Friday 8 May 2020

Friday Fics Fix - A Star Wars Trio

I know Star Wars day was technically Monday (for those who are less fluent in nerd - 'May the Fourth be with you' is a pun that's taken on a life of its own,) but I figured now was a good time to take another look at some Star Wars fics!

Fics Fix!

Oh, and just assume that everything in this post has SPOILERS up to and including The Last Jedi.

(No, I haven't seen The Rise of Skywalker yet, so there won't be spoilers for that - but everything else is fair game.)

(Side-note: I'm still getting used to the new Blogger (the platform I use,) interface, so apologies if things look a bit strange!)

Re-reading this fic now: wow.

Like, wow. 

'Ben Solo at six years old waking up to a scarred, pale face with hungry eyes looming over him.'

...This fic is dark and understated and well-written and beautiful.

It makes my angsty little nerdgirl heart go: ahhhhhhuh!

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) *thumbs up*: Kylo approves
Via Giphy

Some warnings, though, dearest nerdlets: 

Family issues, grooming of a child by an extremist ideology, possible child neglect

So, that fic, in case you hadn't noticed, is based heavily on Kylo Ren. This next one is with the OG Star Wars crew of Luke, Han, and Leia:

The More Things Change is by Greg @ Book Haven, who, full disclosure: I consider a friend - or at least a casual friend. (And hopefully he wouldn't disagree with that!)

You like me because I'm a scoundrel
Via Giphy

Back when I first rec'd this, I noted that it was absorbing af - and looking at it again, I have to say that my first assessment was pretty damned accurate!

'"A little scuppering?" Han scoffed. "Your little scuppering meant a weeks' worth of repairs!..."'


It's enjoyable for casual fans, and I'm sure die-hard fans are gonna love it.

The last fic I got for ya this week is Bunch of Mumbo-Jumbo by tuesday

This fic is a lot deeper than I remember - possibly because I got distracted while writing my original post and had a mini-rant about Yoda not being that wise. (Oops!)

Sometiimes I amaze even myself
Via Giphy

Anyhow, there's still a lot of fun with Luke and Han determined to punk Kylo Ren from the after-life.

'Han looked at Kylo. "Keep it up, and your face is going to stick that way."'


But there's also some grief that I'd honestly forgotten about entirely! 


Do you know of any good Star Wars fics?
Are you OG or modern?
Talk to me!

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Previous Friday Fics Fix Posts:


  1. You can never give too many Star Wars fiction recommendations! I love Star Wars - the OG films a lot more than the new ones but I still watch each and every one in the cinema :') I do read fanfiction but I have yet to delve into star wars fanfic!

    1. Ha, there's a lot of not-so-good Star Wars fanfic out there, but there are also seem really awesome ones! <3

  2. These seem very fun! When it comes to Star Wars, I really love the modern movies. Kylo Ren is probably my favourite villain of Star Wars because of his complexity. I just think the modern movies are so well written, and also have some really lovable characters!

    1. I love Kylo Ren! I think he does what the best villains do - show that the heroes aren't so perfect, after all. :)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!