Showing posts with label wrap-up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wrap-up. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Month In Review(s) - June 2023

June was too damned hot.

I hate the heat - I'm not built for it.

Ugh. It sucks.

Also, the mountain fires are apparently releasing heavy metals, like lead, from the vegetation, due to Wales' past status as lightly smouldering industrial wasteland.

It's potentially getting into the water supply. Fun times.

...On the plus side, maybe the English won't want our water now. (No, I'm not explaining that one - Google 'Wales water exports,' and once you've done that, Google 'Tryweryn'.)

Title: June - Mehefin. Image: heart drawn in the sand.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Month In Review(s) - May 2023

May was hard. May was very hard.

But that's actually an improvement as far as 2023 goes, for me.

No-one in my life - including both pets and humans - died, nearly died, or had a life-changing diagnosis, so it's all good.

And, unlike last year, I did not catch Covid, so we're calling it a win.

(I need the win, OK? I'm so tired.)

Title: May - Mai. Image: multiple little flowers on single stems

Thursday 1 June 2023

Thursday 18 May 2023

Friday 12 May 2023

Month In Review(s) - April 2023

Have I mentioned that 2023 hates me?

Because 2023 hates me.

I'm having the worst year. And that's saying something.

Title: April - Ebrill. Image: artsy woman, standing in a city and holding an umbrella, with her hand out to the rain - because she apparently forgot what umbrellas are for or something, I don't know

Thursday 13 April 2023

Month In Review(s) - March 2023


March 2023 was like the rest of 2023 so far - it effing sucked.

This year is really going down as one of my least favourites atm, and I've got some bad years on record, y'know? *sighs*

Title: March - Mawrth. Background - flower pattern.

Anyhow, a good neighbour - a neighbour who'd been my neighbour since I was a toddler - passed away suddenly.

They were always there, y'know? They came to my brother's wedding and everything.

So that, on top of everything else I've been dealing with this year, was pretty damned horrible.

Thursday 30 March 2023

Thursday 16 March 2023

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Month In Review(s) - February 2023


What can I say about February?

As February tends to do, because of the length, it kind of zipped past.

It was not as bad as January for yours truly (because that, unfortunately, would take some beating,) but it was still full of more downs than ups, really.

Title: February - Chwefror. (I can only apologise for what your screen reader may make of the Welsh word) Background: shiny hearts

I struggle when the people I love are struggling, dearest nerdlets, I really do.

And I tend to turn those feelings back on myself - like if I was just 'good enough' then things would be better, if I knew what I was doing with my life then things would be better, if I was just fundamentally 'better' then things would be better.

Objectively, I know that is a pile of b*llsh**.

Subjectively, I feel it.

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Micropoetry - December 2022 + January 2023

It's still February, so this post is not late 😉

So, with no further ado to-do (...I don't know either,) let's get some Micropoetry.

As always, the poetry will be in the alt-text for those using screen-readers, with / marks showing the line breaks.

Thursday 23 February 2023