Wednesday 13 February 2019

Month in Review(s) - January 2019

January went by in a flash - and not the cool, Barry Allen, kind. (You gotta love nerd humour 😁)

January title image with calendar background and fireworks

I guess it's because I had an awful cold for half the month...? 😷

And aside from that, I've just been doing the usual, hectic, working-my-a**-off, stuff.

Y'know me, never a moment when I'm not working on something or other!

(I'm so tired 💤😅)

So, what with everything, I haven't had chance to finish off any reviews, and I'm still doing the whole running-to-catch-up thing instead of blogging ahead.

But f**k it, I managed around three posts a week! That counts, dammit!

And, I totally love you dearest nerdlets! Because Dora Reads passed 300k total page-views in January!

I mean, I realise that's the Blogger total, which assumes nothing is a bot, rather than using Analytics, which assumes everything is.

But it's still totally awesome and I love you all!!!! 😍😍😍

screenshot - Pageviews all time history: 300, 714

dividing line

January's most popular posts on Dora Reads

dividing line

Mildly Amusing Searches

(Inspired by a similar feature from Cait @ Paper Fury and other bloggers)


                         ...should I be worried? 😅

dividing line
Non-Review Posts

(...which, this month, is all of them.)

Comics Wrap-Up

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman handing her living shadow a flower

Symmetry in Shadows I Can't Hide - Avengers: End Game, Captain Marvel, & more

It's Just Your Own Reflection - Spider-Man: Far From Home & more

To Escape This Old World - SHAZAM!, Black Panther & more

Angels Made of Neon and F**king Garbage - Umbrella Academy, Agents of SHIELD & more

Friday Fics Fix

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Digging For Victory - A self-care centred fic about Bucky Barnes

He's a Phantom! - I get all nostalgic about the brilliance of Danny Phantom!

True Love, In Honour of Santes Dwynwen - I relate the story of Santes Dwynwen, and choose a fic in her honour

Nerd Church

Media Overload: Quality, Quantity, and Diversity - The truth behind what we choose to watch

A Few Ruminations on Perspective - People can see the same thing, in an entirely different way

Other Non-Review Posts

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Final Update + 2019 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Sign-Up

So that's January!
How was yours?
Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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Last updated: 2nd March 2019


  1. I really felt that January dragged by. I’m happy to be rid of it, because the closer we get to summer, the happier I’ll be.

    1. Ha, I actually don't really like summer - me + heat = not good!

  2. I hope you feel better soon! Congrats on the pageviews. I think my blog is getting pretty close to 300K, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. Yayyyyyy for the page views!! That's awesome! <3

  4. Oh no, sorry you were sick. I hope you're feeling better now! I usually do three posts a week, so I think you're doing great! And congrats on the views!!!

    1. Thank you! :) And yeah, I'm feeling OK (except I cricked my neck... *sighs*)

      Three posts covers Nerd Church, Comics Wrap-Up, and Friday Fics Fix, and I like to fit in at least one (hopefully two, but that doesn't seem to ever happen) more post per week so that I'm not just putting out the same content all the time!

  5. I'm happy your blog is getting more traffic. I'm sorry you were sick--that just makes winter worse.

    1. Thank you! And I'm feeling better now - fingers crossed! :)

  6. January had a lot of ups and downs for me, but I was and did get by. In fact, February has been harder in terms for my mental health, but I am very happy to be aware of it being a struggle and trying to handle it best I can. I need to stop thinking ahead and being nervous about it and focus on the now.

    Anyway! I wanted to say congratulations for that page view count milestone!! Yay!! And hope February is going well for you x

    1. I hope Feb starts to improve for you! *hugs* You're attitude to it is healthy though - keep it up! :)

      And thank you! :) <3


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!