Wednesday 8 May 2019

Month in Review(s) - April 2019

April - well, April didn't have any work-related nose-bleeds, for a start!

Thanks to everyone for asking if I was ok, etc, last month - honestly I think you guys were a lot more worried about it than I was 😅

April title image with artsy girl in red coat holding an umbrella

On the one hand, April had Easter and chocolate and spring flowers, and all that awesome stuff!

Y'know, lots of fun stuff to enjoy and smile about! 😊

...but on the other hand, April was not good for me Depression-wise.

Yeah... not so fun.

Still, the doctor's upped my meds again, so hopefully I'll see a big difference soon! 😁

(See? I might be Depressed, but I'm an eternal optimist! 😅)

And I wrote a review in April! Hell yeah! 😎

So check out all the posts and stuff I wrote:

dividing line
Most Popular Posts

...once again, I appreciate that your tastes are as esoteric as mine! 😅

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Non-Review Posts

Comics Wrap-Up

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower

There's Always Something Different Going On - JOKER, Captain Marvel & more

Woke Up on the Wrong Side of Reality - X-Men: Dark Phoenix & more

And I Looked Up and Saw The Sun and That Was All That I Saw - Avengers: Endgame, Dark Phoenix, & more

If the World Needs One More Reason - Avengers: Endgame & more

Friday Fics Fix

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

A Future? - Draco Malfoy can see the future - his future... and it's with Harry Potter. Only Harry hates him... doesn't he?

Is This A Family Or A War-Zone? - The Umbrella Academy, Klaus Hargreeves, PTSD, and the butt-kicking power of fanfiction!

Easter in Haven - A weird Easter in one of my favourite fictional towns

Friends Don't Let Friends Execute Other Friends - Sometimes, Merlin's friends need to drag Arthur's head out of his butt

Nerd Church

Give Me Gareth Thomas Over Israel Folau, Any Day - Homophobia vs a Gay (and Welsh!) rugby icon

Happy Easter (or, Let's Respect Each Other, Yeah?) - There's room for respect of other beliefs at Easter

Hope Against Hatred - Holding onto hope in the face of the Sri Lanka attacks and the murder of Lyra McKee

Other Non-Review Posts

Review Posts

Adult Fiction

How was your April?
Talk to me! 😃💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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Last updated: 17th May 2019


  1. I love that you’re an optimist, Cee! I could use some of that sometimes haha! Happy May :)

  2. I did not know you were having work-related nose bleeds? I'm glad you didn't have any in April though! Lol. Sorry about your depression worsening, I hope the meds are helping <3

    1. Yeah... I may've been over-working just a smidge! So my body was like, 'Here's a spike of anxiety and a nose-bleed, take a goddamn break!' Subtler methods would've been welcomed, but y'know... Lol.

      The meds are starting to help. Still haven't been on the upped dose all that long, so it takes some time to have an effect. Thanks <3

  3. Hope you're okay! April was a very tough month for me, and I'm still struggling at least on the blogging front. But I've missed my blogger buddies (you included!) and I just wish I had more time to visit you all!!

    1. I'm... getting there! Thanks.

      You rock though Evelina, don't forget that! I haven't had as much time lately to visit other people's blogs etc. - but you can only do what you can do, y'know? <3

  4. I think your optimistic outlook will help you so much! I'm happy we have been connecting on Twitter--anytime you need a happy thought, GIF, encouragement, I'll be there!


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