, Sergio Alexis wrote an awesome post about queer rep.

Alexis, quite rightly, points out that The Big Two (Marvel and DC to those who don't speak hard-core nerd,) are cr*p at selling queer comics, but that queer comics do sell elsewhere.

It's a really interesting piece, so give it a glance :)

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Friday 2 December 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Tis the Season

I actually really liked this week's fic (well... obviously... since I'm recommending it... but you know what I mean!)

Sometimes a fic comes along at just the right moment - I currently have an awful cold, and am freezing on top because the weather's decided to go from oh, it's a bit autumn-y to dear God are we living in an iceberg?! within a few days, so I really needed something short and sweet.

And that's what I have for you!

Now, frequent readers of this blog may have noticed that I have a thing for Sara Lance from CW/DC TV series Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.

So, what could be better than fluffy F/F romance featuring her canon (official) relationship with the beautiful Nyssa Al-Ghul?


Yes, that's right. We have Christmas, we have F/F romance, we have fluff with no explicit scenes. You're welcome! :)

This week's fic is:

The Gift by DarkAliceLilith

Enjoy, and I'll be back with more fanfiction next week!

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Thursday 1 December 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - LEGO Time!

Film Trailers

I know the Lego Batman trailers have been around for a while, but I've only just gotten around to watching them, and dude, they're funny:

Other Stuff

In other Lego-related news (yes, weirdly, all of my comics-related news this week is Lego-related *shrugs* life is full of surprises) -

So that's it for comics until next week dearest nerdlets! See you then :)

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Thursday 24 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Days Like This

Graphic Novels

This week, I read Julio's Day by Gilbert Hernandez (UK - US,) which I've wanted to read since I did my Latinx graphic novels post a little while back.

It was... well, it was freaking weird, in all honesty, but I still really enjoyed it.

There was more sex and gore in there than I was expecting though! Not that there was a lot - there wasn't - but still more than I expected. And some m/m-ness, which was unexpected but awesome.

Other Stuff

Not much else to share with you this week, but a few things:

I read this review of the superhero series Legends of Tomorrow by Jessica @ Rabid Reads.

Regular readers of DORA will remember that I adore Legends - not least because of the beautiful and awesome-sauce Sara Lance :)

(And she's canon queer!)

But Legends has a lot going for it - not just Sara. This is a show that really shouldn't work, and really does!


In other queer-girl-superhero-news, the amazing Marvel Latinx heroine, America Chavez, is getting her own comics title!

An #OwnVoices Latinx queer superhero! Sometimes guys, there is news which just makes your heart happy :)

I'll see you next week for more comics guys! Go be awesome!

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Thursday 17 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Any Dream Will Do

I actually don't have much comics-y goings-on for you this week, but I did read a couple of single issues:

Single Issues

I read Alganon #1 - a one-shot from DC.

This is actually based on some sort of free game? I'd never actually heard of it before, but the art was fairly cool.

The plot was a bit 'and now, for no reason, here's this monster we didn't mention before!' but I assume that's because of the free-based-ness.

I also read Dreamless... which is kind of... stunningly beautiful.

Seriously, every panel was like an oil painting.

And the whole concept of an American girl and a Japanese boy sharing one alternating life - when he's awake, she's asleep and dreams his life, and vice versa - and then just wanting to be together because they were MADE FOR EACH OTHER GODDAMMIT! ;)

So, yeah... I enjoyed that one! Lol.

Amazon link (full graphic novel): UK - US

And that's it, dearest nerdlets! This week was short on the comics-y-ness *shrugs* - happens sometimes!

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Thursday 10 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Something Strange

Film Trailers

A bunch more Doctor Strange trailers/clips for you guys:

I actually saw Doctor Strange on Monday - it was awesome BUT there are two things which CAN'T be ignored:

Tilda Swinton's character is whitewashed. (I love her, but it's true.)

And this film fails Bechdel.

Get your act together Marvel.


And there's a new Wonder Woman trailer:

Looks pretty cool, and clears up that this is supposed to be WW1 not WW2.

(The uniforms still look more WW2 in places guys, I know, but *sighs* anachronisms)


And the trailer for Logan came out last week!

This is the wonderful Hugh Jackman's last film as Wolverine :'O

It looks really awesome, and I always love me an Old Man Logan storyline.

(Oh, and the reason he looks older than Prof X? That's because he is older than Prof X - see X-Men Origins: Wolverine for details ;P )

Single Issues

This week I read Suicide Squad #1 of the 2011-2014 run. (US link)

One thing in particular I liked about this issue? Diablo doesn't speak much English in stressful situations (because why the hell would he?!)

Graphic Novels

This week I reviewed Who Killed Kurt Cobain?: The Story of Boddah by Nicolas Otero (UK - US.)

It's an interesting read, but I did have some issues with it. Check out my review here.

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Thursday 3 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Give me that crown, b**ch, I wanna be Sheezus

Film Trailers

Another Doctor Strange teaser trailer for you:

And a quick public service announcement from yours truly that: although this does, indeed, look awesome, it would likely be just as awesome - and probably more so - without the ethnicity-erasure of the Asian characters.

Other Stuff

Soooo... Frank Cho and Milo Manara acted like immature douches. Again.

(Frank Cho is a relatively prominent comic-book artist; he acts like a douche a lot.)

Basically, superheroines should not be subjected to pornographic sketches as a 'special gift' for 'fighting censorship' in front of a room full of people.

You have stripped Jessica Drew (Spider-woman) of her dignity, her power, and her capabilities. You have literally laid her most intimate area bare to the world; and you don't seem to understand why this is a problem.

For the full story (and the offending illustration) see this article on The Mary-Sue

But Frank Cho, overall, can display all the nuances of a schoolboy writing 'boobies' on a calculator; see examples (NSFW):

(and yes, his official Twitter is 'apesandbabes')

...because, of course, the most edible part of the woman (and therefore the one the crocodile will grab while eyeing her a*s) is in fact the underwear. There are so many... vitamins... I guess?

Yes, this man draws for Marvel & DC. Yes, this is pretty exemplary of his style. No, he does not draw only for 18+, erotic, and/or Mature comics.

Frank Cho is employed on mainstream comics - the ones teenagers, and even some kids, read. He thinks this is an acceptable way to depict women.


On the plus side, you can see the highlights from Marvel's 'Women of Marvel' New York Comic Con panel here:

These women rock. Watch the vid.


I'd be super-happy if you checked it out :)

That's it for this week. Go out and be incredible, and know there are people in this world fighting for what's right.

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Wednesday 2 November 2016

Wonder Woman and the UN

In case you haven't heard it yet - Wonder Woman was named a UN Ambassador for women recently. And some people aren't happy about it.

Now, I totally get why this is an issue for a lot of people. I also get why some people are happy about this announcement.

But - and this is the radical bit - this occurrence is neither the end of the world nor the saviour of humanity.

Let me sum-up a bit for you dearest nerdlets, and show you that all sides have some pretty impressive, and equally valid, points:

Not a 'real' woman

The evidence for the prosecution, m'lady, is as follows:

  • Wonder Woman is fictional - she's not 'real.' There are plenty of non-fictional women who deserve the recognition of this role.

  • She is often over-sexualised. Do we really want little girls looking up to a sex symbol as their role model?

  • The creator of Wonder Woman was a man; her writers and artists are usually men. She is controlled by men.

  • She has no voice of her own - only what people give her. She is a puppet with no agency of her own.

  • Wonder Woman is commercial property - she is owned by DC comics. The UN currently has a women's ambassador who is beholden to commercial interests.

  • Wonder Woman is too American to be a global ambassador.

Seems like there's a real case to be answered against her, doesn't it?

Women are warriors

The defence presents it's case m'lady:

  • Wonder Woman is undeniably an icon with global recognition potential that needs little to no explanation.

  • To many, she seems more real than the 'real' women - your average little girl is more likely to recognise - and relate to - Wonder Woman, than to Angela Merkel; so let's use that recognition for good.

  • Wonder Woman was invented as a feminist icon - someone girls could look up to. This is a reclamation of her original identity - an undoing of the subversion of her original character; she wore a mini-skirt and knew it said nothing about her as a person. It was others who judged her for it.

  • She saves the dude-in-distress constantly. Seriously, that's what she spent the first lord-knows-how-many years of her career doing - saving the useless dude's a*s, so that he didn't get his butt killed.

  • She shows girls that women can be whatever they want to be. A boob-tube and a mini-skirt doesn't make you stupid, weak, or ineffective.

So, valued members of the jury, what do you think? Is the case for or against Wonder Woman strong enough to make a valid judgement?

Here's my take: let's do something really radical, and assume that appointing one UN Women's Ambassador isn't enough! Let's appoint, oh, I don't know - 2 women? 3 women? 5 women? A whole team of women? Lord knows there's enough work for them.

The question shouldn't be: should we appoint a fictional character to this position?

It should be: Can we appoint this fictional character and this activist and this neuroscientist and this CEO and this charity worker and...?

Because Wonder Woman is going to a great job, regardless of who's for her, and who's against her - but why the hell should she have to do this alone?

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Thursday 20 October 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Girl Power

Single Issues

I was uber-uber-uber-impressed this week with independent Pakistani free-for-all web-comic Raat.

This features a strong female lead, who fights crime on the streets of Karachi. And with a strong style, and a distinct voice, I hope it goes far :)

You can check out the series' website @ and follow on Twitter @raatcomic

Other Stuff

When catching up on my comics-y blog-reading, I came across this post by Laura Harcourt @ Women Write About Comics.

It discusses the problems of race in the superhero TV show Supergirl - and how the diversity of the show can be expanded.

(Just to be clear - I love Supergirl. I also love this post. It doesn't undermine Supergirl, just points out places where the show can make things better.)


Also on Women Write About Comics is a post by Doris V Sutherland about a more distasteful side of comics.

Apparently there's a dude in America who likes to write comic-strip style Christian fundamentalist tracts.

Now, neither I nor anybody else would mind if these were just happy little stories celebrating the Christian faith.

Unfortunately, as can be seen in the post, they are pretty horrible things which claim that Halloween, neo-paganism, Harry Potter, etc., are all demonic and evil.

This is particularly unfair for people who practice Wicca, witchcraft, or any other type of neo-paganism (which is completely unlike fantasy-story witches - can we please differentiate between folklore, fantasy fiction, and real people who follow real pagan religions? Thanks.)

Whenever I see something as ignorant as this bloke, I really want to bash my head repeatedly against my laptop!!!

That's about it for me this week guys: be excellent to each other!

Thursday 13 October 2016

Comics Wrap Up - Things Are Shaping Up To Be Pretty Odd

Film Trailers

Marvel made a Doctor Strange trailer that makes 2 different trailers! One when it's played forwards, and one when it's reversed.

It's called 'Strange's Time' (yes, the trailer has it's own title, but to be fair, whoever made it is probably pretty chuffed with themselves right now.)

Here it is played forwards:

Annnnd here it is in reverse:

And just because I like your robot, dear nerdlets, here's the new TV spot for Doctor Strange too:

TV Trailers

Dudes, the next series of DC's Legends of Tomorrow looks EPIC!!!!

As a reminder: this is the series which totally shouldn't work but does - a ragtag spinoff with minor characters from CW's DC pantheon, along with him-off-Dr-Who (otherwise known as Arthur Darvill, here playing Rip Hunter,) and a flying time machine.

We also have one of the only LGBTQ+ superheroes to ever make it on screen (and still be LGBTQ+ - Harley Quinn, Mystique, Loki, et al. had that part of their identity erased when transferred to screen) - the amazing and beautiful Sara Lance, aka the White (formerly the Black) Canary.

Yes, my dearest nerdlets, this looks pretty damned cool:

Graphic Novels

This week I read and reviewed Ghoul Scouts: Night of the Unliving Undead (UK - US.)

This is a fun and zombie-filled kids/all-ages graphic novel, which I enjoyed a helluva lot more than I thought I would!

So that's it for my week in comics, dearest nerdlets: on to the next week!

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Thursday 6 October 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - She's an Extraordinary Girl

Single Issues

This week, I reviewed the very interesting first issue of Bread and Butter by Liz Mayorga.

You can check out my review of Bread and Butter #1 (UK - USA) here.

Other Stuff

This was the week that Wonder Woman was announced as being canonically (i.e. officially) queer.

(I already had a Wonder Woman action figure stock photo, ok?
I was totally gonna use it!)

Which is an awesome-sauce step forward for LGBTQ+ representation! :) Here's a fantastic piece on After Ellen which explains just why this matters.

DC down, Marvel left to go - #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend, even comic book creator Mark Millar is not-so-secretly shipping Stucky!

(Fangirling notes:

Shipping is wanting characters to have a romantic and/or sexual relationship.

Stucky is the name of the fan-favoured romantic relationship between Captain America and Bucky Barnes - the man for whom Cap went to war with over 100 countries.)

And that's about it for this week my nerdlets!

Short but sweet - I'll be back with more comics-y-ness next week!

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Thursday 29 September 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Then I'll Raise You, Like a Phoenix

Film Trailers

There's a new TV spot for the up-coming Doctor Strange (which looks pretty fantabulous, in all honesty.)

Check it out:

Graphic Novels

This week, I read Rendez-Vous in Phoenix by Tony Sandoval (UK - US.)

Why did I pick this up?

Well I was pretty keyed up to read Latinx graphic novels after writing my list of graphic novels with Latinx main characters (*slides shameless plug in seamlessly*) so a new #ownvoices Latinx graphic novel? I was there.

It's short - only about 80 pages - and it's a simple story about Tony trying to get over the US/Mexico border, to meet with his girlfriend in Phoenix.

The voice is strong. And I completely loved it.

Watch out for my review in a few weeks' time! :)

Other Stuff

Comics' publishers IDW and DC have announced a new anthology called Love is Love.

It looks pretty cool, will be out in December, and will benefit the survivors of the Orlando shooting.

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Thursday 22 September 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Live Without Warning

TV Trailers

Marvel's Agents of Shield will be back soon! ...With Ghost Rider.

Yeah... I'm hoping this will work but... yeah... it's an interesting choice.


Also in the category of 'oh God, please don't have taken this a series too far' is the up-coming series of Arrow.

I love Arrow. Like, really love it - but we've already come to several natural endings to this series. So please forgive me for being a little wary of this latest continuation.

Single Issues

This week I wrote a mini-review of The Sun Dragon's Song #1 by Joyce Chng and Kim Miranda (UK - US.)

It's a beautiful book, and a great start to the series. The artwork is truly incredible.

Other Stuff

Annnnd this Toon Sandwich spoof of the Justice League trailer made me laugh.

There's a bunch of random violence - just to let you know.

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