Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Month in Review(s) - April 2018

April... ha, so, what's May lookin' like? 😅

Girl in red coat holding black umbrella with the word 'April' written in the corner

April happened. I lived through it *starts singing I'm still standing by Elton John and doing an incredibly embarrassing dance.*

My grandmother is still in hospital - she went in at the beginning of March - but she's definitely improving. We're basically waiting for a social care package in place so that she can go home, because there's no way my 88-year-old grandfather can take care of her.

And on the last day of April my laptop - which had been hanging on on a wing and a prayer, granted - gave up the ghost.

On the plus side, I reached over 3k Twitter followers in April! I love you guys, really! XD

Sunday 6 May 2018

Nerd Church - Viral Reading

Are you ready to be a Bookish Rebel? Cos we're gonna shake sh** up today! 😉

girl reading as dragons, light, smoke, etc. emerges from the book

I love my blogging friends - but you weren't originally who I was aiming my brain babbling at (But I still love you!!!! Never leave me!!!! *tugs at your sleeves to stop you going*)

No, when this blog started, it's half-formed, characteristically-vague, ideal was to spread reading like a positive plague across the globe - I wanted, and still want, to make READING go viral.

Monday 30 April 2018

Technical Difficulties - Life/Blogging Update

Hi my nerdlets! This is an impromptu post to let you know that my laptop's broken.

I'm going to be honest, this isn't a surprise. I've literally been sticking it back together with sellotape and model glue for a while now.

What it does mean, though, is that my blogging is going to be limited for a little while until I can get a new one.

At the moment, I have what time I can get on the family desktop, and my mobile phone.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Nerd Church - Please, Shut Up About the Royals

I'm British. But I don't care about the royal family. I don't care about the royal baby. I don't care about Harry marrying Meghan.

vintage Alice in Wonderland illustrations with King, Queen, and Knave

What I do care about is that I keep having to hear about them all.

Social and mainstream media are both fawning over all things royal and... *sighs* I don't mind like one news-in-brief report or whatever guys, but everyone seems to have freaking lost it, tbh.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Play's The Thing!

I was watching the BBC version of Hamlet starring Andrew Scott the other day (y'know, the Irish guy who plays Moriarty?) and a thought popped into my head:

Plays should count for the Goodreads Challenge!

curtain in front of painted backdrop of sky with clouds

(My Goodreads account is private. Sorry.)

Sunday 8 April 2018

Nerd Church - Disconnected

This might be one of those times where it turns out I've gotten old. It's highly possible.

Despite the fact that I get ID'd pretty much everywhere, I am actually a grown-a** woman; albeit one that only comes a little over 5ft.

A grown-a** woman who is still as genuinely enthusiastic about the bands and music I love as ever.

At the end of March, I went to see Fall Out Boy for the 4th time (and a year or two ago I completed the Emo Trinity, thank you v. much! 😉 )

hands holding mobile phone with music symbol

I've never quite understood though, why, while I'm bouncing around, screaming my heart out and singing 'til my lungs give out, everybody else HAS THEIR F**KING PHONES OUT!

Don't get me wrong - a few photos, a video or two: there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nice memories and all that jazz.

But if your entire night consisted of FILMING the concert, instead of WATCHING the concert, then - and this is a genuine question - why did you bother to GO to the concert?

Sunday 25 March 2018

Nerd Church - Pressure, Obligations, and 'Good Enough'

Sometimes, you need to accept things for what they are.

artistic-y pic of girl in washed out colours with large, vibrant butterflies around her

Not always! No way! Sometimes what you need is to dig your heels in and kick and scream.

But there are many situations where we simply have to accept things and move on.

I'm terrible at this.

Friday 23 March 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Overloaded

Sensory overload can occur with several different disabilities.

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

Most commonly, it occurs with ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, and Anxiety Disorders. It can also occur with migraines and many other conditions.

I get it with migraines (and I'm going to be honest, the Anxiety and the synaesthesia probably don't help with this.) It is a freaking b**ch.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Nerd Church - The Women Who Made Me

Since it was International Women's Day on Thursday, and it's Mother's Day today in the UK* t'boot, I figured I'd talk just a little bit about the amazing women that came before me :)

Happy Mother's Day! image with flowers and a purple background

*I didn't mean to rhyme, but am childishly pleased that I did! Lol.

Friday 9 March 2018

Friday Fics Fix - On Witches and B**ches

Yesterday was International Women's Day, so why don't we get feminist for this week's Fics Fix?

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

Too often, we dislike female characters - not least because their authors and/or creators make them unlikable.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Month in Review(s) - February 2018

You remember, in January, when I said I was getting the hang of the whole life-balance deal-y?

February calendar in pink with the 14th circled, and love hearts in the corner reading 'love you' and 'kiss me'

Yeah... well, regular service has resumed. My life is back to Milo-Murphy's-Law-levels of randomness.

If you haven't seen Milo Murphy's Law, this is what I'm talking about:

(Warning: flashing images)

...I relate so hard it scares me.

Typical example: I had a scratch on my hand. Not unusual?

It was from the cat. Still not that odd?

It was because the cat was squirming, trying to stop me, from stopping him, from climbing into my big brother's sling (which he was wearing at the time,) which he has because he broke his arm roller-skating.

This is my life.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Nerd Church - The Value of Reading

Why should we value reading?

Because it's important. Because the literacy of teenagers in the UK is Not Good. Because reading opens the mind to new ideas, new perspectives, other cultures.

Because reading - and comprehension of what you're reading - is more important in the digital age, where we're bombarded by texts, tweets, posts, and online forms, than it ever has been before.

boy sitting in front of giant book and globe

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Anxiety vs Blogger

(Warning: This post is about depression and Anxiety, and the demonstration of a negative thought spiral.)

First off: I'm OK. I've had a rough-ish few days (not too bad, but bad enough,) but I'm OK.

There is no need to worry about me.

artsy pic with heart connected to wires

Sometimes, much as blogging has saved my life, it can contribute negatively to my mental health.

I don't need to take an extended break - honestly, I'm fine. I love blogging just as much as I ever have, and, overall, it's good for me.

And the problem wasn't really blogging - it was the Anxiety.

But I did need to 'write it out.' This is the result of that.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Nerd Church - Some of My Favourite Welsh-Language Music

It's St. David's Day/Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant on Thursday, so I figured I'd give you guys some of my favourite Welsh-language music to listen to :)

I originally wrote this list on Twitter, for Welsh Language Music Day/Dydd Miwsig Cymru, on 9th February/Chwefror - but it's a pretty good list, if I do say so myself, so I thought I'd share it here too.

(And yes, I love Yws Gwynedd - they are most definitely Roc a Rôl as far as I'm concerned 😎)

Torchwood Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) 'I'm Welsh' gif case you hadn't noticed! Lol.
(Via Giphy)

Sunday 11 February 2018

Nerd Church - Rebel Valentine 2: Return of the Candy Hearts

(Yeah, no, I don't know where that post-title came from either! 😅)

Welcome to this year's coffee-fuelled, rule-breaking, kick-a** Valentine's Day* Nerd Church post!

(Those who read last year's post will know (sort of) what's ahead - those who didn't, hold on darlings, Cee's about to get on her soapbox, and possibly end up sharing TMI. But that's what she does.)

girl sitting and aiming an arrow bow in an artistic style

*Yes, I'm aware that it's not Valentine's Day until Wednesday. I'm doing my post now. Because I'm a rebel.

Friday 9 February 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Dumbledore is Gay. Dumbledore is Gay. Dumbledore. Is. Gay. Deal With It.

You may or may not know that the chance has once again been lost to allow the Harry Potter universe's Albus Dumbledore to BE gay on-screen.

Friday Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

Why is that important when J K Rowling has already said (over ten years ago,) that Prof. Dumbledore is a gay dude? Because word-of-God/author is not the same as on-screen canonisation (official-ness.) It comes across as queer-baiting. At best.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Month in Review(s) - January 2018

January felt like a month which put a rocket to my secret* blogging powers.

woman reading, sitting on a big '2018'

I don't know why, but I actually really liked the posts I wrote this month! And I'm (finally) beginning to get a handle on the whole 'juggling work, life, blogging, and miscellaneous other stuff' thing.

That said, I've probably just jinxed myself for the year ahead. My life tends to resemble an episode of Milo Murphy's Law sometimes 😅

Sunday 28 January 2018

Nerd Church - The Problem With the NHS

The problem with the NHS is not a problem with the NHS.

And with that bombshell, I should probably explain to my international nerdlets (and I will never get over the fact that I even have international nerdlets,) just what it is that I'm talking about.

The NHS is the National Health Service - set up so that everyone in the UK has access to state-run, FREE, healthcare. (Set up by a Welshman. #JustSaying.)

toy dog with bandages

Sunday 21 January 2018

Nerd Church - Cut Yourself Some Slack

I'm an impatient person. I want it done 600% right, and I want it done yesterday.

chick chillaxing on some sorta bridge

But I've had to learn that I can't work like that. I can only do what I can do, and it's much better to work slow and steady.

We have a tendency to go way easier on other people than we do on ourselves (me? talk about myself? Ha ha ha... look a distraction!!)

So I think it's time we reminded ourselves that it's ok to not do EVERYTHING - as long as you're doing something.

Friday 19 January 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Use Your Head

This week's fic made me metaphorically punch the air. Because dudes - yes!

fics fix title image

This fic is one of those which you don't need to be all that familiar with the fandom itself to enjoy - which is good because it's from the re-booted MacGyver fandom, which is kind of smaller than most fandoms.