Showing posts with label fanfiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fanfiction. Show all posts

Friday 1 June 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Johnlock Blogging

'(Don’t worry, if you were, which you weren’t. He’s fine; some poor kid found him in a ditch, pretending to be a dead body in the name of science.)'

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You can't be a blogger without being at least a little bit obsessed with blogging.

You can deny it if you like, but it's true.

We all have a serious fascination with the slightly weird processes which combine to make this thoroughly modern medium. (...and that was a weird sentence! *shrugs*)

Friday 25 May 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Harry and Draco and a Fic I Love For Reasons Unknown

'They began to acknowledge one another in the halls, not in a way that anybody else took any degree of notice to, but as their silence slowly became louder to one another they spoke in hushed whispers in empty corridors and alcoves and in the back of the library.'

I don't know why I like this week's fic.

There's just... something about this fic. I don't know why.

There's not much of a plot. The prose is over-dramatic and over-flowery in places. And I have no idea what's going on with the characterisation.

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Sorry, that's not much of a ringing endorsement is it?

Maybe I'm not explaining it right. Cos this fic totally rocks.

Why? Well, because... because... I have no f**king clue. It's somehow amazing though.

Friday 18 May 2018

Friday Fics Fix - An Unlikely Friendship

"Nah." Peter is holding Ned's ankles, and every time Coach Jones walks by Ned does a half hearted push-up. "He gave me peanuts and told me he wasn't dead? I think he's lonely."

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Every so often, a fic drops into your lap that you weren't expecting.

And I love that feeling. I love it. Not least because it becomes less common as you become more familiar with fanfiction.

I value that reminder that fanfiction can still surprise me! 😊

Friday 11 May 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Just Your Resident Mildly Evil Demigod... and His Lover

'Tony wasn’t sure who’d be unhappier: the team when they found out he was sleeping with their resident mildly evil demigod, or Loki when he found out that Tony would be late for their dinner date on account of being buried alive.'

Yes, that is a quote from this week's fic. Yes, it is awesome.

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In my defence, I haven't rec'd FrostIron in ages! I've held myself back for a remarkably long time 😉

Thursday 10 May 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - We Really Are Ants Now

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I saw Avengers: Infinity War! I'm hoping to post a discussion-type-thing/random fangirlish thoughts next week - assuming I can keep a schedule for once! 😉

'Til then, let's see what I've got for ya this week:

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Month in Review(s) - April 2018

April... ha, so, what's May lookin' like? 😅

Girl in red coat holding black umbrella with the word 'April' written in the corner

April happened. I lived through it *starts singing I'm still standing by Elton John and doing an incredibly embarrassing dance.*

My grandmother is still in hospital - she went in at the beginning of March - but she's definitely improving. We're basically waiting for a social care package in place so that she can go home, because there's no way my 88-year-old grandfather can take care of her.

And on the last day of April my laptop - which had been hanging on on a wing and a prayer, granted - gave up the ghost.

On the plus side, I reached over 3k Twitter followers in April! I love you guys, really! XD

Friday 4 May 2018

Friday Fics Fix - The Sense of Things

I found a fic which has synaesthesia in it dammit!!!!

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For those of you who don't know, synaesthesia is: a) a melding or running together of two senses, and b) something that I have.

Friday 27 April 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Severely Severus

I know, I know, Severus Snape is kind of a divisive figure in the online bookish community, and with fans in general.

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Lotsa people love him - he's a hero, a tragic figure, a hopeless romantic.

Lotsa people hate him - he's a bully, a sneak, an obsessive and petty man.

Friday 20 April 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Show Your Scars

Fanfiction's gonna change the wooooooooorld! XD

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Cos fic authors - nerds, fangirls, fanboys, and non-binary fan folks - look at the stigma and the cr*p of previous generations, and say NO!

No to stigma on mental health. No to body image stigma. No to silence on sh** that hurts people!

*takes a deep breath*

Friday 13 April 2018

Friday Fics Fix - A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far, Away...

I, personally, love the current Star Wars set-up.

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There's angst, lightsabers, spaceships and sh**, and a dude with his shirt off - honestly, I don't expect anything beyond that.

(Sorry die-hard Star Wars fans, but let's face it, the stories and dialogue were never what your nostalgia-happy brains purport them to be... Please don't hurt me.)

Friday 6 April 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Greek Chorus

Occasionally, I remember that I'm a book blogger (I know, right? Shocker!) and find a suitably book-related fic to recommend to you, my lovely nerdlets.

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This week, I was lucky - I didn't have to look that hard.

Some weeks I literally have to trawl through soooooo many fics, and it takes me hours to find one decent enough to rec. to you all (seriously, I love fanfiction, but there's some utter cr*p out there.)

Plus, you know me, I love bringing you things which make you think - new takes on characters and storylines, deeper examinations of events, diverse rep. that we often just don't get in mainstream stuff.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Month in Review(s) - March 2018

March. Ah, March.


March, for yours truly, was one of those months with too much trouble, and too little time to deal with it.

There was some good, incredible, awesome stuff - like a Fall Out Boy concert last week (completely awesome!) and hitting 200k page-views on Dora Reads (I LOVE YOU MY NERDLETS!!!) - but there was also a lot of stress, worry, Anxiety, etc.

There's a lot of personal stuff going on atm, including my grandmother being in hospital since the beginning of the month - and thanks so much for your support my dearest nerdlets! You rock, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

Friday 30 March 2018

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Update #1

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge

First update time! Woop!

I've read 63 chapters/parts in the first 3 months of this year!

My goal is 300-399 or 'Tuxedo Cat,' so I better get reading. Not too shabby though, if I do say so myself 😎

Friday 23 March 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Overloaded

Sensory overload can occur with several different disabilities.

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Most commonly, it occurs with ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, and Anxiety Disorders. It can also occur with migraines and many other conditions.

I get it with migraines (and I'm going to be honest, the Anxiety and the synaesthesia probably don't help with this.) It is a freaking b**ch.

Friday 16 March 2018

Friday Fics Fix - King Arthur. Sexually Fluid Fluff-Master.

OMG I love this fic!!!! Like, dudes, can I climb into this fic and live there?!

(Yeah, I'm really tired so I apologise for the possible randomness of this post!

I'm at that stage where I *really* have no idea what I'm talking about.

That stage comes *after* the 'talking like a 19th Century novel' phase, and *before* the 'fell asleep while standing up' phase.

Usually, anyway. Sometimes there's another 19th Century phase in there somewhere. OK, I need a nap, clearly.)

(Although, it's entirely possible that you won't notice the difference to how I am normally. #TrueStory.)

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Friday 9 March 2018

Friday Fics Fix - On Witches and B**ches

Yesterday was International Women's Day, so why don't we get feminist for this week's Fics Fix?

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Too often, we dislike female characters - not least because their authors and/or creators make them unlikable.

Friday 2 March 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Shuri, Girl-Genius

If, like me, you're currently obsessed with all things Black Panther, and want MORE dammit! - then you're in luck.

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This week's fic is, indeed, more from the characters from Black Panther - and, more specifically, Shuri.

Friday 23 February 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Something Trashy

Dumpsters! Friendship! Diversity! What more could you want?!*

I've told you before, my dearest nerdlets, about the awesomeness that is the 'dumpster brothers' meme/trope/sub-fandom/whatever!

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But, in case you need some refreshment: Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Matt Murdock (Daredevil) combine their odd habit of ending up in dumpsters to become friends!

(Yes, it's usually as random as it sounds!)

*Don't answer that.

Friday 16 February 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Let's Be Random

I have the flu, so if I'm making even less sense than usual, then I totally blame that. 😷 😅

Every now and then, (or maybe a little more often than that,) I love reading completely random fics.

...The kind of fics where someone's taken one tiny detail of a fandom, and just kind of... run with it!

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Friday 9 February 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Dumbledore is Gay. Dumbledore is Gay. Dumbledore. Is. Gay. Deal With It.

You may or may not know that the chance has once again been lost to allow the Harry Potter universe's Albus Dumbledore to BE gay on-screen.

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Why is that important when J K Rowling has already said (over ten years ago,) that Prof. Dumbledore is a gay dude? Because word-of-God/author is not the same as on-screen canonisation (official-ness.) It comes across as queer-baiting. At best.