Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Thursday 27 January 2022

Comics Wrap-Up - Preach Electric To A Microphone Stand


'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and heart symbols inside speech bubbles

It's Thursday, this is Dora Reads, so let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Just a few things for you this week - and everything is in the 'Other Stuff' category, for which we will, of course #BlameLoki

Thursday 6 January 2022

Comics Wrap-Up - Crooked Wheels Keep Turning

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, it's January, by the time we remember to write 2022 it'll be 2023, let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Everything I have for you is in the 'Other Stuff' category. *shrugs* #BlameLoki

Thursday 30 December 2021

Comics Wrap-Up - Two Armies Are Coming At Me

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, 2021 is - to paraphrase my countryman Dylan Thomas - going gentle into that good night, so let's get some comics-y superhero-y goodness!

Friday 5 November 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Frosted Fears


'The flicker catches, spreads, a surge of certainty that this, all of this, is wrong, that there’s something missing, as though he’s been looking at everything through a blur, like the heat-haze above an open fire, ever shifting and obscuring the truth.

Tony grabs Loki by the collar, shoves him, not nearly as hard as he’s capable of, but hard enough.'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

It's been a surprisingly long time since I rec'd FrostIron.

It's time to rectify that 😉

(Fandom notes: FrostIron is a sexual and/or romantic relationship between Tony Stark and Loki from the Marvel movies. After the initial 'WTF?' you will realise that it actually makes a lot of sense.)

Friday 29 October 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Just Can't Lose Him


'The first time Michael saw him after it happened was on the boardwalk. Three months, two days.'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

This is the last Fics Fix of October, and Halloween is just a few days away, so it seems like the perfect time for some Queer vampires!

So this week we're talking one of my faves - the film The Lost Boys. (Which, yes, is Queer af - deny it all you want, you can't change the truth.)

Friday 15 October 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Loving Losers


'..."Uh, yup." Richie shrugged. "Just all reconnected this weekend for some good old fashioned sewer clown fighting and murder."'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I love the IT movies.

- That's the modern, 2010s, IT parts 1 & 2. 

(Technically the films are IT, and IT: Chapter 2, but you all know what I mean, so expect me just to call them parts 1 & 2 throughout this post.)

I haven't seen the Tim Curry adaptation - though I might get around to it one of these days, purely because Tim Curry. 

I also haven't actually read the Stephen King novel because it's one of those 1000+ page behemoths that you have to kind of psych yourself up to tackle, and I'm yet to summon the sufficient energy and desire to do so.

Again, I might get around to it at some point, since I'm a general Stephen King fan.

Sunday 10 October 2021

Nerd Church - Why Doesn't the Brahms Doll In 'The Boy' (2016) Freak Me Out?!

(Warning: this post references domestic violence, and discusses elements of horror movies)

'Why Doesn't the Brahms Doll In 'The Boy' (2016) Freak Me Out?!' written in red spooky writing with a black background

* = commission link

The Boy (2016)* is a horror film -

not to be confused with any other films called ‘The Boy’ or ‘Boy’, including, because the world is like this sometimes, The Boy (2015)

- about Greta (played by Lauren Cohan)  – an American chick who escapes her abusive ex by literally fleeing the continent, and taking a job as a nanny in the UK.

Only, when she’s introduced to Brahms, her charge while Mr and Mrs Heelshire -

(that name screams ‘I don’t know what to name these characters, call them something posh,’ doesn’t it?)

- head off on holidays, she’s more than a little weirded-out.

Because the kid she’s supposed to take of? The Boy, Brahms? – Is a porcelain doll.

Cue odd goings on, all alone with Brahms in a secluded mansion, with no mobile phone service and no Internet.

Friday 8 October 2021

Friday Fics Fix - A Queer Horror Fanfic Rec List


Since it's October, and therefore a time for all things spooky and gothic (woohoo!) I thought I'd give you all a little taste of some horror fics.

Some of these are horror in that the specific piece of fanfiction is horror-based, and some of them are actually based on horror media/fandoms. OK? OK.

Oh, and they're all Queer af.

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

As I’ve mentioned before, Queer people love horror.

(Not all of us, obviously, that would be a sweeping generalisation, and everyone’s different, but a lot of Queer people do love horror. And I mean LOVE it.)

So, horror's Queer, fanfiction's Queer, let's pull some monsters outta the closet! 😉😎😅

Thursday 2 September 2021

Sunday 1 August 2021

Nerd Church - Witch-Hunts and Fear: The Emotional Maturity of ParaNorman

 * = commission link

I love the movie ParaNorman*. It’s hugely underappreciated.

This beautiful, weird, stop-motion mash-up of classic horror and kids’ adventure tale is surprisingly emotionally mature.

It explores the way that fear creates hatred, which in turn creates fear and hatred. And that adults can sometimes act out when they’re scared, in ways that can hurt the people – the children – around them.

'Witch-Hunts and Fear: The Emotional Maturity of ParaNorman'

Warning: this post contains SPOILERS for the film ParaNorman, and discusses: persecution (including religious-based persecution,) Ableism, Transphobia, Homophobia, horror elements, executions, death

I’ve seen ParaNorman quite a few times now – it always strikes me like it’s the first time I’ve seen it.

I think I forget, in between watches, just how good this film is.

First-off, of course, I appreciate anything made with stop-motion animation – stop-motion uses puppets or models, which are imaged, frame-by-frame, as they are moved incrementally by hand.

When the still images are put together (at a rate of around 24 frames per second,) it generates the illusion of movement.

In order to create smooth-looking movement, the positioning of the models from one frame to the next has to be both minute and precise.

Friday 25 June 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Pride Fics Fest: Sandbox Love Never Dies


And we're here! It's the last week of my Prides Fics Fest, where for the month of June, I give Friday Fics Fix over solely to LGBTQ+ fics!

Which isn't much of a change, because fanfiction is Queer af, but this month has focus and everything! 😅

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

'Needy wraps her hands around the smooth wood handle and takes a deep breath. Then she raises the shovel and stabs it into the earth.'

Jennifer's Body is a, thankfully renaissance-having, staple of Sapphic culture.

For years, this Queer horror classic was maligned by A-hole, Allocishet (non-LGBTQ+,) male critics and audiences, who didn't effing get it!

Sunday 13 June 2021

Sunday 6 June 2021

Nerd Church - I Watched Jojo Rabbit: Part 2 - Facing History

'I Watched Jojo Rabbit: Part 2 - Facing History'

Welcome to the next instalment of I Watched Jojo Rabbit, aka 'Cee rabbits on about Jojo Rabbit!*'

(And no, I could not resist the pun.)

While you don't need to have read Part 1 of this mini-post-series in order to understand this part, I do recommend reading it (which I would do, because I wrote it,) to get a more generalised view of Jojo Rabbit as a film.

You can read part one here.

Jojo Rabbit is a funny and heart-warming film, with a dark and deeply uncomfortable edge.

And this post? This post looks at that darker part of Jojo Rabbit - from the controversial premise to the dark nature of this darkest period of history.

We're gonna get uncomfortable, dearest nerdlets, fair warning.

* = commission link

Sunday 30 May 2021

Nerd Church - I Watched Jojo Rabbit: Part 1 - The Survival of Humanity

(Warning: due to the subject matter of the film Jojo Rabbit, this post discusses: war, Nazis, Hitler, the Holocaust, bigotry, indoctrination)

I watched Jojo Rabbit...

'I Watched Jojo Rabbit: Part 1 - The Survival of Humanity'

Jojo Rabbit* is a 2019 film written, directed, and starring the legendary Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi.

(It's inspired by, rather than based on, the book Caging Skies by Christine Leunens.)

It is a comedy about Nazis.

And yes, you read that right.

It is a comedy about Nazis.

* = commission link

Friday 28 May 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Bucky Needs Advice... Maybe Not From Them


'...“Not in a bad way! Just, y'know, since you started dating him you guys are like a package—”

“I'm not dating Sam,” Bucky stops him.

Peter’s mask’s eyes narrow up at him, confused. “Really?”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Yes it's The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (TFATWS). Again.

Yes it's Queer. Again.

Because in this house we allow Bucky Barnes to be his Achillean, Queer-a**, self, with the actual full-on, representation, and not the Queerbaiting b*llsh**. 😎

Friday 21 May 2021

Friday Fics Fix - Not Ready


'As good as she is at anticipating his family’s actions and decisions, everything always gets a little skewed and unpredictable once the bullets start flying'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I love quirky horror movies with kick-butt heroines - which brings us to the film this week's fic is based on: Ready or Not.

Ready or Not is a super-quirky horror film about Grace, who is marrying Alex Le Domas - a member of the rich Le Domas family, who made their money in board games.

(And yes, there is a vibe here that feels very akin to Knives Out, but that's more of a crime film than this - this is def. horror.)

Sunday 18 April 2021

Nerd Church - How I Use True Crime Media To Boost My Mental Health (Yes, Really)


(Warning: this post discusses true crime, and though it avoids details of murders, it does reference various topics surrounding true crime. This post also discusses Depression/Anxiety.

Any links to other websites may have further details of true crime, though I've tried to avoid anything graphic; I am not responsible for the content on these sites.)

'How I Use True Crime Media To Boost My Mental Health (Yes, Really)' with a notebook and magnifying glass

I find true crime media weirdly helpful with combatting the affects of my mental health problems.

I put true crime shows on the TV sometimes in the evening, to wind down before falling asleep.

I clamour to Netflix true crime to calm my Anxiety.

I watch true crime docs or YouTube videos while I'm working to help me concentrate.

Friday 2 April 2021

Friday Fics Fix - A Sam and/or Bucky Rec List

There is a permanent corner of my brain devoted to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier right now.

For those who don't know: this is a new Disney+ series set in the MCU (the Marvel superhero movies,) - particularly the Captain America corner where Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes live.

...metaphorically. Although I'm sure they'd think it was mildly hilarious to live on a street named after Cap.

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Since I couldn't find any fanfiction based specifically on this series that I wanted to rec., I decided to trawl through my relatively extensive archive of fic recs to pick out a handful of my faves featuring Sam and/or Bucky.

(This is the upside of having a shared cinematic universe - the downside is catching up on content if and when you fall behind so that you know wtf is going on 😅)

If anyone has any recs for fics based on this current series, please send 'em my way!

Also, it struck me that I see far less quality fics about Sam than about Bucky, so if you know of any good Falcon ones, lemme know!