Wednesday 10 August 2022

Month in Review(s) - July 2022

July wasn't as awful as June.

Which is a heckava low bar, but one that's worth having!

'July - Gorffennaf' with ice-cream and fruit on a table behind the words

My energy levels still weren't at their tippity-toppest after having Covid, and then the heatwave came.

Dear Lord, the heatwave came.

I am one grumpy bear in the heat - like, I get so pi**ed off, at pretty much everyone and everything - and we had record-breaking temperatures here in the UK. Again.

It was relentless, and climate change is both real and horrendous. London was on fire. I don't mean that metaphorically.

Add in some very not-good mental health days, and July was well... not good.

But it wasn't terrible, and it was better than June so... yay, improvements! 😅

Looking at what I wrote/posted in July... looks like it's as erratic and esoteric as ever.

So... enjoy! Lol.

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Most Popular Posts*

1. Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Building A Craft

2. Nerd Church - The Devil Wears Double Standards

3. Month in Review(s) - June 2022

4. Nerd Church - The Global House Is Burning

5. Comics Wrap-Up - The Revolution Will Be Live

6. A Different State of Being - Diary of A Sexually Fluid Girl

7. Friday Fics Fix - Wham, Bang, Shazam!

8. Friday Fics Fix - A Hero Descended From Villains

9. Review! (Graphic Novel Edition!) - I Hate Fairyland, Vol 1: Madly Ever After

10. Comics Wrap-Up - Throw The Matches Down Into the Glitter

*amalgamation of Blogger stats and Google Analytic stats to try and discount spam traffic. Apologies for any mistakes.

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Non-Review Posts

Comics Wrap-Up

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

Chillaxed Vibes - Updates to CWU, Ms Marvel, & more

In Case Anyone Was In Any Doubt - Graphic memoir censorship & more

Weirdly Similar Taste In Jewellery - Ms Marvel & more

What More Could Anyone Ask For, Really? - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever & more

Friday Fics Fix

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

This Version of Captain America Is Unnerving - Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. I have no idea whether it's nonsense or a work of genius... but I kind of love it.

In My Defence, It's A Shared Universe - ...I was looking for Hawkeye fics, I swear! I just ended up with SamBucky instead (Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes)

A Hero Descended From Villains - A fic centred on two of my favouritest Supergirl characters - Brainy (aka Brainiac 5, aka Querl Dox,) and Nia Nal (aka Dreamer.)

This Is An Angst-Fest Tony finds Loki in a helluva mess - blinded, possibly dying - and, in typical fanfiction-style, ends up taking him home to take care of him, and not telling anyone else. 

Nerd Church

The Writer Diaries: Building A Craft...I wish I had the same steadfast belief in my writing abilities as I do in crafting.

The Global House Is Burning - Climate change is real. Climate change is here.

The Devil Wears Double Standards - The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger was written in 2003; have we really come this far since then?

Some Reminders To Myself (And Maybe You, Too) - Some simple reminders to myself from a rough week mental-health-wise.

Other Non-Review Posts

Month In Review(s) - June 2022

Poetry: Forge

So that's July! How was yours?

Talk to me! 😊💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. July marginally better than June? Yay for small victories!

    I'm like you when it comes to the heat - plus I'm physically miserable (sweat, cramps/stiff legs, everything hurts basically).

    You have a 2016 post trending? Diary of A Sexually Fluid Girl - I just read that. it was a lot of fun but very honest and informative.

    Nia Nall rocks! (I'm watching Supergirl right now).

    1. Woo! Lol :)

      Ugh. I've melted. It's horrible.

      I do! There were posts from a bunch of years that got a lot of views in July - I cross-referenced the Blogger stats (which usually assumes nothing is spam) with Analytics (which usually assumes that everything is spam) and these were the posts which appeared on both lists! Surprised me too, but then, there's not a lot of info. about being sexually fluid out there on the web (which is why I wrote it back when I first came out,) so it stands to reason that someone found it and shared it somewhere. Which is pretty cool :)

      Nia is amazing!!! And she and Brainy are meant to be!!!! :)

  2. Yay for improvements! Even if the bar is low, you still exceeded it, and little victories should be celebrated :)

  3. I have yet to read I hate Fairlyland. I heard it good.
    Have a great August reading month.

    1. I read it quite a while ago - that's one of my older posts that have somehow been quite popular this month! It's good, but its one of those graphic novels which some people are gonna hate!

      Thanks - you too.


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