Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts

Sunday 13 October 2019

Nerd Church - Dyscalculia (Part 2: The Real World)

Dyscalculia is a maths learning difficulty that affects a lot of things that other people find easy and/or straight-forward.

Today, I figured I'd give you a real-life example of how Dyscalculia affects me.

You can catch up on my first post about Dyscalculia, which includes a lot of general info., here.

station clock with blurred affect and a variety of words, including: stress, schedule, busy, late, delay, time management, overtime, and rush
Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay

A real-world Dyscalculia example: catching the goddamn train

Sunday 6 October 2019

Nerd Church - Dyscalculia (Part 1: What Is Dyscalculia?)

I've mentioned in passing before now that I have a learning problem - condition, disability, whatever you wanna call it - called dyscalculia.

So I figured it was about time (ha, you'll see why that's a pun soon,) that I let you know what that entails, and why that means I struggle with a lot of things that most people find easy.

chaotic overlapping clock faces
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Disclaimer time: I am not a medical, educational, or neurological expert. I’m a Welsh chick with a blog.

So, what is dyscalculia?

In its simplest explanation, dyscalculia is the maths version of dyslexia.

It affects numeracy, rather than literacy, and also affects a lot of things related to mathematical ways of seeing the world that most people don't actually associate with maths.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Nerd Church - An Unpopular Opinion On the 'Don't Feed the Trolls' Campaign

There's a new campaign in the UK using the previously informal hashtag of #DontFeedTheTrolls.

'Don't Feed the Trolls' with a laptop keyboard

The Center For Countering Digital Hate advises that you don't engage with trolls. 

Ignore, block, report. Rinse, repeat.

Now, that's certainly not a bad option for dealing with trolling.

And you should ALWAYS feel that you can use the mute, block, report options, or some variant thereof, if you want to.

Cos you owe no-one, and you need to protect your mental health. Take care, ok?

So, what's my unpopular opinion?

Sunday 15 September 2019

Nerd Church - It's My Birthday! (And I'll Cry If I Want To)

...Not that I'm particularly aiming to. But I'll give myself the option!

Illustrated woman holding a bunch of heart-shaped balloons

Yes, the day this post is published (15th Sep, unless I pushed 'Publish' instead of 'Schedule' again! 😅) is my birthday!

While I'm hoping to have fun and enjoy myself today... I have had some mixed feelings in the days leading up to today.

See, for my entire life, my birthday has been a few days before my grandfather's.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Month in Review(s) - August 2019

August was not as hot here in the UK!!!!! 

Thank whatever deity, divine power, or cosmic entity that may be listening!

Don't get me wrong, there were still days which were officially too hot. But there were less of them. *sighs happily*

August - Awst title graphic with a seaside/beach background

Unfortunately, I spent most of August with a cold.

Because I'm one of those people who will catch every virus imaginable after a galandular-fever-like illness screwed my immune system over when I was 16. Good times.

Sunday 8 September 2019

Nerd Church - Caffeinated Current Events: We're Really F**ked (Like, More Than We Were Before)

I'm full of coffee, so let's try to figure out the state of the UK, shall we?

Caffeinated Current Events title image with steaming coffee cup

I don't know if you've been paying attention to UK politics lately, but it basically goes a little something like this:

Our Prime Minister is somehow Boris Johnson. 

Because we apparently haven't suffered enough yet.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Nerd Church - Escapism, Reality, the Power of Stories, and Brigsby Bear

Films, books, media, stories.

They’re how we talk, communicate, connect with each other, with the world around us, and how we understand ourselves. 

At least, that’s true for me, maybe it’s not for you.

Or maybe you just think it’s not the way it is for you 😉

Title graphic: 'Escapism, Realism, the Power of Stories, and Brigsby Bear' with cute cartoon bear on right-hand side
...when I was making the graphic I somehow wrote 'realism' instead of reality but *shrugs* same diff I suppose! 😅

There’s an amazing, adorable, and, in places, heart-breaking, film called Brigsby Bear.

I love it.

It’s one of those films which rips your heart out, hands it to you, and then is like ‘look! This is what your heart looks like! Look at all the blood and gunk and stuff!’ (Metaphorically, of course.) 

It’s hard to talk about Brigsby Bear without either a) getting spoiler-y, or b) descending into fangirling to such an extent that all I’m doing is making a series of inarticulate noises.

Sunday 18 August 2019

Nerd Church - You're Capable (I Promise)

There will be times in your life, dearest nerdlets, when you feel like you're not capable of understanding something, or learning to do something, or actually goddamn doing the thing - whatever the thing may be.

But you ARE capable!

I know, I know - so easy to say.

(Except it's not - for me, it's def. not.)

Gold key with the word 'success' making up the key teeth
Image by Shahid Abdullah from Pixabay

I love bad puns in visual form, ok? 😅 I couldn't resist.

I don't mean that all you have to do is decide you wanna be a rock star, and then, if you want it bad enough, it'll magically happen.

Life doesn't work like that.

If you don't play any instruments, you won't wake up tomorrow as a rock star. Simple as.

But that doesn't mean you're incapable of being a rock star. It'll take a lot of work, a lot of luck, and a lot of blood, sweat and tears, but you can do it.

...Or it might still not happen.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - It's A Beautiful Thing When Boy Meets Boy

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower

It's Thursday, and that means it's time for superheroes and all the comics-y goodness! Woo! 😀

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Month in Review(s) - July 2019

July was too goddamned hot.

July - Gorffenaf title graphic with really big sun at the bottom and puffy clouds and stuff
I spelled Gorffennaf wrong in the graphic - oops! 😅

I'm not built for anything past 23C, and it hit, like 31C.

I know to some of you who live in hotter places than the UK, that's nothing but... it's really not nothing to us!

I'm not a nice person when I'm hot - I'm grumpy af and just want to make the world suffer.

Also, I live in Wales. Summer is traditionally one big rain shower - WTAF with this heat?!

Sunday 4 August 2019

Nerd Church - Do We REALLY Value the ART?

I love Fine Art, and have done since I was a teensy babbi.

(Which slightly confused my parents who were expecting a child rather than an art, music, and literature lover, but anyways...)

I'm not so much of a fan of Modern Art, though, 'cos it tends to be either ugly or pretentious af - or sometimes both. Lol.

'Do we REALLY Value the ART?' title image with a paintbox and coloured pencils

Sunday 14 July 2019

Nerd Church - Casual Homophobia: A Thousand Cuts

(Warning: this post discusses several instances of homophobia, and the feelings caused.)

I use the term homophobia here as a catch-all for all types of bigotry against LGBTQ+ people.

When I was very, very, small, someone I love - an adult - said something that stuck a tiny dagger into my heart.

They said, " shows being Gay as something natural. Which it's not."

And a teeny-tiny voice in my small child brain said, 'But what about me?' and then I stamped it down very, very, hard.

Partly because I didn't know what I meant. What about me? What was I?

Well, if straight was the natural... then I was straight? Right?

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Month in Review(s) - June 2019

June kind of flew by!

Partly because I was super-busy! Which is also why I (once again) posted less here than I wanted to.

I did manage to post a review though! Woo! I can still call myself a book blog! (Lol.) 😅

June - Mehefin graphic with blue sky and sun shape

Sunday 7 July 2019

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Turns Out, People Are Interested

I've never really had much confidence in my writing.

Like, objectively I know that people read this blog but... it always surprises (and delights,) me when someone comments, shares, etc. (Hint hint. Lol.)

fountain pen on an open notebook

Likewise, I'm always on edge about the fiction I write - it can't be something someone'd be interested in reading, right?

At the same time, not writing would be like not breathing. Unthinkable.

It's literally who I am - I breathe. I read. I write.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Nerd Church - Anxiety: Worrying About Sh** I Actually Don't Care About

(Warning: this post discusses Anxiety (which you probably figured out) and Depression)

If you're worried about paying the bills when you've got no money in the bank, that's logical.

Likewise, worrying about a friend who's been going through a tough time, or feeling anxious before you give a speech, is totally understandable.

'Anxiety Worrying About Sh** I Don't Actually Care About' title image w/ multi-coloured stripes on the right-hand side

Anxiety, though?

Anxiety blows the normal sh** out of proportion, while adding some completely illogical sh** t'boot.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Mini-Review! - Dat's Love and Other Stories by Leonora Brito

**This post contains affiliate links for (US). I earn commission from qualifying purchases**

Dat's Love & Other Stories title image with red willow branches hanging down over the corner

Title: Dat's Love and Other Stories

(Also published as 'Selected Stories)

Author: Leonora Brito

'Selected Stories' book cover with an artsy illustration of a Black woman
Genres: Anthology, Short Stories, Contemporary(-ish,) Historical Fiction

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Month in Review(s) - May 2019

May was another month of ups-and-downs.

Such is life - we just keep moving after all!

Things are starting to kind of improve depression-wise, if you squint and turn your head a bit, so... that's good!

'May' graphic with yellow flower

Sunday 2 June 2019

Nerd Church - The World's Exhausting Expectations of Women

Who the hell is it that's making 'the Social norms' anyway?

Cos I think we all need to have a few words with them.

The World's Exhausting Expectations of Women with a woman asleep on a bed and her pug dog flopped in front of her

I mean, the amount of stuff we're expected to be and not be doesn't make any goddamn sense. The 'shoulds' and 'shouldn'ts' are ridiculous.

(In a broad sense, I mean - I'm sure there's stuff you actually should do, like eat and sleep and go to the loo, and stuff you shouldn't like arson, theft, murder, voting for Donald Trump, etc.

There's exceptions to most generalisations.)

Women, for example, get a raw effing deal.

Just looking at ads and articles aimed at women can sometimes be goddamned exhausting!

Sunday 26 May 2019

Nerd Church - Game of Thrones: No-One's Very Happy, Which Means It's A Good Compromise

This post has Game of Thrones **spoilers** EVERY GOD-DAMN-WHERE! Ok? Ok.

It's best to get the spoiler warnings outta the way. 😉

Also, y'know this is Game of Thrones, so general WARNING for potentially distressing content.

Sunday 12 May 2019

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Patchwork Writing and Whatever Works For You

(Warning: this post discusses the everyday affects of Depression/Anxiety)

Some people are 'plotters,' some people are 'pantsers' - and I write in patchwork.

For those who don't know, writing fiction is generally split into two camps by the people who split things (whoever they are - I'm not sure anyone's ever met them) - plotting and pantsing.

writing and knitting stuff on a desk
Image by Pexels from Pixabay