Showing posts with label M/M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M/M. Show all posts

Friday 24 February 2017

Friday Fics Fix - Loki's Heart

I'm full of coffee, fanfiction is slowly restoring my faith in humanity, and I have an awesome FrostIron fic with a transgender Loki for you guys! Let's do this!

Fics Fix title image

(Fangirling notes:

FrostIron is where Loki and Tony Stark from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (y'know, the films) have a little something romantic and/or sexual going on.

If you're a regular DORA reader, you'll probably know this.

If you're new here/have somehow avoided my FrostIron obsession: ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THE AWESOMENESS!!!!) 

'...fanfiction is slowly restoring my faith in humanity...' Click to Tweet

In the comics, Loki is all kinds of undefined in terms of both sexuality and gender (something they have resolutely ignored in the films.)

So fic writers, (who are more accepting than your average studio executive,) have, over the years, taken it upon themselves to explore the various avenues Loki's story could have taken.

And that is one of the reasons, my dearest nerdlets, that there is still hope for this planet!

This fanfic is written by a transgender man, about a transgender man - yes, there's such a thing as #ownvoices fanfiction... and it's glorious.

This fic is 18+ only by the way guys - there are sexy-times, and I don't want anyone's parents yelling at me.

Also, pay attention to the warnings the fic author gives, in case there's anything distressing for you in there.

This is written beautifully and honestly... and I just love it!

To be honest, any romance between Tony Stark and Loki has already won half the battle with me, but the college AU and the raw heart of this story is just... this is one I really adored, guys.

(Fangirling note: AU is Alternate Universe.)

'the raw heart of this story is just...' Click to Tweet

So, without further procrastination, this week's fic is:

Deliver It To My Heart (What Looks So Strong So Delicate) by lary

And that's this week's fic! More next week! :)

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Friday 10 February 2017

Friday Fics Fix - Totally Winning

I love the TV show Supergirl. It rocks.

And I know, it sounds like it should be really naff - BUT IT'S NOT!!!!

Friday Fics Fix title image

Now, fans of the show will be aware of Winn, and aware of Mon-El.

People who aren't familiar show need to go watch it (like, now.) Because it's awesome-sauce, and even has canon (fangirling note: official) lesbian representation in series 3.

Now, as fandom will pair up everyone with... well... everyone, there is a ship for Winn and Mon-El.

The name of this ship is Monwinn - which makes me laugh for nerdy reasons related to the Welsh language which I won't go into too much here because it would probably take up half a page of explanation.

Let's just say that Winn, and its many variants, is a Welsh name that can signify several concepts related to white, fair, pure, holy, handsome, perfect, etc.

And Mon makes me think of Anglesey.

(Fangirling note: ship is relation-ship. See? OK, awesome.)

This week's fic is cute awesome Monwinn dorkiness with their first date (*squee*)

This week's fic then, my dear nerdlets, is:

Enjoy the sweet dorkiness, and I'll have more fanfiction-y-ness for you next week!

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Tuesday 7 February 2017

Month in Review(s) - January 2017

Well, that was January 2017... don't blame 2017 too much, guys, it keeps following 2016's examples.

I'm sure that in time it'll move away from the influence of it's older sibling, who was, let's face it, a freaking disgrace of a year.

2017 though can still be steered in the right direction with the help of intervention programmes, and stopping it from hanging out with the wrong people. We hope.

Study and bookshelf

On a more positive note, this was the month that yours truly, along with Angel, Jolien, Dina, Lara, and our fearless leader, the lovely Ely, ran #DisabilityDiaries2017.

And it rocked. In case you hadn't noticed. ;)

You can check out alllllll of the posts from everyone during the event in this Google+ collection, and most of the posts in this BlogLovin collection.

If I've missed your post out, please let me know! Some of the posts I couldn't add to the BlogLovin collection, because not all of the blogs involved had an account there.

You can also submit your discussion and list posts from the event to The Bookish Diversity Link List 2017.

So, I only reviewed 2 books in January (I know, I know, I need to review more!) and both were for the Disability Diaries:

Unspeakable book cover Jerkbait book cover

My other posts for #DisabilityDiaries2017 are listed below:

And that's January! :)

Friday 20 January 2017

#DisabilityDiaries2017 | Review! - Jerkbait by Mia Siegert

Jerkbait title image

flowers flourish

Title: Jerkbait
Jerkbait by Mia Siegert book cover
Author: Mia Siegert

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+ (M/M,) Magic Realism* (*ish)

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:

A bunch of people have recommended this; you've got mental health representation and LGBTQ+ representation, so yeah, I was gonna read it!

For a great review from a queer male reviewer, check out Naz @ Read Diverse Books' review, which was the first review I think I read of this book (and is awesome.) 😄

In the interests of balance and all cards on the table, here's a Goodreads review from someone who really didn't like this book, and had some valid points about the representation.

Friday 13 January 2017

Friday Fics Fix! - Luck 'n' Fluff

Update 24th Sep 2017: This fic is no longer available.

It's Friday the 13th!!!!

Friday Fics Fix title image

Whether you're superstitious or not, you will, most likely, come across someone today who will blame some misfortune on Friday the 13th.

So let's remove the misery, and have some Johnlock instead! Woo!

(Fangirling notes: Johnlock is John Watson and Sherlock Holmes (from BBC's Sherlock) having a romantical and/or sexual relationship.)

More than that, I have a fic for you about John and Sherlock watching the horror film Friday the 13th, on Friday the 13th!

I'm sure there are meta levels faffing about there somewhere!

See? Luck. On Friday the 13th. We will win dammit! Lol.

So this week's fic is:

The Lucky Unlucky Day by SoftPurpleSherlockian

Enjoy! And kick Friday the 13th's butt!

Friday Fics Fix will be taking a break next week for Disability Diaries, so Fics Fix will be back on 27th Jan.

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Thursday 12 January 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Tonight We Are Victorious

Comics Wrap-Up title image

This was another one of those weeks where I only have stuff for the 'Other Stuff' section of these posts. *shrugs* It happens occasionally. I blame Loki.

Other Stuff

If you're not aware of Spideypool (whereby the Internet took Spider-man (the grown-up version) and Deadpool, and decided they were meant to be,) then you won't know that Spideypool shippers are a passionate and unusual bunch.

While the Stucky shippers have the romantic-tragic soul-mates corner covered, Spideypool shippers rely on a steady stream of Deadpool arguing with himself, random cr*p happening every five minutes, upside-down kissing, and d*ck jokes.

And Ryan Reynolds - the king of the Deadpool fandom, and y'know, actually the actor who plays Deadpool - never disappoints. He made out with Andrew Garfield, just to make us happy.

(pay attention to the left-hand corner)


Over on Women Write About Comics, Holly Rose Swinyard wrote about non-binary representation.

And that is it for this week! Not a lot I know, but Comics Wrap-Up is taking a break next week for Disability Diaries, so there'll be more on 26th Jan.

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Friday 6 January 2017

Friday Fics Fix! - Absolutely Ace

If you haven't seen the TV show 'The Librarians,' then I suggest you track it the hell down and have a binge-watching session (or just watch a bit at a time, whatever.)

Why? Well, lots of reasons, but two in particular.

Friday Fics Fix title image

Firstly, Noah Wyle faffs in and out in an adorable Sherlock-Holmes-meets-Indiana-Jones kind of way.

He also adds a decent chunk of lovable nerd, just for luck.


That's the premise guys - big library. With magic. Do I really have to sell it to you more than that?

Anyways, I also enjoy the odd snippet of fanfiction for the show (because I'm an out-of-control fangirl a dedicated supporter of all things reading, including the wonderful phenomenon of fanfiction.)

So this week's fic is based around The Librarians - which by now, you'd probably guessed.

Look, I can't lie to you - this week's fic is a little clumsily written in places.

That happens with fanfiction. #SorryNotSorry.

It's attitude and topic though? Has my support, 100%.

Because this week's fanfiction deals with asexuality, and people's ignorance of it. And the points it makes are important. There's also a touch of m/m romance where one of the couple is asexual - which is awesome.

This week's fic then, is:

open mouth, insert foot by SnorkleShit

Enjoy! See you for more fanfiction next week!

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Friday 9 December 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Deck the Halls

More Christmas-y themed fanfiction for you!

And... well, I'm FrostIron trash, and I haven't recc'd FrostIron fics in quite a while... so it's FrostIron ;)

(Fangirling note: FrostIron is where Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and Loki have a little something romantical, sexual, or both, going on. It works way more than it should.)

This is basically fluff - but hell, Christmas needs fluffiness!

And honestly, this fic is worth it for the pyjama-related comments alone.

So, my dearest nerdlets, as I'm not really in too much of a rambling-on mood, let's get down to it!

This week's fic is:

Merry Christmas! Love, Tony and Loki by ragcat

Enjoy! And I'll be back next week for the last Fics Fix before Christmas!

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Tuesday 6 December 2016

Month in Review(s) - November 2016

November; the month in which the USA decided to make the UK's stupid political choices look relatively intelligent in comparison.

All we did was leave the EU... maybe... with no real plans, and a strong sense that nobody WAS LISTENING TO THE INFO ABOUT WHAT THE F**K THEY WERE VOTING FOR.

America decided to go bigger, and elected Trump. *sighs*

Still, we are so, so, so sorry America. We did let Farage faff around your country spreading his toady hatred by campaigning for Trump.

He's now wrecked two countries and potentially the whole world - maybe we shouldn't have given that man a passport.

But, my dearest nerdlets - if you're scared, if you're feeling hurt or alone, please understand this: THERE ARE PEOPLE ACROSS THIS ENTIRE PLANET WHO LOVE YOU AND ARE THINKING OF YOU. I promise.

On the personal side of things, my depression hasn't been as bad as it was last month (woo!) so that's got to be a good thing.

And my blog hit over 45k pageviews, followed by over 50k pageviews in the early days of December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what about the books?

Well my nerdlets, here are the books I reviewed in November:

New Adult

Eyes of Persuasion by Adrienne Monson - Novella, Fantasy, Historical Fiction*, Crime*, Romance (M/F)* (*ish)


God Help the Child by Toni Morrison - contemporary, magic realism* (*ish)
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin - classics (modern,) LGBTQ+ (M/M; M/F)
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller - LGBTQ+ (M/M; M/F,) Mythology, Historical Fiction*, Mythology*, Magic Realism* (*ish)

Graphic Novels

Who Killed Kurt Cobain?: The Story of Boddah by Nicolas Ortero - biography, contemporary, magic realism, non-fiction* (*ish)

Friday 25 November 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Walking Down the Line

This week's fic is a crossover. Because fic writers aren't too bothered about different companies owning the film rights ;)

It's a crossover between the MCU and the more modern X-men films (of the First Class & Days of Future Past batch.)

(Fangirling note - MCU = Marvel Cinematic Universe; the Avengers & all that jazz.)

And yes, I will attempt to bring you non-Marvel-related fanfiction soon.

(But no promises - because I'm clearly Marvel trash.)

I love the way this fic blends Stucky in with attempts by Charles Xavier to help Bucky Barnes back into the world after what was done by him by Hydra.

(Fangirling notes:

Stucky = a relationship between Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers (Captain America)

Charles Xavier = Prof X from the X-men

Bucky Barnes = Cap's childhood 'friend' (they're in love, but Marvel won't make it official,)

Hydra = evil Nazi organisation which turned Bucky into an evil weapon. Poor Bucky Bear.)

There's a lot of references to the holocaust here - but I actually think that it's done quite well.

This week's fic is:

Battle Fatigue by Sonora

Enjoy the fanfiction-y-ness - more next week!

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Thursday 24 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Days Like This

Graphic Novels

This week, I read Julio's Day by Gilbert Hernandez (UK - US,) which I've wanted to read since I did my Latinx graphic novels post a little while back.

It was... well, it was freaking weird, in all honesty, but I still really enjoyed it.

There was more sex and gore in there than I was expecting though! Not that there was a lot - there wasn't - but still more than I expected. And some m/m-ness, which was unexpected but awesome.

Other Stuff

Not much else to share with you this week, but a few things:

I read this review of the superhero series Legends of Tomorrow by Jessica @ Rabid Reads.

Regular readers of DORA will remember that I adore Legends - not least because of the beautiful and awesome-sauce Sara Lance :)

(And she's canon queer!)

But Legends has a lot going for it - not just Sara. This is a show that really shouldn't work, and really does!


In other queer-girl-superhero-news, the amazing Marvel Latinx heroine, America Chavez, is getting her own comics title!

An #OwnVoices Latinx queer superhero! Sometimes guys, there is news which just makes your heart happy :)

I'll see you next week for more comics guys! Go be awesome!

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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Review Time! - The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Title: The Song of Achilles

Author: Madeline Miller

Genre: LGBTQ+ (M/M; M/F,) Mythology, Historical Fiction*, Fantasy*, Magic Realism* (*ish)

Amazon: UK - USA

A few starting notes:
If any queer men have reviewed this then let me know! I'd love to link to your review.

This was actually a recommendation from the lovely Charlotte @ Bookmarks and Blogging - who was spot-on with her rec! :)


This is a retelling of the story of the Iliad (the Trojan War and all that jazz) from the point-of-view (POV) of Patroclus, the beloved companion of hero Achilles.

What follows is a Greek tragedy of love and war.

Best bits:

Uerkjnhrylojmnprkmtnoltknklnmnbreope!!!!!!!! This bookkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!


The strong voice of Patroclus comes through the POV - and I think this was a smart plan. Achilles is a lot more likeable through Patroclus' eyes than I think he would be in 3rd person.

Honestly, Achilles can be a bit of a douche - and it's only through Patroclus' love and light that we see him as more than just the boring role of 'the perfect hero.'

Patroclus is the first and foremost strong point of this book - he is just so exceptionally... lovely and wonderful, that I would love to actually meet him.

And even though I had some knowledge of the story of the Iliad, and knew how this was going to end, IT STILL RIPPED MY HEART OUT AND HANDED IT TO ME (in a good way.)

And the writing is completely awesome-sauce and good quality :)

Not so great bits:

*rolls up sleeves* - Look, for a book that won a women's fiction prize, I expected less of a sh**y role for the women.

We have few female characters - in a way, that's not too bad, because we're at war with a Greek army, so I wouldn't expect that many women around.

But every woman in this book gets either married off to the highest bidder and/or against her will, raped, murdered, or some combination of all three.

There's a lot of rape here - and it's used as a throwaway plot device, just something that happens. Again, probably not unrealistic - but the emotion, the trauma, and the victim seriously needed more attention.

I've seen - out and about there in Internet-land - criticism of Patroclus' representation.

Some people seem to think that he was overly feminised or forced too much into the 'wife' role in the relationship, but without knowing the backgrounds of the reviewers, I honestly can't tell you whether this is a legitimate concern from queer reviewers, or masculine insecurity from heterosexual reviewers.

What I can tell you is that I didn't find him overly feminised at any point.

There's some sexy-times, much violence, and swearing, as well as the aforementioned references to rape.


OK, there were some issues. But I loved this book.


Update 19th Feb 2017: I've become aware that this book has issues regarding the Bury Your Gays trope. If anyone has a post or review which discusses this, I would be more than happy to link to it.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Mini-Review! - Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin

Title: Giovanni's Room

Author: James Baldwin

Genre: Classics (Modern), LGBTQ+ (M/F; M/M)

Amazon: UK - USA


This was an exceptionally good book.

It will however tear your heart out and then show it to you. Yep. That is the level of feels we are dealing with here.


So, this about a young American, David, who gets involved with an Italian bartender, Giovanni, in Paris.

Apparently this book was controversial (to say the least) in the 1950s, when it was written, not only because it was about a romantic relationship between men, but also because it was a black author writing about white men.

And for that fact alone, you should read this.

Because James Baldwin refused to be restricted in the people he could write about - he refused to play it safe and only ever write about black people, as he was expected to.

(And you know me guys, I like a rebel!)

David, as a character, isn't all that likeable. Putting it plainly, he's a bit of a jerk.

But you can still see his perspective - he's a selfish jerk, but that's because of the internalised homophobia and ideas of masculinity that he won't let himself let go of.

And, in his own way, he really does love Giovanni. I'm not sure whether that makes things better or worse, you'll have to read it and decide for yourself.

But Giovanni... argh! He totally broke my heart. Like HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?!?! *Ahem.* Sorry.

There are a couple of issues with this book:

It can be very dismissive, to the degree of disgust, towards men who are perceived to be more feminine in their mannerisms. 

And it's very offensive to the transgender women who hang around the bar.

It actually describes them as disgusting, which is obviously NOT GOOD, and transphobic.

And the attitudes towards women wanting equality (I mean, how dare they?!) are clearly that of a narrow-minded, and fairly misogynistic, man from the 1950s. Sorry, I call them as I see them.

BUT, for all that: this is a good book. And it was an exceptionally important stepping stone for diversity.

I'm not giving it carte blanche for jerkiness, this book was written in the 1950s, and it bl**dy well shows.

But I will be looking out for more James Baldwin books - once I've recovered from the feels after what happened to poor Giovanni. *Sniffles*

Oh, and quick warning: there's a lot of implied sexual assault, and some implied rape.

There are also some male/female sex scenes. And I think there might've been swearing? Maybe? I really need to pay more attention to these things...

So that's Giovanni's Room - not a perfect book, by any means, but an important one, and largely worth the read - the writing is quality, and the offensiveness is annoying and harmful, but brief (thank God.)

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