Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts

Thursday 1 June 2017

Thursday 25 May 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - House of the Rising Sun

comics wrap-up title image

Film Trailers

New Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer!!!!!!!

I'm loving the whole Tony-Stark-as-out-of-his-depth-father-figure vibe! :)

Warning: flashing images

Thursday 18 May 2017

Thursday 4 May 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - My Heart is Like a Stallion

Comics wrap-up title image

Film Trailers

Here's another li'l trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2 - which I've already seen!

(Dudes it's good - both hilarious and heart-breaking dammit!!!!)

Warning: flashing images

Thursday 30 March 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Guardians, Spiders, and Justice!

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

I really need to watch the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, because this new trailer for #2 has confirmed that me and Rocket Raccoon are well-matched personality-wise.

(Which is quite worrying, when you think about it...)

Thursday 23 March 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - If I Could Save Time In A Bottle

Comics Wrap Up title image

OK, due to a) a sh**ty cold that makes it hard for me to concentrate, and b) Loki (alwaaays blame Loki guys, 9/10 times, it was him,) everything I have for you today falls under the heading of 'Other Stuff.'

So, on to the Other Stuff!

Thursday 16 March 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Tale As Old As Time... Sort Of

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

First up, there's another li'l Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2, trailer for you to sink your little nerdlet-y fangs into!

(Yes, I've had coffee - this is gonna be fun! 😎)

Thursday 9 March 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Logan's Run

Comics Wrap Up title image

Film Trailers

Ryan Reynolds, king of the Deadpool fandom, has released a sneak-peak teaser type-thingummy/featurette of Deadpool 2!

As this is Deadpool, beware of swearing, violence, gore, and brief nudity!

Thursday 2 March 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - If My Velocity Starts To Make You Sweat, Then Just Don't Let Go

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

Another trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2!

(I really need to watch #1 - plus, I'm beginning to worry about how much my personality may or may not be like Rocket Raccoon's.)

WARNING: flashing images

Other Stuff

The Screen Junkies people who make Honest Trailers did one for Doctor Strange!

Now, I really did like Doctor Strange (whitewashing is inexcusable though,) but this pretty much hits the nail on the head!

Drug references, so be careful if playing this in public guys. Oh, and there are SPOILERS.

WARNING: flashing images everywhere.


And here's this week's comics-related links I tripped across while frolicking around the Internet:

OK, that's it for this week, I'll see you next Thursday for more comics-y-ness! :)

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Thursday 23 February 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - You're the Queen of Pain

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

This is more of a featurette maybe, but I'm putting it in the trailers section anyhow #DealWithIt 😎

This is an origin-type-thingy for X-23/Laura from the upcoming X-men film, Logan.

MASSIVE content warning: gore and self-harm.

Other Stuff

And here's some awesome-sauce links related to all things comics I've come across this week:

'Some awesome sauce links related to all things comics' - Click to Tweet

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Friday 10 February 2017

Friday Fics Fix - Totally Winning

I love the TV show Supergirl. It rocks.

And I know, it sounds like it should be really naff - BUT IT'S NOT!!!!

Friday Fics Fix title image

Now, fans of the show will be aware of Winn, and aware of Mon-El.

People who aren't familiar show need to go watch it (like, now.) Because it's awesome-sauce, and even has canon (fangirling note: official) lesbian representation in series 3.

Now, as fandom will pair up everyone with... well... everyone, there is a ship for Winn and Mon-El.

The name of this ship is Monwinn - which makes me laugh for nerdy reasons related to the Welsh language which I won't go into too much here because it would probably take up half a page of explanation.

Let's just say that Winn, and its many variants, is a Welsh name that can signify several concepts related to white, fair, pure, holy, handsome, perfect, etc.

And Mon makes me think of Anglesey.

(Fangirling note: ship is relation-ship. See? OK, awesome.)

This week's fic is cute awesome Monwinn dorkiness with their first date (*squee*)

This week's fic then, my dear nerdlets, is:

Enjoy the sweet dorkiness, and I'll have more fanfiction-y-ness for you next week!

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Thursday 9 February 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Pour Some Sugar On Me

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

So that Superbowl thingummy happened in the US, and somehow that means we get new comic book movie trailers so I'm not complaining!

First up is a new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

(Note to self: watch the first film. (Look, even I can't be up-to-date with all the superhero movies, ok? There's just so many of them!))

I love the nerdiness of giving it a volume label instead of just a number :)

And there are new Logan trailers! I love how awesome this film looks!!!!!!!!

And this ad feature thingy for Lego Batman...

...I really don't know wtf they fed the writers on this film, but it's clearly got some interesting ingredients (I'm thinking lots of caffeine and sugar!)


And, just like last week, I've got a little protest art via embedded tweets to show you! (Woo!)

Other Stuff

And to wrap everything up nicely, here's just a couple of interesting links I've come across this week:

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Thursday 2 February 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - But I'm No Good, Good, At Lip Service

comics wrap-up title image


In the wake of a whole lotta stupid coming out of the US in terms of policy this month, let's take a look at some excellent webcomics/cartoons/art from the webs, which make the world a better place.

(I'm embedding tweets here, and I've never done that before - so let's hope this works!)

First, let's let Ms. Marvel, aka Kamala Khan, show us how it's done:

Now, let's let Lady Liberty show the world how she would greet refugees:

flower divider

And just to round off the webcomics section, here are a couple of awesome artworks/cartoons from LGBTQ+  creators:

Other Stuff

The wonderful Supergirl TV series has been nominated for a GLAAD award for outstanding drama series.

The awards honour media with outstanding LGBTQ+ representation; and the current series of Supergirl has made leaps in rep. with the step of allowing Supergirl's sister, Alex, to be lesbian.

flower divider

And here's a bunch of interesting links of the comics-y type that I've come across this week:

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Thursday 5 January 2017

Comics Wrap-Up - Bumper Catch-Up Edition!

Since Comics Wrap-Up took a break over Christmas, this week's edition is a catch-up of my comics reading and all related stuff in the last couple of weeks :)

Comics Wrap-Up title image

Film Trailers

Here's an extended Batman TV spot for you all :)

(This film looks hilarious!)

Single Issues

I read a butt-load of short and preview comics to help prop up my Goodreads challenge total, so I'll just give you my three top picks.

(Trust me, these three are the ones worth mentioning!)

Heart of a Corpse: An Undead Engagement #1 (UK - US) and Bloody Dreadful #1 (UK - US) are two comics by creator Justin Sane.

Heart of a Corpse cover Bloody Dreadful cover

Both are fairly interesting, creepily executed, tales of Victorian Gothic horror. Heart of a Corpse actually plays out like a silent movie in silhouette - and was really moody and cool. :)

I enjoyed both, and they def. came as a pleasant surprise.

flourish divider

Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 (UK - US) is the start of the whole Loki-as-a-teen series.

Loki, Agent of Asgard cover

(Fangirling note:

Loki is one of the most difficult Marvel characters to define because s/he spends periods of time as a child, a teenager, a woman, a man, and two people. In honesty, I've probably missed something out.

Just trust me. In this period of time, Loki = reincarnated teenager. Thor = adult. That's as basic as it's gonna get, so let's leave it there.

You can't sweat the small stuff in comics. Your brain will explode. #TrueStory.)

This is the first part of Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol 1 (UK - US) and is pretty awesome. I really want to read the full volume soon for more sassy Loki awesomeness!


Over Christmas, I also read webcomic Princess Princess by Kay O'Neill

This is about two princesses who are faffing around a magical kingdom, challenging gender norms, and falling in love with each other.

One of the princesses is black - so there's a strong person of colour (PoC) lead too 😄

Princess Princess: Ever After (to give it it's fancy in-print title) is also available in printed format (UK - US.)

Princess Princess: Ever After cover

Other Stuff

Over on Women Write About Comics, Sergio Alexis wrote an awesome recommendation list of webcomics.

And just for the awesomeness of it all, all the comics they recommend are diverse!

flourish divider

For anyone who doesn't know, 'Women in Refrigerators' or 'fridging' is a phrase that was invented by comics artist Gail Simone for unnecessary acts of violence against women in comic books - often used as a plot device to motivate the male hero.

The origin of the phrase was an infamous storyline where the Green Lantern finds his girlfriend murdered and stuffed in his fridge by a super-villain - apparently just to make him angry.

Valente's book plans to give a voice to fridged women - and it looks incredibly poignant, and undoubtedly awesome.

flourish divider

Along with America Chavez, Marisol Rios De La Luz aka La Borinqueña, is an awesome step forward for Latinx superheroes.

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Thursday 8 December 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Setting Fire To The Sky

Graphic Novels

This week, I reviewed Rendez-Vous in Phoenix by Tony Sandoval (UK - USA ) a generally great graphic novel about a young man crossing the border into America.

There are some issues with the representation of black people, which I went into further in my review, but overall it's a great book.

Other Stuff

I read a fairly damn cool ghost-based webcomic called 'The Auntie' by Alyssa Wong and Wendy Xu.


Over on Women Write About Comics, Sergio Alexis wrote an awesome post about queer rep.

Alexis, quite rightly, points out that The Big Two (Marvel and DC to those who don't speak hard-core nerd,) are cr*p at selling queer comics, but that queer comics do sell elsewhere.

It's a really interesting piece, so give it a glance :)

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Friday 2 December 2016

Friday Fics Fix - Tis the Season

I actually really liked this week's fic (well... obviously... since I'm recommending it... but you know what I mean!)

Sometimes a fic comes along at just the right moment - I currently have an awful cold, and am freezing on top because the weather's decided to go from oh, it's a bit autumn-y to dear God are we living in an iceberg?! within a few days, so I really needed something short and sweet.

And that's what I have for you!

Now, frequent readers of this blog may have noticed that I have a thing for Sara Lance from CW/DC TV series Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.

So, what could be better than fluffy F/F romance featuring her canon (official) relationship with the beautiful Nyssa Al-Ghul?


Yes, that's right. We have Christmas, we have F/F romance, we have fluff with no explicit scenes. You're welcome! :)

This week's fic is:

The Gift by DarkAliceLilith

Enjoy, and I'll be back with more fanfiction next week!

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Thursday 1 December 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - LEGO Time!

Film Trailers

I know the Lego Batman trailers have been around for a while, but I've only just gotten around to watching them, and dude, they're funny:

Other Stuff

In other Lego-related news (yes, weirdly, all of my comics-related news this week is Lego-related *shrugs* life is full of surprises) -

So that's it for comics until next week dearest nerdlets! See you then :)

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Thursday 24 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Days Like This

Graphic Novels

This week, I read Julio's Day by Gilbert Hernandez (UK - US,) which I've wanted to read since I did my Latinx graphic novels post a little while back.

It was... well, it was freaking weird, in all honesty, but I still really enjoyed it.

There was more sex and gore in there than I was expecting though! Not that there was a lot - there wasn't - but still more than I expected. And some m/m-ness, which was unexpected but awesome.

Other Stuff

Not much else to share with you this week, but a few things:

I read this review of the superhero series Legends of Tomorrow by Jessica @ Rabid Reads.

Regular readers of DORA will remember that I adore Legends - not least because of the beautiful and awesome-sauce Sara Lance :)

(And she's canon queer!)

But Legends has a lot going for it - not just Sara. This is a show that really shouldn't work, and really does!


In other queer-girl-superhero-news, the amazing Marvel Latinx heroine, America Chavez, is getting her own comics title!

An #OwnVoices Latinx queer superhero! Sometimes guys, there is news which just makes your heart happy :)

I'll see you next week for more comics guys! Go be awesome!

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Thursday 17 November 2016

Comics Wrap-Up - Any Dream Will Do

I actually don't have much comics-y goings-on for you this week, but I did read a couple of single issues:

Single Issues

I read Alganon #1 - a one-shot from DC.

This is actually based on some sort of free game? I'd never actually heard of it before, but the art was fairly cool.

The plot was a bit 'and now, for no reason, here's this monster we didn't mention before!' but I assume that's because of the free-based-ness.

I also read Dreamless... which is kind of... stunningly beautiful.

Seriously, every panel was like an oil painting.

And the whole concept of an American girl and a Japanese boy sharing one alternating life - when he's awake, she's asleep and dreams his life, and vice versa - and then just wanting to be together because they were MADE FOR EACH OTHER GODDAMMIT! ;)

So, yeah... I enjoyed that one! Lol.

Amazon link (full graphic novel): UK - US

And that's it, dearest nerdlets! This week was short on the comics-y-ness *shrugs* - happens sometimes!

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