Thursday 6 August 2020

Month in Review(s) - July 2020

July was a month that happened.

Is it bad that all of the months have just kind of squidged into one and I can't remember what happened in July vs what happened in June?

Can I blame the Dyscalculia for that, d'y'think? Or is it just me? (It's probably just me.)

'July - Gorffennaf' against an artsy sparkly/firey background

Anyhow, this is your reminder that the Coronavirus situation is NOT over, and you need to keep taking all the hygiene and distancing precautions.

(People who think 'it's all over' are... ARGH!) 


Looking ahead to August - my various regular series will be taking a break until September, so that I can try to get some blog admin. and pre-scheduling done.*

Plus, it does me good to take a break on Comics Wrap-Up, Friday Fics Fix, and Nerd Church, every so often, so that I can stop them from getting too same-y, and also make sure I don't get sick of writing them! :)

So in August I'll be posting an average of 1-2 blogposts per week, instead of my usual 3-4.

*I realise that I've made this plan many, many, times over the years. And not once has it actually worked out - because my luck sucks. 

But that's the thing about me, dearest nerdlets - I get back up again. (Maybe it's not smart - but it's true.)

So, naive though it may be, I'm going to try to get some posts pre-written (or at least pre-started,) and get some blog admin. done. 

(They don't warn you about the admin. before you become a blogger, and by the time you realise, it's too late!)dividing line

Most Popular Posts

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Mildly Amusing Searches

A semi-regular feature inspired by Cait @ Paper Fury, and other bloggers

harry potter gets stuck in a cupboard fanfiction drarry worries me, how often I see this search/similar searches. 

Still, whatever floats your boat! I gotcha covered.

And while you're here, there's an awesome UK charity called Mermaids that supports Trans kids - maybe follow their socials and support their work, donate if you can, etc.

Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-Binary people are people who exist outside the M/F gender binary, and can use whatever labels and pronouns they feel comfortable with.

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Non-Review Posts

Comics Wrap-Up

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols <3

We Might Have Started Singing Just A Little Soon - Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Falcon) & more

You Can't Spell 'Awesome' Without 'Me' - Nicole Maines (Nia Nal/Dreamer,) DC's Dark Nights: Death Metal, & more

The Clock Is Moving Hands To Midnight - Umbrella Academy & more

I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame - Project Power, Keanu Reeves, & more

Friday Fics Fix

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

A Blanket Cocoon - One for the angst-fans: Klaus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Acadamy. Vietnam. And Depression.

A Poisoned Brain - A Nia/Brainy fic for Supergirl fans with a heart!

A Shot of Venom - Venom, Eddie Brock, and some help from his ex-girlfriend's good-guy current-boyfriend!

The Fifth Beatle of the Family - Vanya Hargreeves is confronted by Klaus about that tell-all book.

The Trick of the Detail - Look, if you make a contract with Loki, you gotta make sure you nail the fine-print down tight, ok?!

Nerd Church

Online Responsibility (All the World's A Stage) - I explain social media using extended metaphors.

If I Had £1million... - My day-dreaming may not be that profligate, tbh.

Please, Spare Me Your Holier-Than-Thou, 'Look At Me,' Hypocrisy - I don't like hypocrisy, but if people are doing good things for bad reasons... are they still doing good?

Caffeinated Current Events: Re-writing the Headlines - I talk 2020's weirder news, while hyped up on coffee. A good time for all... I think.

Other Non-Review Posts

That's July!
How was yours?
Talk to me! 😘💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page


  1. Totally relate on how all the months have blurred together into one. That’s quarantine for you! Hope your August is great, Cee. And I hope you get a lot of stuff done during your break.

    1. Thanks Em! And it's not a break so much as a lessening of the huge amounts of tasks I expect myself to complete on a regular basis (Lol!) ;) <3

  2. When I wrote my wrap up, I also had no idea what happened in July. It was . . . exactly like all the other months in lockdown. Good luck with your blogging admin! That’s how I’m spending my day today. Have a great August.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Ha, it's not so much that it was exactly like the other months, so much as I can't remember where June ended and July began! Lol.

      Thanks - good luck with yours too!

  3. "They don't warn you about the admin. before you become a blogger, and by the time you realise, it's too late!" Oh my gosh is that true or what? That made me smile. :)

    Let's hope August is better than July haha! Hope you are well!!!!

    1. Ha, glad I could make you smile! We need to warn the newbs! Lol XD <3

      Hope everything's good with you! :)

  4. I feel the same about time as you do--I went from "What day is it?" to "What month are we in?" and the differences between days/weeks/months is too blurry. I'm starting to go out a bit more--mostly to the library to pick up holds or to the corner local dairy for a frozen yogurt treat. But anything else is still too risky in my mind. I remember finding excellent books to read by debut authors in July, including The Kinder Poison and Goddess in the Machine. Both had excellent worlds and well-drawn characters. If you read this in the afternoon--P'nawn da!

    1. Ha, p'nawn da Danielle! (Check me out, teaching the world Welsh one phrase at a time! Lol.)

      You have a corner local dairy...???? Like, where they milk the cows??? Or where they package the products??? Or, like an ice-cream shop, maybe??? I am v. confused. Because we don't have that. But then... we're not really big on frozen yoghurt either. I'm pretty sure I've never had frozen yoghurt, actually... :)


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!