Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label everyday life. Show all posts

Sunday 2 September 2018

Nerd Church - Work/Life/Blog/Whatever-Balance Is Hard! (Especially When You Have Cats)

Do you ever feel like there's just too much sh** going on?

Like, you got your work or school stuff, then you got your life/personal stuff, then you might have some other stuff to do with hobbies or passion projects or... welp, blogging!

illustrated business dude in suit juggling

Sunday 26 August 2018

Nerd Church - The Slow Process of Learning To Stop Straight-Passing

It's been about two years since I came out as Sexually Fluid.

And I'm so much happier in myself.

The Slow Process of Learning to Stop Straight-Passing title image with rainbow flowers and a rainbow symbol

The process of letting myself 'act Queer,' though?

That's still very much on-going.

So since it's my coming out anniversary, and also Pride Cymru weekend - and I'm Welsh and Queer - I figured I'd talk about it a li'l bit.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Nerd Church - Exam Results Advice (That's Also Pretty Good Advice For Life)

You want some advice for getting your exam results that also applies to many, many, other sections of life? Of course you do!

(Well, you do now. #JustGoWithIt. #EnjoyTheRide.)

stack of open books with pencils as bookmarks

Sunday 12 August 2018

Nerd Church - How Do We Decide When To Forgive?

Whether you're director James Gunn, YouTuber Jeffree Star, politician Boris Johnson, or the Archdruid of the Gorsedd*, you've made mistakes in your past (or present.)

Lord knows I've made plenty of mistakes in my life. And I'm guessing you have too, dearest nerdlets.

We're human, after all.

*What, you guys don't have an Archdruid?!?! Welp, Welsh people do. 😅

'Forgiveness' written in sand

But how do we decide when someone is worthy of our forgiveness?

How do we decide who is forgiven and who isn't? Do we have double-standards?

Sunday 5 August 2018

Nerd Church - Poor Towns and Ponderings

Look, the place I live in isn't rich.

empty wallet

Some people may call it poor. Some people may even call it a dive.

But it's OK. It's a lot less rough than a lot of the other places around.

The town my grandparents live in is a dive, with the best will in the world, I can't deny that.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Month in Review(s) - July 2018

Where did July go?!

Like... I know sometimes time goes quick, but really?!

July title image with funky grape and banana shapes

I think it's the heat.

I spent most of the month slouching around the house, trying to cool down, and being a generally not-nice person to be around.

Me + heat = grump monster! Lol.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Nerd Church - Meta Nerd Church

(Meta = about, or self-referential/self-aware.)

I've written over 150 Nerd Church posts since I started this series in February 2015.

Yes. That's how long ago I started Nerd Church.

(Please don't look at those first posts... it's not good! 😅)

lightbulb in a thought bubble

Sunday 22 July 2018

Nerd Church - Self-Care Is Vitally Important In Hot Weather

...of course, Self-Care is vitally important generally, but you get what I mean.

If you're in the middle of a heatwave like we are in the UK, then your Self-Care game needs to be sharp.

'Summer Self-Care' graphic with melting ice-cream against a blue sky, sprinkled with pink stars

Friday 20 July 2018

Friday Fics Fix - Westeros-by-Sea

'“I, er, can I try some?” Theon finally asks some twenty minutes after they come in, interrupting their chatter.

“Sure. There’s the changing room, knock yourself out.”

Theon disappears inside it with a stack of things.

“Well,” Mance says, his tone of voice suddenly dropping lower, “whatever happened to him sure as hell wasn’t a walk in the park.”'

I loooove it when fanfics experiment dammit! XD

And when I randomly find fanfiction that puts Game of Thrones characters in the modern-day, AND in my beloved Wales?!

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt

Wednesday 18 July 2018

2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Update #2

This is a challenge set by Caro @ Cat on the Bookshelf, and you can find out more about the rules etc. in my sign-up post.

Cat notepaper on desk reading '2018 Fanfiction Reading Challenge Hosted by Cat on the Bookshelf'

This quarter I read 96 fic-chapters.

Combined with last quarter's 63, that's 159 fic-chapters. (I hope. That's what the calculator said anyway.)

Wednesday 20 June 2018


If you have a Friday Fics Fix on your feed readers (or whatever you're using,) ignore it.

Damn thing published itself while I was writing a draft! Argh!

(I literally mean it published itself. I was effing typing at the time! Argh, my luck!)

Sunday 17 June 2018

Nerd Church - Embrace Procrastination (Ft. #Science)

I'm procrastinating right now.

There are about five different things that I need to do at the moment. And I'm not doing any of them.

Instead of sorting out various work stuff, or writing the Friday Fics Fix post that I (hopefully) posted last Friday, I'm writing this.

woman biting pencil while looking at laptop on desk

Sunday 10 June 2018

Nerd Church - What's the Purpose of Purpose?

Apologies in advance for the existential crises that I may very well spark with this post.

I think I'm on like my fifth or sixth quarter-life crisis, so... yeah.

If you're someone who gets freaked out by existential 'what am I doing with my life?' stuff, consider this your warning!

person holding a ? sign in front of their face

I've never really wondered about what my life's purpose is - my life's purpose is books.

I've never doubted that I'm on this planet to read and write.

I don't doubt it any more than we doubt as a species that we're on this planet to breathe, eat, and sleep.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Nerd Church - Reactive

My new favourite thing* is YouTube reaction videos.

Not of the clickbait-y type. (Y'know, where either the original video or the reaction is like 'you'll never guess what happened next!' or has some sort of cheap/misleading title? Those ain't my thing.)

video 'play' symbol in black against a red background

*Well... one of my favourite things, I'm a complex person dammit!

Sunday 20 May 2018

Nerd Church - The Basics of Self-Care

(Warning: this post includes frank discussions of a variety of mental health problems, including references to suicidal thoughts, and self-harm.)

May is Mental Health Month in the US, and 14th-20th May is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK.

umbrella protecting the words 'take care of yourself' from the rain

You've probably heard, at some point in the course of your internetage, the phrase 'self-care.'

Hopefully, what you've heard has been positive. Unfortunately, you may have heard others mocking people who practice self-care, or calling it selfish.

Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is vital for everyone.

Just as everyone has both mental and physical health, though not necessarily mental or physical health *problems,* likewise everyone can (and should) practice self-care as a way of keeping yourself as happy and healthy as possible.

Disclaimer time: I am not a medical or mental health professional. I'm a blogger with personal experiences of mental health problems - OK? OK

Wednesday 16 May 2018

I Liked Avengers: Infinity War, But I Didn't LOVE It. Here's Why. (SPOILER FILLED)

Leaving the cinema after watching Avengers: Infinity War, The Bestie turned to me and said:

'Do you get why I said that once you've seen it, you really wanna watch it again, like, straight away?!'

And me, a diehard Marvel fan, who loves the Marvel films 'til the end of the line, said:

'No... not really. It was ok, though.'

Title image with square patterned background: I Liked Avengers: Infinity War But I Didn't LOVE It Here's Why

Sunday 13 May 2018

Nerd Church - IRL?

We're living in a world where the lines between online and offline have become more wibbly than ever before.

So I've been thinking a lot lately about the difference between online and offline life.

(Yes, this post is probably going to meander quite a lot - you've been warned! 😉)

emoji plushies in an emoji box

Thursday 10 May 2018

Comics Wrap-Up - We Really Are Ants Now

comics wrap-up title image with woman handing a flower to her child-like shadow

I saw Avengers: Infinity War! I'm hoping to post a discussion-type-thing/random fangirlish thoughts next week - assuming I can keep a schedule for once! 😉

'Til then, let's see what I've got for ya this week: