Wednesday 3 June 2020

Month in Review(s) - May 2020

(Warning: this post discusses the Coronavirus/Covid 19, and references the death of George Floyd)

May 2020... who wrote this film?!

Obviously, globally, May was a dumpster fire. 

(And Black Lives Matter. George Floyd deserves justice. If you disagree, you can eff off.)

'May - Mai' witha pink flower on the right-hand side


Here in Wales we are still on Coronavirus Lockdown - and things have gotten a bit complicated because the devolved nations of the UK have decided to go our own way regarding the restrictions.

Which means we're on stricter Lockdown here than they are in England. 

Because even though our numbers are much lower, we're a tiny population - and our population is older, sicker, and poorer than the UK average.

The really important thing for English people to remember about the Welsh restrictions is this: YOU STILL CAN'T COME HERE FOR DAY TRIPS, HOLIDAYS, OR TO STAY IN YOUR SECOND HOMES.

It's so important to Stay Home as much as you can, and wash your hands, dearest nerdlets! People are still dying.

We celebrated my Nan's birthday with her via video call, which wasn't ideal, but we all know it's to keep her and the other residents, and the staff, of her care home safe.

The home is still 100% Covid-free - and they've all been tested. So that's super-awesome news!

Honestly... my worst nightmare is there being Covid in her home, and we've been so lucky, and the staff have been so dedicated... I just hope it doesn't get in there.

But for now they're clear! :)

I got a load of adulting done in May which... I know it doesn't mean a lot to some people, but I really need to celebrate those small things! 

So yeah, I'm proud of myself!

I also continued with my knitting club via vid. chat - which is still a little stressful, Anxiety-wise, but again is something to celebrate! :)

Depression had a few... days... this month, but I'm OK. Still standing! :)

dividing line

May's Most Popular Posts

dividing line

Mildly Amusing Searches

(Inspired by a similar feature from Cait @ Paper Fury and others)

drarry trapped together

(...and a whole bunch of similar searches)

Well, my specific and recurring friends, have some Drarry In An Elevator! (I spoil you.)

dividing line

Non-Review Posts

Comics Wrap-Up

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

The Stories I Hear Are The Stories I Tell - Batman Forever, Emma Frost, & more

Such A Surreal Place To See - Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, and an explanation of Constantine and King Shark that I never thought I'd have to give!

I Said There's So Much More That You Won't See - The fabled Snyder cut of Justice League, & more

Friday Fics Fix

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Witches Loving Witches - Luna and Ginny somehow works, ok?

A Star Wars Trio - May the Fourth and all that

The Fear of Jonathan Crane - Gotham, deep characters, and bold choices in fanfiction

Drarry In An Elevatory - I mean, it does what it says on the tin. Draco and Harry. In an elevator.

Wholesome Hargreeves Family Bonding! - Because even superheroes play board games

Nerd Church

I'm SO Tired - In which I attempt to do Nerd Church while tired enough to face-plant the keyboard

How Are You Bored...? - You have the world at your finger-tips, dearest nerdlets! Boredom shouldn't exist in 2020

For Those Of Us Feeling Overwhelmed Right Now - The world's a lot right now, and it's ok to feel overwhelmed

The Writer Diaries: One of My Side Characters Is Pouting! - Authors aren't the ones in control, sorry to break it to you...

Power and Privilege in 2020 - The more power and privilege someone has, the more they will abuse that privilege. George Floyd, the actions of governments regarding Coronavirus, and other prejudice and injustice.

Other Non-Review Posts

That's May then! How's everyone doing?
Talk to me!

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page


  1. I am doing tired and sad, as I think most of us are! But hoping that June will be better, and very much praying that the hurricanes leave us alone this year. (I'm in a hurricane-prone state.)

    I'm so glad to hear that your nan's hanging in there, and that her home is COVID-free. That is a huge relief.

    1. *Sends hugs* All the luck & love to you! We don't really get hurricanes in the UK (thank God!) but having seen what flooding can do recently... seriously, all the luck to you!

      And thanks, we're all keeping our fingers crossed that it'll stay that way :)

  2. I live in a touristy neighborhood as well and it is so frustrating seeing the people from the big cities driving up here and clogging up all of the parks. And for what?! It’s not like any of the stores are open! I so get your frustration there.

    On a more positive note, I’m glad your nan is doing ok! And glad you got through those few depression days! We made it to June! Now let’s hope for some sunshine :)

    1. Tourism is vital to this country, but on the other hand... yeah... just because you own a house in Wales (which is a *whole* other politically fraught issue... you can sell a flat in London and buy a decent house in a beautiful setting here... which is good in some ways but not in others,) doesn't mean you can break Lockdown to enjoy yourself in comfort.

      Also, the coastguard had to get some English people's butts off an island they got stuck on a few weeks ago, when England was also supposed to be on Lockdown. Like, really dudes?! Y'know?

      Thanks! And yes, we made it to June! :) <3 And sunshine's ok, but heat's not! (I am *not* a nice person in the heat! Lol.)

  3. Happy birthday to your Nan! A similar thing is happening in the US with Coronavirus. The states are on their own to manage it, so each state has different rules. We just have to hope that people are staying in their own states and not traveling between them. I hope you’re having a good June!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks. I hope you're all keeping safe!

      The problem here is that the devolved nations have a... history... and a power imbalance.

      It's kind of like if New York expected Texas to 'follow their lead' and also insisted on referring to the NY restrictions as the USA restrictions... and also had murdered Texas' royal family several hundred years ago and then taken their coal and abandoned them to poverty when the coal industry declined while oppressing their language and identity and... I could go on, but this is rapidly becoming a rant! Lol.

      Have a good June! :)

  4. I'm so happy your Nan's home is COVID free and that the staff is excellent. I have started going out for brief masked outings--mostly quick pick up of online orders. Today I gave blood for the first time since lock down and although it stressed me before I left, the experience felt safe as they were taking temps as you walked in the door, everyone had masks, they were disinfecting everything after a person touched it, social distancing, and best of all, I was only 1 of 3 people donating (usually it's apacked waiting room). I still won't be dining out or grocery shopping. I hope all is going well for you in June!

    1. Thanks. That's good - I can't give blood because me and needles don't get along! Hope all is going well for you as well. :) <3


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