Wednesday 10 April 2019

Month In Review(s) - March 2019

March was blood, sweat, and tears.


March title image with daffodils on right-hand side

March was a month in which I worked my a** off (no change there then!) and learned that apparently when my body's decided I've worked too much, it gives me a spike of Anxiety and a nose-bleed.

I f**k you not.

Just to add to the whole thing, March also saw my Nan back in hospital although, thank God, she's back in her nursing home now.

So between all of that I once again did not a) write any reviews, and b) get all the posts I wanted to get done.

Plus I ended up throwing posts together the night before they go up, and I've been trying to stop doing that! Oh well. Needs must and all that jazz.

One serious plus to March, though, was that I got to see Panic! At the Disco live for the second time!


And yes, I was suitably over-enthusiastic, and sang and cheered and danced my excitable fangirl heart out to every single song. 😍😍😍

I refuse to let my enthusiasm diminish with age. 😎

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Most Popular Posts

#1. Month in Review(s) - February 2019

#2. Comics Wrap-Up - From the Fading Light I Fly

#3. Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Relocating Cymru

#4. Micropoetry - January 2019

#5. Nerd Church - Rebel Valentine 3: Revenge of the Roses

...once again, the range of stuff that appeals to you guys impresses me 😅

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Non-Review Posts

(all of 'em, this month)

Comics Wrap-Up

comics wrap-up title image with manga-style woman handing her living shadow a flower

From the Fading Light I Fly - X-Men: Dark Phoenix and more

But You're Never Gonna Learn, Learn, Learn - Captain Marvel hater-busting and more

But Darlin' Whatcha Gonna Say Now? - Avengers: Endgame and more

Friday Fics Fix

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Magical Matilda - Hogwarts meets Roald Dahl

Girls' World - The bad-a**es that are Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe

Shelter From the Rain and Snow - An Umbrella Academy fanfic with Diego dealing with Klaus' addiction

Mischief-Making - What happens when you combine the forces of Peter Parker, Shuri from Black Panther, and Loki? A lotta fun! 😉

Nerd Church

Save the World - Nothing much, just saving the entire goddamn world...

New Zealand, What Can I Say? - ...there are no words

Brexit and Hatred - It's not OK

Other Non-Review Posts

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin, and on Google+. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

Last updated: 13th April 2019


  1. Congrats for being such a hard worker in March, Cee! But don’t work yourself too hard into stress, nosebleeds are never fun!

    1. I've tried to tell my body that I respond to much subtler methods ;) But yeah, that def. let me know I needed to take a break!

  2. Oh my gosh, you poor thing! It sounds like a stressful March! Hopefully your April is a bit calmer so far? xx

    1. Ha, thanks! I'm fine, just even more hectic than usual this month ;) April will be what April will be! Lol.

  3. I hope you are able to take April easier! Yikes! I also hope your Nan is okay. I LOVE Panic! At the Disco!!! Wow, that's awesome you got to see them live again!

    1. Thank you!

      PANIC ARE AWESOME!!! I completed the Emo Holy Trinity (FOB, MCR, and P!ATD) a while back, and need MCR to get back together so that I can see them again and say I've completed it twice! ;)

  4. I am glad your nan is safely back in her nursing home again :) And do make sure to take a break among all that working hard. Yay for seeing Panic! At the Disco live again!!

    1. All she wanted when she was in hospital was to go back to the nursing home - which we are actually thrilled with, b/c it shows how much she loves it there!

      Yes, boss. I will take breaks! *salutes*

      PANIC ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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