Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts

Sunday 12 July 2020

Nerd Church - If I Had £1million...

Money can't buy you happiness, true. But it can buy you the time, freedom, and resources, to be happy.

Plus, not having to worry about how you're gonna pay for stuff is guaranteed to help your mood. #JustSaying.

'If I Had £1million...' against a gold paint/glitter splotch, in front of a background of gold coins

So, though I doubt it'll ever happen, I felt like doing some day-dreaming of what I would do if I had £1million.

I picked £1million pretty arbitrarily - mainly 'cos it's a nice round milestone number, and because it's a lot of money, but not so much that you wouldn't have to think about what you were gonna do with it.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Month In Review(s) - June 2020

June 2020. Somehow we're only half-way through 2020... which is... interesting.

We're still more-or-less on Lockdown here in Wales, though we're slowly easing things - so as of 6th July, we formed a social bubble with my brother, which meant we could hug him and everything.

Anyways, I had an OK month, although I did have a migraine, and hayfever, and a few bad Depression days... but I'm still here, still standing, still writing slightly rambley blogposts! 😊

Speaking of my blogposts - I once again posted zero reviews this month, and had one of my regular existential crises re: this blog.

(Not to be confused with my regular existential crises re: writing, Queerness, productivity, the meaning of life, etc. etc. etc.)

The typical, really: does my blog have enough bookish content? Can I even call it a book blog? Am I somehow misleading people by posting about other topics on here?

June - Mehefin with blue sky and sun symbol

Sunday 5 July 2020

Nerd Church - Online Responsibility (All The World's A Stage)

I think one of the primary responsibilities we have in life is to not hurt people.

The thing is, not everyone agrees on what, exactly, that entails.

A lot of people don't think that that responsibility to not hurt people covers saying cr*p online, for example.

'Online Responsibility (All The World's A Stage)' written in a white ye olde fashioned script, against a stage and red curtain, with dramatic lighting

It may not hurt someone physically, but what we say online can have serious repercussions. 

And the more 'influence' we have - online or in the mainstream media - the more responsibility we have to consider the consequences of our actions.

The world is full of nuance and 'what ifs' and 'but what abouts' - I'm not going to deny that. It's the way things are.

But I think that, in general, you have the responsibility to think about the ramifications of your words before you say them (whether that's verbally or online or whatever.)

Sunday 28 June 2020

Nerd Church - Covid 19: Seriously, People? There's Still A Pandemic

(Warning: As you can probably tell from the title, this post discusses Coronavirus/Covid 19)

I swear to all that is, or may be, holy: VIRUSES DON'T GO AWAY JUST 'COS YOU GOT BORED.

Covid 19 is still a problem.

So people who are cramming their butts onto beaches? Or celebrating football wins? Or having massive brawls on the beach?

- What, exactly, is wrong with you?

Covid 19: Seriously, People? There's Still A Pandemic

Sunday 21 June 2020

Nerd Church - A Short Ramble on Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

This post is gonna be short and ramble-y because I have a migraine and it sucks. 

I'll be fine in a day or two, but I need to write this post now, when I feel like I've been hit by a shovel, which is great timing. 😅

And sorry if this post looks a little strange - migraines affect your vision with obstructions (like blindspots/sunspots,) light sensitivity, and colour differences, so if things look a little odd, then it's because I physically can't see the post or graphics in the way I normally would.

'A Short Ramble on Father's Day' against a wooden floor background, complete with mucky boot prints

I love my dad.

I know that, sadly, a lot of people have less-than-ideal relationships with their dad. A lot of people have no relationship with their dad. And a lot of people understandably don't want a relationship with their dad.

A lot of dads, likewise, may have mixed feelings about their relationships with their kids.

A lot of people have also lost their fathers, or their children, and that hurts.

So hugs all round, dearest nerdlets, hugs all round!

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Month in Review(s) - May 2020

(Warning: this post discusses the Coronavirus/Covid 19, and references the death of George Floyd)

May 2020... who wrote this film?!

Obviously, globally, May was a dumpster fire. 

(And Black Lives Matter. George Floyd deserves justice. If you disagree, you can eff off.)

'May - Mai' witha pink flower on the right-hand side

Sunday 17 May 2020

Nerd Church - For Those Of Us Feeling Overwhelmed Right Now

(Warning: this post discusses Covid 19/Coronavirus, and references Anxiety and mental health problems)

This post isn't a magical solution to feeling overwhelmed, but hopefully it'll help a little.

Disclaimer time: I'm not a medical or mental health professional. I'm someone with my own personal experiences of Depression/Anxiety which may or may not be helpful to you. Always do what's right for you, k? K.

'For Those Of Us Feeling Overwhelmed Right Now' against a background of a sky with fluffy clouds

Sometimes it can be hard to keep moving forward. It can feel overwhelming as f**k, let's be honest. 

But to make it less overwhelming?

You have to take everything one step at a time - as goddamn irritating as that can be, sometimes. 

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Month In Review(s) - April 2020

(Warning: this post discusses Covid 19/Coronavirus, and Anxiety)

April 2020.

Um... yeah... 

(I know it's the 13th of May - I'm disorganised, and you all know this.)

'April - Ebrill' with girl in a coat holding an umbrella, and an artsy swirl around it

OK, plus side: I had fewer panic attacks this month!

I mean, I still had panic attacks, and a butt-tonne of Anxiety, but I had slightly less of it! Woo!

(Small victories, dearest nerdlets, small victories.)

Sunday 10 May 2020

Nerd Church - How Are You Bored...?

(Warning: this post references Coronavirus/Covid 19, and Lockdown)

"Bored!" I kicked the carpet with my heel. "Bored!" I kicked it with my other heel. "Bored!" I switched back to the first heel.

...That's the last time I can remember being plain bored. 

I think I was eight. I definitely wasn't older than ten.

How Are You Bored...?

Don't get me wrong - I've been bored of things plenty of times. Teachers, mostly. 

(School is good and something you should go to and all that - but my school sucked. On many levels.

We used to hide maths homework inside our PSE (Personal Social Education) booklets - because apparently LSD was a big threat to the teens of the mid-to-late 00s. (Spoiler: it wasn't.) 

Also we had to colour in the pictures of drugs for some reason? Like this is gonna put us off in any way? (Don't do drugs, dearest nerdlets, k? K.)

Also the teacher I had for PSE told us way too much about the various times she 'ran away with [man] to [location] and it all went wrong and I ended up stranded in [location - not necessarily the 1st location]' We honestly didn't want to know. 

We were hiding maths homework, dearest nerdlets. Maths. Homework.)

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Month In Review(s) - March 2020

(Warning: This post discusses Coronavirus/Covid 19 (b/c March 2020) and related stuff like lockdown and Anxiety)

...Maybe the first rule of March 2020, is that we don't talk about March 2020.

But then, I'd totally break that rule in half and throw the pieces in the air like confetti anyways, so here we are!

Sunday 29 March 2020

Nerd Church - The Writer Diaries: Aesthetically Confused

(Warning: this post discusses the affects of Anxiety)

If you hang around bookish and/or writerly corners of the Interwebs, you may've seen random-a** collages related to books, individual characters, or writing projects.

Or maybe you haven't - in which case you probably don't know wtf I'm talking about. But trust me, they're out there.

'The Writer Diaries. Aesthetically Confused.' On the right-hand side is a person holding a slate in front of their face. The slate has a confused face drawn on it.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Nerd Church - The Benefits Of (Sometimes) Switching Off

(Warning: this post discusses Coronavirus/Covid-19, although it's v. brief, I promise!)

Turn off the apps and tabs you aren't using, log out of social media, and let the noise just... stop for a while.

Hooman beans aren't meant for screens - not 24 hours a day, anyways.

'The Benefits of (Sometimes) Switching Off' against an artsy black-and-lens-flare background

I'm not saying 'turn off the evils of technology and become one with the universe' or whatever the latest anti-tech line is.

(Side note: these lines always seem to be spouted online. #JustSaying.)

Technology is a tool. An exceptionally useful one for so many people.

But you don't hammer nails all day, every day, do you? (Wait... do you?)

Even the most fervent lumberjack has to put down the axe every now and then. (Axe... chainsaw... I don't know wtf they're using - ask them!)

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Month in Review(s) - February 2020

February... I mean, on a personal level, February wasn't too bad.

I had a few colds (and yes, they were colds,) and some bad depression days, but nothing too much.

'February - Chwefror' written on an old-fashioned wooden desk, scattered with hearts, a notebook, and number blocks (1. 4.)

Although *gestures vaguely at the state of the world* I realise that more than a few squares have been crossed off on our apocalypse bingo cards.

But we've been crossing those things off since 2016, so it's probably not that surprising.

And a reminder, my dearest darling nerdlets: where there's life there's hope, and where there's hope, there's life.

Sunday 8 March 2020

Nerd Church - #InternationalWomensDay: 'My Feminism Will Be Intersectional, Or It Will Be B*llsh**'


Have you heard those words? Maybe seen them on a placard or a pin badge, or on your socials?

Maybe you have, maybe you haven't.

'#InternationalWomensDay: 'My Feminism Will Be Intersectional, Or It Will Be B*llsh**'' written on the left-hand side of the image, beneath it is a illustration-style Black woman with blonde hair, and a White blonde girl in a wheelchair holding a flag. On the right-hand side is a collage of illustrated/artsy headshots of different women and girls with varying skin colours and racial characteristics. One woman is weaing a hijab. In the bottom right-hand corner, finishing the collage, is a Transgender pride flag (horizontal stripes: blue/pink/white/pink/blue)

They are the words of Flavia Dzodan, as written in her delightfully sweary 2011 essay of the same name*

(I actually don't mind reading swear words, I just can't bring myself to reproduce them without *s - my mother might find out. 😅)

*CW: racism, rape, violence against women, White Feminism™

Sunday 1 March 2020

Nerd Church - St. David's Day Special! Let's Talk Robert Downey Jr as Dolittle!

Robert Downey Jr's performance as Dolittle is amazing. And he does it with a Welsh accent.

...I think it's fair to say, though, that the accent has had a mixed response.

And since today is St. David's day - and I never lose a chance to talk about Wales and being Welsh - what better time to discuss it?!

'St. David's Day Special! Let's Talk Robert Downey Jr as Dolittle!' with a large daffodil on the left-hand side

Sunday 16 February 2020

Nerd Church - 7 Amazing Queer Songs To Bring You Joy and Brighten Your Weekend

 ***All links in this post are commission links. This means I earn commission from purchases made in the US*** 

Please do not use my links to make UK purchases.

I think we could all do with a little oomph and some good tunes, right?

These tracks are both awesomely awesome, and Queer af.

'7 Amazing Queer Songs To Bring You Joy and Brighten Your Weekend' with rainbow background and multi-coloured musical notes dotted around the words

The world wears down on Queer folks - and sometimes it's good to just surround ourselves with the creations of our LGBTQ+ siblings.

But then, the world's weary atm whether you're Queer or not, so I hope all of you enjoy this little pick me up! 😀

Here we go then:

Sunday 9 February 2020

Nerd Church - The Truth?

Caution: This is one of those existential crises type posts with more questions than answers! Enjoy! 😅

What is the truth?

How can we tell what the truth is, in this supposedly 'post-truth,' 'alternative facts,' world?

Does the truth even matter any more?

Let's break this down, dearest nerdlets.

The Truth...? title image. White text on plain black background.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Month in Review(s) - January 2020

January 2020. The first month of a new decade.

...A little worrying that World War Three was trending on Twitter within a day or two of the New Year.

Trending globally. Off and on. For quite a while.

'January - Ionawr' title graphic with '2020' scrawled in the corner

Anyway, in better news, if you're reading this it means you've survived.

And that's worth celebrating, ok? That's an achievement in itself.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Nerd Church - Brexit: How We Got Here

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has officially left the European Union, albeit in a transition period.

And no, the sky didn't fall in at 11pm GMT on 31st Jan, when we left the EU.

But we did start a period of time that, if we're lucky, will just be highly unpleasant and economically difficult.

I hope we're lucky, but that doesn't seem like the most realistic outcome.

Distracted boyfriend meme. Boyfriend = the UK. Girlfriend = the EU. Distracting new girl = Economic and social pain
Made with

It's difficult to explain, to an international audience (hi! I love you!) exactly why the UK made such a foolish, pain-inducing decision in 2016.

(To those from the US: you made a worse decision, with the Trumpkin. So hopefully you understand how embarrassing this is.)

...But I'ma try.

(Please note - this is my opinion, ok? I'm not an expert or a politician or anything like that!)

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Month in Review(s) - December 2019

December has Christmas! Christmas is awesome! Therefore December is awesome! 😀

...I'm good at logic! (Lol.)

December - Rhagfyr with a sparkling/spotlight-type background

In all seriousness, December wasn't an easy one for me - but was far from the worst one I've ever had (as in, no-one died.)

So, despite the various colds I had (I'm a revolving door of viruses, dearest nerdlets!) and some upsetting problems with my grandfather's grave, December was good.

I love Christmas, ok? Christmas is amazing. 😊